Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

If you need to take a line to get your hair cut, something is seriously wrong with you.

I can understand (but not recommend) that you need/want to take a line to get energy to party as that hot girl who used to ignore you, finally calls you at night...
...after a hard day's work + study

but snorting just for a haircut?
I never said he needed to snort a line to get a hair cut. There are functioning addicts who get high while they accomplish more then you will in a day. He was going about his normal daily routine and decided to do a line for whatever fucking reason. On the other hand maybe he wasn't getting a hair cut and just did a fucking line cause he felt like it but we can't know unless we see if his haircut is finished or not. Point being he was snorting something at the time of his heart attack. Period.
She may be right. If they found coke wouldnt authorities be bringing charges of some sort against her? I havent heard anything yet in that regard

She seems honest and her willingness to set the record straight is admirable

And how would they prove "possession" in the house of a dead man.

Most criminal cases go to court
bc the DA honestly believes he/she can WIN
It's unfortunate but IME it's quite likely RPs cardiac death was preventable had he been followed by a Doc familiar with the adverse cardiac effects of PEDs, GH and AAS in particular.

I say this bc by ALL accounts RP
felt medical "check ups" were
just another unnecessary step for those who "were in tune with their body".

If anyone is aware of info about RPs medical history, whether pro or con, please post it.

It's unfortunate but IME it's quite likely RPs cardiac death was preventable had he been followed by a Doc familiar with the adverse cardiac effects of PEDs, GH and AAS in particular.


I totally agree with this statement. They let me dad go from the hospital and 30hrs later suffered a massive heart attack and no I can't sue them. Been down that road.
I just query whether RP ever had a cardiac eval performed.

I mean from an ECG to a Sono or
Thallium study ------ anything

Sometimes being a "man" is being foolish

I never meet him but from what I've read he just sounds like the kind of fella who would be more inclined to ignore cardiac symptoms or attribute them to less serious causes like "indigestion".

IDK just trying to find something positive in his death so others can
modify their PED use or lifestyle accordingly.

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I just query whether RP ever had a cardiac eval performed.

I mean from an ECG to a Sono or
Thallium study ------ anything

Sometimes being a "man" is being foolish

I never meet him but from what I've read he just sounds like the kind of fella who would be more inclined to ignore cardiac symptoms or attribute them to less serious causes like "indigestion".

IDK just trying to find something positive in his death so others can
modify their PED use or lifestyle accordingly.

Sometimes I don't understand what your talking like when you say thallium or Sono but Rich was aware that he had an enlarged heart. This also caused some problems before hand with him.

I don't know if any of that changes anything or not but...ya.
1- Sometimes I don't understand what your talking about

2 - like when you say thallium or Sono but Rich

3- was aware that he had an enlarged heart. This also caused some problems before hand with him.

1- Sure sorry bout that

2- Both are tests to define in relative terms "cardiac risk".

In brief a THALLIUM perfusion scan is often used to define areas of reduced cardiac blood flow often due to "hardening of the arteries", while a "Sono", in this instance better termed an ECHOCARDIOGRAM is used to evaluate structural heart disease
such as bad valves, or to further categorize those who have an "enlarged heart".

3- if that was the case, I suppose he must have known the risks of running AAS at such high doses was like asking for trouble OR perhaps he elected or actually believed it was the reversible form of cardiomegaly commonly referred to as "athletes heart".

Thx for the update
1- Sure sorry bout that

2- Both are tests to define in relative terms "cardiac risk".

In brief a THALLIUM perfusion scan is often used to define areas of reduced cardiac blood flow often due to "hardening of the arteries", while a "Sono", in this instance better termed an ECHOCARDIOGRAM is used to evaluate structural heart disease
such as bad valves, or to further categorize those who have an "enlarged heart".

3- if that was the case, I suppose he must have known the risks of running AAS at such high doses was like asking for trouble OR perhaps he elected or actually believed it was the reversible form of cardiomegaly commonly referred to as "athletes heart".

Thx for the update
Jim, is cardiac remodeling from AAS reversible? Also, how true is it that certain bp meds can prevent heart remodeling?
I like how people on here are stuck on the coke haircut shit..
" rich was an unconventional guy, he liked to snort his pre work out ::shrug:: what can I say " holy shit smh....