PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Anyone have to have a sig for intl packs? I never had to in the past. Just curious if anyone has had to lately.
i was told this in private, but i suppose it doesn't matter now whether i let the cat out of the bag or not...

Swole Panda told me that if there are anymore complaints in this thread, he's shutting down production, moving to Japan and will make his livelihood manufacturing and selling vintage style cuckoo clock and cuckoo clock accessories.
i was told this in private, but i suppose it doesn't matter now whether i let the cat out of the bag or not...

Swole Panda told me that if there are anymore complaints in this thread, he's shutting down production, moving to Japan and will make his livelihood manufacturing and selling vintage style cuckoo clock and cuckoo clock accessories.

He'd fuck that up too.
Signing or not signing doesn't matter in a conviction. Trust me.

Possession is possession.

Someone posted a news link to the domestic bust awhile back that said something along the lines of, Cooper... Pooter... Whatever the fuck his name was, received the package and wrote "return to sender" on it, then set it aside.

They knew what was in it. He took possession of it and this bro law loop hole didn't do fuck all for him.
Possession is possession.

Someone posted a news link to the domestic bust awhile back that said something along the lines of, Cooper... Pooter... Whatever the fuck his name was, received the package and wrote "return to sender" on it, then set it aside.

They knew what was in it. He took possession of it and this bro law loop hole didn't do fuck all for him.
I’m assuming they raided and found other AAS as well. Would it help in court at all if you did what he did but had a clean house. Not signing for it in this scenario
I’m assuming they raided and found other AAS as well. Would it help in court at all if you did what he did but had a clean house. Not signing for it in this scenario

Good question. There's room for plausible deniability, but once they know you're in possession of it, you're getting arrested, regardless.

That would then be a battle for a lawyer to fight.

You figure, there has to be something that can be done, or any jilted ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend could fuck their ex over by sending them a hot package in the mail.
Good question. There's room for plausible deniability, but once they know you're in possession of it, you're getting arrested, regardless.

That would then be a battle for a lawyer to fight.

You figure, there has to be something that can be done, or any jilted ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend could fuck their ex over by sending them a hot package in the mail.

They would need to prove (or disprove) mens rea for that to stick so it’s important to have a smart attorney. An example, if I drove someone to the store and they decided to rob the pharmacy without my knowledge the actus reus is there but no mens rea. You need both elements for a crime. A lawyer would be able to explain this better than I.

Actus reus=guilty act
Mens rea=intent or guilty intent
Possession is possession.

Someone posted a news link to the domestic bust awhile back that said something along the lines of, Cooper... Pooter... Whatever the fuck his name was, received the package and wrote "return to sender" on it, then set it aside.

They knew what was in it. He took possession of it and this bro law loop hole didn't do fuck all for him.

Exactly. Signing doesn't matter.
Since we're being violent i have a serious legal question. If I go to someone's house and knock on the door and then beat tf out of him when he answers, what are the consequences of my actions if he presses charges?
Prison and strike
Real bad idea i had a good idea like this one time but I didn’t knock on the door I just walked in and got his ass while he was still sleeping ..... then let him get up and put his shoes on and got his ass again ..... then pepper sprayed him and left .... definitely wasn’t my best idea