It's the fact you keep returning to blood work and an EKG that is the reason you are healthy.
Idk how long you have been blasting and I guess maybe because I work in health, I understand that cardiac changes/issues can happen overtime and it goes more than simply blood work.
People have told you in other threads that their EKG seems fine and then all of a sudden they have heart failure. We have told you it goes further past blood work, and I'm not going to go over basic medical knowledge and educate you. You should be doing that on your own.
Jin23 has mentioned a neurological toll on you but have you ever searched up neurologic health markers and if there are any?
You kept. saying "logically" but you have a limited understanding of health markers and you cannot draw a proper conclusion from your actions. It's like solving algebra when you do not understand multiplication.
People have tried to educate you, but you are trying to justify your actions. You kept saying it was "fear of the unknown".
Maybe jin is right and all these androgens over time have fucked your brain.
It's not just us, people in other threads have made comments about your practice but you refuse to listen.
I stopped reading his comments the moment he wrote that androgens don't affect his mental state. But even before he did that, it was obvious that he is so impulsive and adhd like, that it's impossible to talk to him. I also sense a hindrance of borderline personality disorder or some other unstable personality disorder. Just don't fall for his provocations, such people are excellent at it.
There is going to be literally hundreds of similar people on forums, that you're going to come across, as soon as you'll get through to this guy, it's going to be the next guy that you'll have to fight, explain and convince again, and again, ... We're not paid to do this.
He should have started the conversation like: "This is my reasoning, but if y'all are willing to fight my logic and scrutinize my writing in a non hostile discourse, I would be really grateful to y'all." But nobody comes off like that. And I'm not fighting anybody for the sake of getting through them, not anymore, I have nothing to gain. Pay me or ask me nicely at the get go, stop writing a gazilion word long posts and stop making a million threads in one day ... I mean why, why would I or anybody else do it? If you're such a god damn smart ass and a manipulator?
Aas cause gene transcription, epigenitc changes, they rew up the whole system, everything from the brain to the gonads. In the broadest of meaning, your biological age is going to skip a few decades, Markers of arterial health could serve as accurate non-invasive predictors of human biological and chronological age, but literally everything can happen. From early onset cognitive decline, dementia, adhd, to aterosclerosis, liver, kindey failure, I mean, every fucking thing is effected. The thing that will kill you is just the weakest link for you personally, it might be the heart, might not be, but it doesn't really matter all that much what will actually kill you, as you can have all sorts of medical problems that wont kill you but your life will revolve around doctors a lot and it's going to be a pita. Death is one thing, but being fucked up, or having multiple diagnosis, that are manageable or just going through the diagnostic procedures, not figuring out what is actually the problem, and suffering in between ... You know, when a smoker says "you got to die from something, either this, or a car might run me over ..." Well, the process of dying from lung cancer can take a decade of battling with the disease, and before that, you can have COPD, which is also a pita, and you and your family are suffering all this time ...
5 iu's of GH a sustainable trt+ approach? Think maybe like 1.5 iu. 200/200 test primo? Think maybe like 1500 ng/dl ... Or 700 ng/dl plus 50mg primo ... I mean really. Dying is a process. And it drags you and everybody else who is closest to you down in to the ground. Just having a spontaneous heart attack which actually results in you being dead and not having half of your face numb, or a brain hemorrhage that doesn't leave your right arm useless and in tremors is a blessing, honestly.