Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

It's important to know medically induced coma is almost exclusively used for folk with established BRAIN INJURY.

And brain injury of this sort is typically the result of TWO broad insults, oxygen deprivation and trauma.

Both of these insults result in varying degrees of swelling which is poorly tolerated bc the brain is enclosed within the cranial vault, with the net effect being reduced blood flow.

Medical comas are thought to be useful in select folk bc it SLOWS metabolic demand, and allows more time for healing.

DRUG OVERDOSE is NOT a reason for a medical coma per se,

However anoxic injury is a final common pathway of many medically induced coma patients bc "overdose" of certain CNS depressant drugs can overwhelm a patients ability TO BREATHE.

Many OD patients often require active measures such as intubation and the use of paralytic drugs and/or sedative to control their "combativeness" pending clearance of the responsible drug -------

While another subset of patients have clinical features of BRAIN INJURY bc they were "found down" unresponsive for an unknown period of time AND are said to be placed in a medical coma USING the SAME DRUGS -----

The difference generally lies in the duration of, and rationale for, "active measures", NONE of which we or the media are privy to!

Time well tell.

Rich is the type of MFer to call 911 for an ambulance then have a heart attack.

Gotta confuse the heart god damn it!

Right babe?
Hope he gets straightened out. Wonder if the synthol abuse had something to do w it
I think that the guy is an absolute cunt as far as the advice that he hands out, but I hope that he's alright.

Agreed and in spite of RP being the epitome of whats wrong with PED forums he serves a useful purpose ------- he ensures others understand what a significant impact an allegiance to PED sales can influence commentary.

Nonetheless I wish him a speedy recovery.
he does admit using ambien in his vids. So I wouldnt be surprised if he used pain killers or something.
He admitted to be a big fan of GHB, maybe this was his one time too much. Whatever the cause I really hope he pulls through this.
Surprising.... Not really. The guy lives on the edge. With the amount of aas and other drugs /alcohol he puts in his system it was only a matter of time before something bad happened.

And you have to wonder if it was all just for fame and fortune... Sure, he's got a million followers on IG.. He makes good money, he's a well known personality, but it all means shit when you're dead at a young age...
Goodluck Rich Piana , I hope you pull thru ... You dumbass . If you make it out of this your gonna have to change , or die . You cant keep dumping large amounts of "who knows what chemicals" into the human body without some problems eventually. Those "cosmo"-trips to Mexico probably didnt help either ....:confused: :rolleyes: ~Ogh