Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Just paid for some bloodwork. Gonna try to get that done on Thursday morning if possible. If not, then early next week. Got the usual stuff plus lipids and iron. I want to see where I'm at on cholesterol and also where my iron is after having to drain so much blood last year. I'll post the results when I get them.
Weight was 208lbs

Paused bench press 4x5 with 320
Five count paused squat 370x3, 330x3, 330x3
Slingshot bench 4x5 with 335

Hit my RPEs a little sooner than I'd have liked. I did some work that tired out my arms today. I'm wondering if my Slingshot is too big because I'm barely getting anything out of it. I got it when i weighed almost 240 and now I'm not much over 200.
Weight was 208lbs

Paused bench press 4x5 with 320
Five count paused squat 370x3, 330x3, 330x3
Slingshot bench 4x5 with 335

Hit my RPEs a little sooner than I'd have liked. I did some work that tired out my arms today. I'm wondering if my Slingshot is too big because I'm barely getting anything out of it. I got it when i weighed almost 240 and now I'm not much over 200.
How do you like the sling shot? I'm considering getting one.

I happened to step on a different scale this morning and came up with this. I'm going to need the opinion of a third scale, but this one being right makes sense with how far off my gym scale was compared to the one I weighed in on at my last meet.

On a related note maybe the buffalo bar actually weighs 60lbs, lol.
I'm gonna weigh myself other places and get to the bottom of this. On one hand if I'm under 200lbs I'm stronger than I thought at a lighter weight, but I'll feel small because I'm under 200lbs.

I hope you're not under 200 or that will make me feel pretty fat. Lol. Because you look bigger than I do, so if you weigh less than me, then apparently I'm a lot more fat than I think I am. Lol.
Squat 430x3, 390x3, 390x3, 390x3, 390x3

Above parallel box squat with wraps 460x1, 540x1, 555x1 (tried right about at sumo deadlift height today)

Bulgarian split squats 165x7, 165x7, 165x7, 165x7
View attachment 57074

Something doesn't add up unless my chucks weigh 8lbs or the other scale is way off.

Scales like the one in your first pic can get off calibrated very easily. the one in the second picture is probably much much more accurate. we have a few of those at my work and they are all within .25lbs of each other.

easiest way for the gym scale is to grab either a 45 or 25 plate and weight it. chances are the weight of the plate may be slightly lower than 45/25 from wear and tear but if its within .5lbs i would say your gym scale is accurate. my gym has a scale just like the second picture and it gets re-calibrated weekly luckily.
Scales like the one in your first pic can get off calibrated very easily. the one in the second picture is probably much much more accurate. we have a few of those at my work and they are all within .25lbs of each other.

easiest way for the gym scale is to grab either a 45 or 25 plate and weight it. chances are the weight of the plate may be slightly lower than 45/25 from wear and tear but if its within .5lbs i would say your gym scale is accurate. my gym has a scale just like the second picture and it gets re-calibrated weekly luckily.

Yeah, I got on an expensive home scale yesterday and it matches the gym scale.


I guess I've just questioned the gym scales ever since I weighed in way under at the last meet. Maybe their scales were off? Or maybe I really lost 10lbs the last few days before the meet, I don't know.
Yeah, i dont see losing 10lbs in a few days. maybe 5, 7 tops once you went fully into ketosis. chances are is that your gym scale was/is +1-4lbs, which i think is fairly common.

how much did you drop on the new home scale, i need to get one myself honestly.
Yeah, i dont see losing 10lbs in a few days. maybe 5, 7 tops once you went fully into ketosis. chances are is that your gym scale was/is +1-4lbs, which i think is fairly common.

how much did you drop on the new home scale, i need to get one myself honestly.

That one is my mom's. She said she got it on sale for $100, normally it's $150. I'm definitely going to invest in one before the next meet. I'm kicking myself for not getting one off amazon on black Friday when they were like 80% off.