Rich Piana in coma possible overdose?

Looked Great before
Now he looks foolish. Thats what vanity gets ya. When you cant build it. Implant it
Stupid asshole

In his case vanity & fame , hanging out with the Santa Monica/Hollywood crowd makes you take chances in order to be greater and greater and to stay on top . The pressure (and money) is tremendous...
He may be a "liability" of sorts for AAS and their responsible use, but it's never good to see something like this happen to a fellow lifter. Hope he pulls through and walks away with a valuable lesson learned.
My guess is that the steroid abuse caught up to him and he had a seizure or anerysm from high blood pressure. They put him in a coma cause of swelling of the brain.
To be fair to rich, we don't even know what happened. He could have just slipped and fell and hit his head, nothing related to drugs or any such thing. Personally hope he pulls through, never a good thing to hear about no matter who the person is [emoji30].

Unless you are honey boo boo... honey boo boo can fall and hit her head and I'll be ok.
To be fair to rich, we don't even know what happened. He could have just slipped and fell and hit his head, nothing related to drugs or any such thing. Personally hope he pulls through, never a good thing to hear about no matter who the person is [emoji30].

Unless you are honey boo boo... honey boo boo can fall and hit her head and I'll be ok.

I really like the guy to be honest. I think he's great for the sport! Makes it entertaining and fun to follow. Hope he is ok and we can see a video from him in the next week or so.
To be fair to rich, we don't even know what happened. He could have just slipped and fell and hit his head, nothing related to drugs or any such thing. Personally hope he pulls through, never a good thing to hear about no matter who the person is [emoji30].

Unless you are honey boo boo... honey boo boo can fall and hit her head and I'll be ok.


I hope he get well
Chanel just posted

I will not be posting any updates after this until further notice. I just want to be clear @1dayyoumay is STILL ALIVE. All myself and his family are asking for is POSITIVE thoughts, prayers and love. PLEASE I'm BEGGING you all to have some respect and realize how EXTREMELY difficult this is for us. Thank you to all of you staying positive and sending us wishes, prayers and love. We appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Well, hopefully the treatment helps... it gave Jerry Doyle (Bab5, soap opera, and talk radio guy) more than a decade of life after his if I recall...
Chanel just posted

I will not be posting any updates after this until further notice. I just want to be clear @1dayyoumay is STILL ALIVE. All myself and his family are asking for is POSITIVE thoughts, prayers and love. PLEASE I'm BEGGING you all to have some respect and realize how EXTREMELY difficult this is for us. Thank you to all of you staying positive and sending us wishes, prayers and love. We appreciate it more than you will ever know.

That does not sound promising at all.
Total dbag and has led some kids down the wrong path for sure but I don't wish death on anyone so hoping he pulls through then wakes the Fuck up!!!
I really like the guy to be honest. I think he's great for the sport! Makes it entertaining and fun to follow. Hope he is ok and we can see a video from him in the next week or so.
Yeah just like nothing ever happened. Rich is a bit of a potato and yes entertaining.
I'm not joking when I say this so take it for what its worth. The guy pumps so much shit in his system on a daily basis. Not only is he taking massive cycles but he also is pumping his body with 3 or 4 scoops of his pre workout per day. There is like 400 mg of fucking caffeine per scoop in that stuff. God knows what else he adds to it.

His body is reacting in a negative manner to all of that shit.
It's important to know medically induced coma is almost exclusively used for folk with established BRAIN INJURY.

And brain injury of this sort is typically the result of TWO broad insults, oxygen deprivation and trauma.

Both of these insults result in varying degrees of swelling which is poorly tolerated bc the brain is enclosed within the cranial vault, with the net effect being reduced blood flow.

Medical comas are thought to be useful in select folk bc it SLOWS metabolic demand, and allows more time for healing.

DRUG OVERDOSE is NOT a reason for a medical coma per se,

However anoxic injury is a final common pathway of many medically induced coma patients bc "overdose" of certain CNS depressant drugs can overwhelm a patients ability TO BREATHE.

