Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

I agree with all that. I've got to do something different though. Working my ass off for $8.25/hour is getting old. Driving isn't my ideal career, but $35k a year sounds like a fortune after making less than $20k. At the rate I'm going now I'll be lucky to make $8k this year. Medical sounds good, I didn't realize anyone could ever do that after a felony.

i completely understand that for sure! is there a class/course you can take prior to getting your CDL? and what classification are you going for? i have 2 buddies in the process of getting theirs. one has it but i think its a class B and he is going for his A

yeah, like i said, i could go in front of the state board and be denied and have to wait to apply again. i know a woman who went down and did time for robbing 2 banks and she is currently an RN. its definitely possible.
I agree with all that. I've got to do something different though. Working my ass off for $8.25/hour is getting old. Driving isn't my ideal career, but $35k a year sounds like a fortune after making less than $20k. At the rate I'm going now I'll be lucky to make $8k this year. Medical sounds good, I didn't realize anyone could ever do that after a felony.

Dont let being a felon deter you from anything my man. While its true certain jobs will never be available you can still make more money than most people without ever lying about your past.

Sales. Is where its at. Great money, benefits, ira/401 k. Just have the mindset that your a bad mother fucker and can do anything.

Which is the truth!
i completely understand that for sure! is there a class/course you can take prior to getting your CDL? and what classification are you going for? i have 2 buddies in the process of getting theirs. one has it but i think its a class B and he is going for his A

yeah, like i said, i could go in front of the state board and be denied and have to wait to apply again. i know a woman who went down and did time for robbing 2 banks and she is currently an RN. its definitely possible.

Yeah, it's a four week course for a Class A. It's $4200, but I think I can get my stepdad to loan it to me. Maybe give him my car title or something as collateral if he wants. Worst case get a loan because I have good credit.

Dont let being a felon deter you from anything my man. While its true certain jobs will never be available you can still make more money than most people without ever lying about your past.

Sales. Is where its at. Great money, benefits, ira/401 k. Just have the mindset that your a bad mother fucker and can do anything.

Which is the truth!

Thanks. I think I could do that even though I'm not a people person. I don't know that I'd enjoy it though or that there is much work in that field here in the rural Midwest.

Competition squat 410lbs for 10x2
Good mornings 320lbs for 3x5
Front squats 265x7, 265x7, 265x7, 265x6 almost lost my grip and racked it and called it.

Surprisingly great workout for waking up hurting as much as i did. Cut a few things short because i spent a lot of time talking. Some friends from the gym that i used to see in the evenings had the day off and hadn't seen me in over a month. Squats are coming along magnificently right now. The scale is moving up nicely as well. Not currently tracking calories because I'm eating a lot of food other people make. After I hit these short term goals I'm hopefully I'll have more money and life stability and I'll get my diet dialed back in to get my abs back. For now it's all about getting strong.
Uhhh are you kidding me dude? You better rock that thing, fuckin glorious!

And i think i speak for everyone when i say i am pretty interested what the funny story behind it is lol

That's what I thought. Not like anybody will say anything, lol. Gonna wear it tomorrow for deadlift. It's a medium, but I managed to squeeze it on a minute ago.

The story behind it is my mom and her sister don't speak because her sister refuses to help care for their mother who has severe dementia. My grandma's birthday is this week and my aunt mailed her a box of random gifts, including this shirt. Funny thing is everyone lives in the same town. She drove further to the post office than it would have been to my mom's house and paid $8.50 for shipping rather than just just drop it off. My mom was talking about throwing it all away and I was like, hold up, that'll make a magnificent gym shirt, lol.

My aunt is super petty. Her and her husband got my grandparent's old house just on a verbal contract that they'd pay $300/month. When my grandpa died they started trying to weasel out of it. For awhile my aunt would take my grandma grocery shopping.

