
I've been using razor blast (key lime cherry flav)

The pump is great, not all gittery --- and it actually list ingredients instead of saying proprietary blend bull shit---- had better for wake up like old jackd 3D but that stuff was bad on kidneys

Stuff taste pretty good to
Nice. Sounds tasty, lime and cherry is always a good flavor.usually haha
The last one I tried was craze. I liked if a lot. But I find these supps tend to keep me up at night. Need sleeep o_O
Thats because the old craze had some deviation of methamphetamine in it lol

I'm gonna tell u one that at least TASTE like it has meth in it is "methyl mass 2.1"
Taste like drinking a crushed up pill drink and tolerances to it quickly, but at least day one had me feeling like I had been up all night
I'm gonna tell u one that at least TASTE like it has meth in it is "methyl mass 2.1"
Taste like drinking a crushed up pill drink and tolerances to it quickly, but at least day one had me feeling like I had been up all night
Yep, and feeling crazy cracked out in the gym bouncing off the walls lmao
Ya I remember craze too, that shit gave me crazy pumps back in the day.
It sure did! The side effect I remember was that it makes you talk a lot. Sometimes after a workout I'd wonder why I blabbed so much to guys I barely knew at the gym lol
It sure did! The side effect I remember was that it makes you talk a lot. Sometimes after a workout I'd wonder why I blabbed so much to guys I barely knew at the gym lol
lmao I did notice that too. Felt like a common barfly.
Adrenal Rush...,. Looks like it would be a good pump...... Remember to cycle off pre workouts that have taurine in them:)
Prolly has a disclaimer don't drink more than one scoop in a 24 hour period, or every day for longer than 30 :)

Don't know what caffeine any hydrous is sounds like some meth making materials:) must be good

Let us know
I like DY Black Bombs !!

i know ive posted on this product before. and these arent the same ingredients, but it is the same description.

"in the 1960's, scientists discovered a rare combination of amphetamines o_O that caused euphoria, hyperactivity, increased awareness of surroundings, increased interest in repetitive activities, decreased appetite, and dramatic increases in whole-body metabolism. it wasn't long before partygoers got their hands on this powerful drug cocktail for the "high" experienced after taking just one pill! on the streets this drug was known as BLACK BOMBS or BLACK BOMBERS, and it quickly established a cult following.
in a joint scientific collaboration with the top pharmacology , biochemistry, and nutraceutical engineering experts in the supplement industry, dorian yates nutrition unleashes BLACK BOMBS - the bad ass fat burner of bodybuilding"

No shit u can't make meth out of it..... but anyhydrous ammonia is a ingredient for meth ..,. Hints why I said sounds like..... Thanks for clearing that shit up dont want someone making meth off a prework out