Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total


Only got 4 sets of 2 in with 395 on squats and they were all pretty much RPE 10. I think I've been pushing too hard on lower body lifts lately just to keep making increases. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately either. Gonna start a deload week on Wednesday. Just hit a light 3-5x5 on the main lifts and then some pump work to get the blood flowing and see if I feel better next week.
Found out this morning my job is being "downsized" in the very near future. Only three non minimum wage jobs in the area that I know of, I'm hoping I can get on at the tire plant. 45 minute drive, but starts out at $15/hour and guaranteed $19/hour after six months.
Found out this morning my job is being "downsized" in the very near future. Only three non minimum wage jobs in the area that I know of, I'm hoping I can get on at the tire plant. 45 minute drive, but starts out at $15/hour and guaranteed $19/hour after six months.

That's shitty.. You seem like you have a good work ethic, and I've found in life as long as you don't give up when things get tough, you can actually end up in a better position than before things fell apart. Just gotta keep kicking ass and know what you're worth. If you feel you're worth $30 an hour, you'll find a way to make $30 an hour.
Thanks. The job market sucks where I am, only factory jobs and coal mines if you want decent money and have no education.

Every time I've applied for a decent job I just lied and said I had a 4.0 in high school and an associates in business management. I've found probably 4 out of 5 times they don't even verify if your transcripts are forged or not. Lol.... Like my job I just got, I don't even have a ged, and multiple class c felonies and I just bullshitted my way into a cushy office job. Lol
That's shitty.. You seem like you have a good work ethic, and I've found in life as long as you don't give up when things get tough, you can actually end up in a better position than before things fell apart. Just gotta keep kicking ass and know what you're worth. If you feel you're worth $30 an hour, you'll find a way to make $30 an hour.

Yeah, I'll be all good. With what I've been through in the last ten years a little thing like this is nothing.

Every time I've applied for a decent job I just lied and said I had a 4.0 in high school and an associates in business management. I've found probably 4 out of 5 times they don't even verify if your transcripts are forged or not. Lol.... Like my job I just got, I don't even have a ged, and multiple class c felonies and I just bullshitted my way into a cushy office job. Lol

Shouldn't be any need to lie for a factory job. They hire felons and only require a GED. The jobs that require an education I wouldn't be able to fake having the knowledge for anyway when it came time to perform the tasks at hand. For an office job I could see it working though.
Yeah, I'll be all good. With what I've been through in the last ten years a little thing like this is nothing.

Shouldn't be any need to lie for a factory job. They hire felons and only require a GED. The jobs that require an education I wouldn't be able to fake having the knowledge for anyway when it came time to perform the tasks at hand. For an office job I could see it working though.

Luckily I used to be a sales manager for my cousins company after I got out. Which basically everyone I was managing either just got out also or was on probation. Lol. Although the comoany was all sorts of fucked up it did give me the knowledge of sales and key management skills for the position. Also, it was a legitimate company that I can use as a reference so it works out perfect because you know ny cousin will lie his ass off to make me sounderstand 100x better than i am. Lol. The place I work at now I'm the junior sales manager working under a guy that's retiring in a couple months. My job basically consists of telling people they lost the sale because they're an idiot, sitting on facebook, and talking about football. Lol.

I just can't wait until I have kids so I can sit them down one day and tell them about my fucked up life. Lol

Weighted chin ups +45lbs for 4x5
Bodyweight chin ups 1x15
Hamstring curls 300 for 5x10
Weighted dips +90lbs for 5x10
Plate shrugs 5x30
Adductors with bands 3x20
Abductors with bands 3x20
Forgot to weigh

Deload day 1

Good morning 155 for 3x8
Double paused bench 185 for 5x5
Cable row 100x10, 110 for 4x5

Easy session, in and out in 30 minutes or so.