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Went from 205 to 133 on Tirz. Before the tirz i was using Phentermine while going to the gym that helped knock off like 15ish pounds. I just had too much going on the last couple months and havnt stepped foot in the gym and got lazy with the protein. I have an elliptical at home and while I was staying consistent with that I had some serious glutes.
Guess who also got lazy with my at HOME routine? :rolleyes:
So since I dropped the glp-1 down to 2.5 mg and I'm obviously going to up my protein by a lot.... what would you suggest I add if anything to help build muscle back? Specifically my glutes
My wife lost a lot of weight on tirz. She lifts and eats a lot of protein. Hard to say if she lost any muscle. Probably, since she didnt use any aas/gh during, but you can't tell.

She's gonna taper down from 12.5mg tirz slowly and raise the calories slowly, to bulk up.

She's used anavar. She wants to try primo e next year.

She squats, dead lifts, hip thrusts, bulgarian squats. Amongst other things for legs/glutes. Squat and deads relatively heavy, 5reps. All the accessory work 10+reps.
For bodybuilders or for many of the people that frequent this forum that lift 5-6 days a week, absolutely. The other 99% of the population? Not so much.

Even most of the people who try to adopt this lifestyle fail. Think about the gym every January which gets overrun with all the New Year’s resolution folks. By March 95% of them are all gone and things get back to normal.
Some recent sociology articles state that there are less people making 'new year resolutions' these days. Hypothesis is now that the January-February gym flooders are people that are feeling guilty about their eating/exercise habits from thanksgiving through christmas. Some weigh themselves and see a few lbs extra.. Then they proceed to hit the gym hard in January, but relent as soon as they lose a couple of pounds (even if it's all water weight) :)