Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

The white substance is said to be adderal which he has a script for.
He died of a heart attack.
Dave Palumbo says steroids didnt kill him, his large size put stress on his heart. Ok, then how did he get his large size? Was it magic or steroids? Steroids got him to three hundred pounds, am i correct? Does anyone beieve Piana would be three hundred pounds of muscle without steroids?
Dont steroids negatively affect your lipod profile? Dont steroids thicken your blood?
Steroids didnt directly kill him but to say steroids played no part is just silly.
Mark Bell said the white powder was oxy can anyone confirm that?
I think Mark said "it's rumored rich died of an oxycotin overdose, and Dallas died of an insulin shot" . The rumors are centered around @theunnaturaloffical_ saying Jonathan/Johnny Lemkin supposedly sold Rich synthetic oxycotin. Check out that IG page
Steroids didnt directly kill him but to say steroids played no part is just silly.

Who said steroids played no part? We all know the potential consequences of long term steroid abuse. The Daily Mail hackjob article - and more to follow, I'm sure - claim Piana OD'd on steroids, which is pure bullshit.

Dave Palumbo interviewed Lee Priest recently and they both agreed that steroid users and athletes in general should have their hearts checked regularly - EKGs, stress tests, ultrasounds, etc. Years of strenuous exercise, with or without steroids, can cause an enlarged heart. An underlying condition we may not know we have can eventually make problems worse. Good advice, IMO.
The white substance is said to be adderal which he has a script for.
He died of a heart attack.
Dave Palumbo says steroids didnt kill him, his large size put stress on his heart. Ok, then how did he get his large size? Was it magic or steroids? Steroids got him to three hundred pounds, am i correct? Does anyone beieve Piana would be three hundred pounds of muscle without steroids?
Dont steroids negatively affect your lipod profile? Dont steroids thicken your blood?
Steroids didnt directly kill him but to say steroids played no part is just silly.
I'm not hear to argue with anyone but think of it this way. If a fat man had a heart attack and someone asked you how he died what would you say? He had a heart attack. Which was caused from? Being over weight and big. Same thing with muscle in Rich's case. You don't say "oh, he died from over eating" do you? I think there were plenty of contributors.
Sometimes being a "man" is being foolish

I never meet him but from what I've read he just sounds like the kind of fella who would be more inclined to ignore cardiac symptoms or attribute them to less serious causes like "indigestion".

Rich Piana didn't like going to the doctor and had unexplained vomiting and shortness of breath in the days before his heart attack according to his girlfriend:

“They said he had no chance of a meaningful recovery and he was in a vegetative state,” Jansen told PEOPLE exclusively. “I said, ‘It’s a good thing it’s not up to me, because I love him so much I’m too selfish to make that decision [to take him off life support].’ He was breathing on his own for nearly a week, and then he just let go.”

"She said she had suspected that something was wrong with Piana, who has a history of steroid use, a few days prior to his heart attack, when the couple was visiting Los Angeles and Piana had two episodes of vomiting and difficultly breathing. She pushed him to go to the hospital, but Piana kept refusing.

"He hates going to the doctor, he hates going to the hospital; so he was just like, ‘No I’m fine,’ ” Jansen says. “He was the kind of guy who wouldn’t tell you he wasn’t feeling well. He was just real stubborn. He didn’t want to show that he was in pain or hurt
Didn't he claim to cycle on and off ?? He never stayed on? He was a big boy. Muscle or not, I don't think it's healthy being that big.
Is vomitting a sign of impending death with known heart problems?
I can't see the video @Millard Baker posted but I don't think so. Unless that was sarcasm. Like I said my old man was in a similar position Rich was and he didn't tell me he was in the hospital the day before either so I doubt he would have told me he was throwing up. Still think it was a number of things that were a contributing factor.
Throwing this out there, I read the last cycle rich ran, "3 month get fucking huge cycle". Cutting out long esters right as they were getting to work, like He ran nandrolone D for just 6 weeks, tren E and EQ for like 4 weeks.

The worst was how he ran 6 weeks of dbol followed by 4 weeks of anadrol. Doses up to 150MG of each.
Felt like he didn't even know how to cycle. Who runs 10 weeks straight of these orals?

Rich Piana didn't like going to the doctor and had unexplained vomiting and shortness of breath in the days before his heart attack according to his girlfriend:

“They said he had no chance of a meaningful recovery and he was in a vegetative state,” Jansen told PEOPLE exclusively. “I said, ‘It’s a good thing it’s not up to me, because I love him so much I’m too selfish to make that decision [to take him off life support].’ He was breathing on his own for nearly a week, and then he just let go.”

"She said she had suspected that something was wrong with Piana, who has a history of steroid use, a few days prior to his heart attack, when the couple was visiting Los Angeles and Piana had two episodes of vomiting and difficultly breathing. She pushed him to go to the hospital, but Piana kept refusing.

"He hates going to the doctor, he hates going to the hospital; so he was just like, ‘No I’m fine,’ ” Jansen says. “He was the kind of guy who wouldn’t tell you he wasn’t feeling well. He was just real stubborn. He didn’t want to show that he was in pain or hurt

Sometimes being a "man" is being foolish


Call it what you like death wish whatever but RP didn't seem to appreciate the fact life and our health
is precious, either can be gone IN SECONDS
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I can't see the video @Millard Baker
Still think it was a number of things that were a contributing factor.

Yep and the question then becomes which one of these factors were modifiable?

To that end although AAS appear to be a RF for cardiomyopathy it's unknown to what extent they play in INDIVIDUAL patients with "heart disease".

What's more concerning is RPs use of stimulant drugs such as cocaine which are WELL ESTABLISHED arrhythmiogenic

This fact is particularly troubling
bc patients with HD are more inclined to develop arrhythmias and the use of stimulant drugs only add insult to injury.

Yep and the question then becomes which one of these factors were modifiable?

To that end although AAS appear to be a RF for cardiomyopathy it's unknown to what extent they play in INDIVIDUAL patients with "heart disease".

What's more concerning is RPs use of stimulant drugs such as cocaine which are WELL ESTABLISHED arrhythmiogenic

This fact is particularly troubling
bc patients with HD are more inclined to develop arrhythmias and the use of stimulant drugs only add insult to injury.


My dad said that the coke would help you diet by suppressing your appetite, get you high and give you energy to workout when you were carb depleted. Of course it was easy to get addicted to.
My dad stopped all that at 35 when he had my brother and I. So maybe if Rich stopped he would have lived into his 60s.
He did said he would try and hit 300 lbs even if it killed him..... And he said it over and over. I have heard this come out of many peoples mouths before they died. I am going to do such and suchh even if it kills me.
He did said he would try and hit 300 lbs even if it killed him..... And he said it over and over. I have heard this come out of many peoples mouths before they died. I am going to do such and suchh even if it kills me.
I really don't understand why. He never really got lean and ive never seen him hit any major weight.