Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

anytime you order something from china its a federal offense its not state or county. anytime it crosses states its a federal crime. You guys are crazy here lol
The ones here that act untouchable with ordering illegal substances thru the mail will be the ones ratting out their friends when they get popped. SO be it
Dont act so fucking naive when ordering illegal substances and maybe listen to people that have gone thru it or know someone that has. Its good knowledge. Like wake up
However hgh isnt a controlled substance or a scheduled drug in some states. However it still falls under the bullishit steriod act law which is a felony. Lots more wiggle room with hgh vs steriods. Thats why my boy sourced it then steriods. Penalty much less and more wiggle room
Dont give me this bullshit about nothing illegal about possessing or having it. Well dumbass how you gonna get it then. God gonna drop it in your lap walking down the street one day?
same shit with test of course you can posses it if you have a script. But you cant be ordering the shit online from china. Rant over
I received an international DHL to US from QSC in September. No signature required, just showed on my front porch like any other shipment. 3 days transit.
Thanks, I’m gonna place my order when Tracy gets back. I probably won’t sign if they do end up asking, and chalk it up to losses, consequence of me not planning ahead. It’s a small chance anything bad would ever happen, but I’d rather maintain plausible deniability.
my friend got fed time for hgh.. Gotta love these know it all interneters lol He was a source though but only hgh
The law is to keep physicians from prescribing steroids for off label uses like body building and an ammendment was later added to include hgh, but whatever. You think you're right so go ahead and try to scare people on here with your irrational fears. I'm done discussing this.
not scaring anyone just be careful and dont think you are untouchable. I order a lot just right and wrong ways of doing things
Dont act so fucking naive when ordering illegal substances and maybe listen to people that have gone thru it or know someone that has. Its good knowledge. Like wake up
“don’t be a pussy bro cops dont care worst happens they just take it for themselves!” I’ve heard it all. You would never see people talking like this in other types of markets.
bro you are a clown. We are here talking about ordering hgh and recieiving it. Grow up its illegal
It’s always so obvious the ones that have zero life experience of their own on a subject but always have a friend. Sign. Don’t sign. Leave it at the post office. Stare at it out your window for three days before you run out there in the middle of the night when you think the coast is clear for all I give a shit. Your brand new bro come back when your balls drop.
In all fairness it’s rare you’ll need to sign. Few mo ago customs cut a pack of mine open because the seller decided to thro some protein powder in with my humas. Cut the powder wide open and threw it back in the box. that shits was everywhere. Lol. had to pick up at the post office and sign for it.
The last 2 peptide orders from qsc have had vials with loose caps and no vacuum. I would imagine it loses being sterile that way.
Every order of oils ive gotten has been awesome. No problems there. Not sure why they keep having problems with the peptide side of the business.