Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Good luck and hopefully fences can be mended and you and your girl will be closer than ever as a result. While you both might not see eye to eye on things at least you can show you are willing to deal with things fairly. If there's issues needing to be dealt with there should be a good time to discuss them and work them out amicably.

I'm sure she'd love to spend time at your new home soon!

Chin ups 3x15
Hamstring curls 285 for 3x15
Weighted dips +90 for 3x10
Plate shrugs 3x30
Hammer curls 35's for 3x10
Adductors with bands 3x20
Abductors with bands 3x20
Kettlebell holds 3x45secs

Cut back on volume because my elbows are hurting and I'm exhausted from the weekend.

do hammer curls every training session. ive been doing those or some form of curl after every session and my elbows have been great. i havent used my compression cuffs on bench in weeks. only use them for squats. do a real slow eccentric with the curls, maybe 3-5 seconds and use light weight. just get blood flowing to the area.
do hammer curls every training session. ive been doing those or some form of curl after every session and my elbows have been great. i havent used my compression cuffs on bench in weeks. only use them for squats. do a real slow eccentric with the curls, maybe 3-5 seconds and use light weight. just get blood flowing to the area.

I'll give that a try tomorrow. Not having almost constant elbow pain would fantastic.
Nice idea, and I also find the arm bands help as well in keeping the tendons in place.

compression cuffs and sleeves help for sure. but they are just band aids. getting the tendon stronger and back into shape will be more beneficial long term.

I'm with you Perrin, I'm going to give it try as well. My right elbow hurts all the time. Not unbearable, just aggravating as fuck!

dont expect great things immediately with these. do them both for a couple weeks and they will help. roll out the forearm/elbow area before you lift and do the curls after you lift. that has been my routine and they have helped me a ton. it may still get aggravated once in a while but it never does in the gym now. always seem to get aggravated in the bedroom haha

@Perrin Aybara trust me i know how annyoing warming up and rolling out can be. i spend at least 30-45 mins now just getting ready to lift. but it has helped me a ton. roll out your forearms and whole elbow area everytime you train or everyday if youd like.
compression cuffs and sleeves help for sure. but they are just band aids. getting the tendon stronger and back into shape will be more beneficial long term.

dont expect great things immediately with these. do them both for a couple weeks and they will help. roll out the forearm/elbow area before you lift and do the curls after you lift. that has been my routine and they have helped me a ton. it may still get aggravated once in a while but it never does in the gym now. always seem to get aggravated in the bedroom haha

@Perrin Aybara trust me i know how annyoing warming up and rolling out can be. i spend at least 30-45 mins now just getting ready to lift. but it has helped me a ton. roll out your forearms and whole elbow area everytime you train or everyday if youd like.
Thanks for this suggestion. I've been having elbow pain for months. I'm definitely doing this.
@theprodgicalson I've got a lacrosse ball. I've done that a few times, just never stuck with it.

Thanks for this suggestion. I've been having elbow pain for months. I'm definitely doing this.

just sharing my experiences my man. i know the feeling alllllll to well. i could not even bench anything north of 295 in November because of elbow pain. havent had any issues.
go to the videos about forearms and do something similar with a lacrosse/softball/golf ball. i purchased two of the acumobilty balls and i like them alot. worth every penny especially with he videos they give you to help use them. you can pick up two of them for the price of a bottle of gear and is more than worth it in my eyes
I'm pulling a 16 hour dishwashing shift today. Gonna be a long and shitty day.

i feel that brother. eat the best you can. i know it can be difficult working that many hours and eating like we should

wednesdays and fridays i work 13-14 hour days every week. work for 8 hours at my day gig, go lift, then eat and go into my part time gig till 3 am and get up at 630.
i feel that brother. eat the best you can. i know it can be difficult working that many hours and eating like we should

wednesdays and fridays i work 13-14 hour days every week. work for 8 hours at my day gig, go lift, then eat and go into my part time gig till 3 am and get up at 630.

I'm going to do two shakes today, but I'm getting all my calories in. Had a decent breakfast and they ordered pizza for the employees. I'll probably be able to get my hands on leftovers throughout the night as well.
If you have floss bands you can add that in with Stretching and the lacrosse ball. It will help for sure.
Do those help a lot? I'm kinda confused by them. Do you keep the bands on while working out or just while stretching? I bought a go ball from meijer last night and rolled both my arms, forearms, elbows. Man did it hurt, I wasn't even pushing that hard.
Do those help a lot? I'm kinda confused by them. Do you keep the bands on while working out or just while stretching? I bought a go ball from meijer last night and rolled both my arms, forearms, elbows. Man did it hurt, I wasn't even pushing that hard.
I've put them on during my first two warm-ups. You can't keep them on for too long. They will cut your circulation off.

I'll use them on leg day and do body weight squats and take the knee through full range of motion. I'll usually start with the Super Nova ball. Then the band's. But you have to be consistent with using them.

Conventional deadlift 525x3, 475x3, 475x3
Slingshot bench 365x5, 345x5, 345x5, 345x5, 345x5
Wide cable rows just did a bunch of sets of 10
Also did some curls and kettlebell holds

Deadlift moved pretty good and no pain, so it's a win. I'd call it RPE 8ish. Bench i dropped the weight after the first set so i could get my volume in. It wasn't moving that well today. Only slept about four hours last night.
213lbs morning weight, definitely gaining

Competition bench 335x2, 335x2, 325x2, 325x2, 325x2, 325x2 (bench felt like absolute shit today. Tried dropping the weight and it still felt awful, so i called it.)

Box squat 460x3, 410x3, 410x3, 410x3, 410x3 (these moved great, wish i would have added 20lbs honestly)

Single arm dumbbell push press 100x5, 90x5, 90x5, 90x5, 90x5