I forget how it all came about, but her and my mom were getting into it over what groceries she bought because my grandma wasn't really supposed to have soda and candy. So my aunt started buying $300 worth of milk duds and soda every month and my grandma's house was stocked with tons of soda and milk duds. My mom went over there one time and cabinet after cabinet was literally full of soda and milk duds and my mom came unglued a little and started pouring all the soda down the drain and threw all the milk duds out.

At some point my aunt offered to mow my grandma's yard once a week for $75 a week. It's only one acre.

Then the final crazy proposition was my aunt would just stay with my grandma at her house for either $4k a month or $8k a month for so many years and she'd just take my grandma's new house as payment at the end. My grandma's house is worth like $400k, lol. And my mom and aunt have two brothers.

So yeah, they don't speak at all now.

Edit: my grandma lives with my mom right now. They're putting her new place up for sale next month. Didn't make that part clear.
That's what I thought. Not like anybody will say anything, lol. Gonna wear it tomorrow for deadlift. It's a medium, but I managed to squeeze it on a minute ago.

The story behind it is my mom and her sister don't speak because her sister refuses to help care for their mother who has severe dementia. My grandma's birthday is this week and my aunt mailed her a box of random gifts, including this shirt. Funny thing is everyone lives in the same town. She drove further to the post office than it would have been to my mom's house and paid $8.50 for shipping rather than just just drop it off. My mom was talking about throwing it all away and I was like, hold up, that'll make a magnificent gym shirt, lol.

My aunt is super petty. Her and her husband got my grandparent's old house just on a verbal contract that they'd pay $300/month. When my grandpa died they started trying to weasel out of it. For awhile my aunt would take my grandma grocery shopping.

I forget how it all came about, but her and my mom were getting into it over what groceries she bought because my grandma wasn't really supposed to have soda and candy. So my aunt started buying $300 worth of milk duds and soda every month and my grandma's house was stocked with tons of soda and milk duds. My mom went over there one time and cabinet after cabinet was literally full of soda and milk duds and my mom came unglued a little and started pouring all the soda down the drain and threw all the milk duds out.

At some point my aunt offered to mow my grandma's yard once a week for $75 a week. It's only one acre.

Then the final crazy proposition was my aunt would just stay with my grandma at her house for either $4k a month or $8k a month for so many years and she'd just take my grandma's new house as payment at the end. My grandma's house is worth like $400k, lol. And my mom and aunt have two brothers.

So yeah, they don't speak at all now.

Edit: my grandma lives with my mom right now. They're putting her new place up for sale next month. Didn't make that part clear.

Hoooooold up that is fucking beyond petty lmao!

Well atleast something good, that shirt, came out of all of this. Fuckin family drama, oy vey!
I mean it's damn near comical if poor gramma wasn't stuck in the middle of it.

I mean fuckin $300 dollars in soda and milk duds....fuckin a.

Yeah, that's the part I don't get. She doesn't even know or understand what's going on and she's the one that's getting done unfairly in all this. And throwing $300 a month just to prove a point or whatever. The things people do.
Soda and Milk Duds? Wow someone's elevator doesn't seem to go to the top floor lol. No hate just an observation.
It's all good. My aunt is definitely a little off. No question about it.

Thanks. Gonna rock it to the gym tomorrow for the lolz. Semi heavy deadlifts in a glorious cat shirt.
Think of all the stares you'll get rocking that shirt. You should cue up Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" to get you in the zone!
Yeah, that's the part I don't get. She doesn't even know or understand what's going on and she's the one that's getting done unfairly in all this. And throwing $300 a month just to prove a point or whatever. The things people do.

Thats what im saying, shit thats a lot of money. Damn near a months worth of groceries for me if spent wisely.
Thanks. Gonna rock it to the gym tomorrow for the lolz. Semi heavy deadlifts in a glorious cat shirt.

Guessing it's probably gonna add 20lbs to all lifts.
Think of all the stares you'll get rocking that shirt. You should cue up Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" to get you in the zone!
^^^this^^^ got to play eye of the tiger real loud. 100extra bonus points if its on a tape player like a Walkman with a speaker ;)