PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Random thought due to some "girl scout". :D When reading labs post on other forum's and then on Meso I get a feeling. I swear these guys(lab owner) set up shop and have already started 2 or 3 other handles to shill. Lol
Random thought due to some "girl scout". :D When reading labs post on other forum's and then on Meso I get a feeling. I swear these guys(lab owner) set up shop and have already started 2 or 3 other handles to shill. Lol
Or if someone asks about some source, the rep magically appears.
To bad your boss cannot comply with Meso's protocol. I would not suggest anyone buy from this guy until he complies!

Edit- @jbeg1985 I gotta be honest man I was furious when I read your thread. Mad at you and especially that cock sucker @Gutta.
Hope your recovery goes smooth bud get well.
Who the fuck is my boss?
And I didn't try it because I couldn't find any info. Ordered test e and tbol instead. Then hear the gh shit. Makes me not want to try the test or tbol. So I'm curious what's up with this vetting.
. So I'm curious what's up with this vetting.
Don't worry about members just worry about the scamming, dirty, snake oil selling motherfucker's that come here.
This lab has had batches of raws that were tested bunk. He also uses a guy "jano" to do his testing. Jano is shady at best and his work shouldn't be trusted imo.So this needs to be told to members as "Vetting" and board saftey. Is that ok with you shill? Good!
Haha I'd give you my reddit name but you'd never have time to look it up, your too busy with your theories on shills and reps.

Cue X Files music.
Actually ALL sources are resellers
nobody is going to risk a lab worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of $ to have it seized
large MANUFACTURERS only sell their products to countries where gear is legal (they don't care what happens afterwards)
much less for so many different products PPL claims to have, nobody manufactures all that in a single factory

nothing wrong with being a reseller
but it looks like this is not the first PPL lie.