SCAMMED AGAIN: @ironanabaolics sold me underdosed Anavar GTFIH

Has IA ever had good lab results on his orals? Even on testing he sent for his own products the results were terrible, he overdosed by 25-50%. Probably somewhere in the batch received by that guy are tablets massively overdosed.

Not sure if anyone already noticed that though. Can't really claim they're not his products when he sent these to Jano himself... (Janoshik Analytical) (Anavar, 25-50% overdosed) (Janoshik Analytical) (MK-677, up to 20% underdosed)
I need to find out where I can get Humatrope tested. How should I go about getting them tested. I’m thinking about placing them all in a bag. Then draw out 3 or 4 and test them. That way the testing would be at random. They are the 24mg kits that come with a pin. Does anyone have a better idea?
And the scammers keep scamming.
Oh Lord... please send a good source who shall forever be loyal to us drug users.

can we end this thread now?

Pitchforks for Iron Anabolics. End of story


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just send a photo to the manufacturer in this case El Lilly and they will let you know if its legit, box and pen
Send @janoshik a private message and he will let you know what would be the best way to go about getting samples to him...
I need to find out where I can get Humatrope tested. How should I go about getting them tested. I’m thinking about placing them all in a bag. Then draw out 3 or 4 and test them. That way the testing would be at random. They are the 24mg kits that come with a pin. Does anyone have a better idea?
I need to find out where I can get Humatrope tested. How should I go about getting them tested. I’m thinking about placing them all in a bag. Then draw out 3 or 4 and test them. That way the testing would be at random. They are the 24mg kits that come with a pin. Does anyone have a better idea?

This is like the 3rd different thread in which you’ve asked about the humatrope. You’ve even started a thread, if I’m not mistaken. In each case, the answer has been and is still the same. I’m not sure what answer you’re looking to hear. I sympathize with your anxiety about bunk shit. But, as stated, the answer is send to jano...the end.
I’m sorry I asked to many questions. I’m new to all this and just like everyone else I’m looking for good advice. I am thankful for all advice so for. Just like anyone else before I buy a large Quantity of of something i try to learn as much as I can. They come from a pharmacy because of the prescription on on the boxes. But at a low price the bell goes off in your head (If it’s two good to be true then it usually is.)
I’m sorry I asked to many questions. I’m new to all this and just like everyone else I’m looking for good advice. I am thankful for all advice so for. Just like anyone else before I buy a large Quantity of of something i try to learn as much as I can. They come from a pharmacy because of the prescription on on the boxes. But at a low price the bell goes off in your head (If it’s two good to be true then it usually is.)

I’m sorry I asked to many questions. I’m new to all this and just like everyone else I’m looking for good advice. I am thankful for all advice so for. Just like anyone else before I buy a large Quantity of of something i try to learn as much as I can. They come from a pharmacy because of the prescription on on the boxes. But at a low price the bell goes off in your head (If it’s two good to be true then it usually is.)

No problem, send some off janoshik to assuage your anxiety. Also, remove the location data you left in a reply in another thread.