Many OD patients often require active measures such as intubation and the use of paralytic drugs and/or sedative to control their "combativeness" pending clearance of the responsible drug -------

While another subset of patients have clinical features of BRAIN INJURY bc they were "found down" unresponsive for an unknown period of time AND are said to be placed in a medical coma USING the SAME DRUGS -----

The difference generally lies in the duration of, and rationale for, "active measures", NONE of which we or the media are privy to!

Time well tell.


Almost word for word what another youtuber said this morning....
Maybe he was using Nubain?

(Taken from LEGAL MUSCLE by Rick Collins)

Q: I saw a recent HBO documentary about an extreme fighter hooked on Nubain. Is Nubain a controlled substance?

A: Nalbuphine (pronounced "NAL-byou-feen") hydrochloride, commonly called by the brand name Nubain® or simply "Bain," is an injectable synthetic prescription drug common among some bodybuilders who use it for its reported ability to take the edge off dieting, to improve fat burning by increasing T-3 uptake, and mostly as a mild analgesic to alleviate the various pains associated with heavy training. It provides a "functional high" and a slight numbing effect that doesn't interfere with ordinary activities, including lifting. Doesn't sound too shabby, huh? Well, read on before drawing any conclusions.

Once upon a time, nalbuphine was a controlled substance. Like most other opiates, it fell within Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. § 812) as a drug deemed to have a high potential for abuse that may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. But in 1973, a pharmaceutical company looking to make money marketing the drug made a pitch claiming that nalbuphine did not have sufficient potential for abuse to justify its continued control. They made an appealing case. Like morphine, nalbuphine is a painkiller that exerts agonistic or stimulating effects on the body's opiate receptors. But unlike morphine, nalbuphine is also an antagonist or blocker to certain opiate receptors. The result of this mixed agonist/antagonist character is a built-in "ceiling" or safety net that provides a mild analgesic effect without the euphoria or potential for deadly overdose associated with morphine and other opiates. This self-inhibiting and non-toxic character makes nalbuphine significantly less attractive to typical drug addicts. Accordingly, nalbuphine can be argued to be much less addictive than other opiates. Well, the FDA bought the argument. They recommended to the DEA that nalbuphine be removed entirely from the schedules of controlled substances, conveniently paving the way for the drug company's profits. The DEA obliged, and to this day nalbuphine remains specifically excluded from the list (see 21 C.F.R. § 1308.12). The DEA just doesn't view it as a drug of abuse.

But anecdotal accounts say otherwise. While extreme fighter Mark Kerr in the HBO report appeared to be additionally using various other opiates, reports of psychological addiction to nalbuphine abound. A few elite level bodybuilders have publicly described their experiences with nalbuphine dependency. Online bodybuilding forums regularly detail various nalbuphine abuse stories. State law enforcement authorities have begun to take interest in physicians who facilitate non-medical nalbuphine users, and one physician was recently convicted for prescribing nalbuphine for other than legitimate and therapeutic purposes (see, State v. Clausing, 15 P.3d 203 (2001).) While controversy continues over the nature and intensity of nalbuphine addiction, there's no doubt that a certain percentage of users get a little too used to the pain relief and mellowing that nalbuphine provides. As a user's tolerance increases, dosages can edge up, intravenous injections can become preferable to intramuscular ones, and shooting up throughout the day can become a routine and vital part of life.

However you might feel about the ethics of administering steroids as a tool for muscle building, nalbuphine use may be quite different. Some bodybuilders are going beyond treating pain and may be simply using nalbuphine as a recreational drug. Still, the DEA seems happy to look the other way. Instead, they're busy helping anti-doping special interest groups to goad Congress into viewing over-the-counter sports supplements like androstenedione as drugs of abuse. Legislation to criminalize prohormones is already pending in Washington, and if it passes, mature health-conscious adults will be prosecuted as federal drug criminals for having these products for personal use for further information). Interesting governmental priorities, indeed.

Anyway, regardless of the legalities, if you're a healthy bodybuilder, the safest choice is to let the Bain Train pass you by.

© Rick Collins, 2003. All rights reserved. For informational purposes only, not to be construed as legal advice.
Yeah that was why Chanel made a post was to shut that down, then TMZ and generation iron followed