Gentech Laboratories : All users report in: They are Selling Fake Gear: My story

Why in the hell would you reccomend a Lab Test Forum that does NOT have ANY recent tests....?

That link you provided is a waste of time. Does not have active members or posts.

the website died in 2019.

Shut your mouth and think before calling people retards. K?
Keep buying fake gear fuckstck! I said its a start, can you read? Of course you add zero solutions. Have you even tried any of the labs on there? of course you haven't. Most are still good if you had a brain and researched them and saw other recent lab reports . I guess thats why you are a little dweeb and add nothing but your supid retarded self! Now shut up and let the men talk son!
Keep buying fake gear fuckstck! I said its a start, can you read? Of course you add zero solutions. Have you even tried any of the labs on there? of course you haven't. Most are still good if you had a brain and researched them and saw other recent lab reports . I guess thats why you are a little dweeb and add nothing but your supid retarded self! Now shut up
Roid Rage on Forums exist?!

Never knew. :)

Stupid asshole who trolls BB forums who knew!
Dude. Look. Were all here for the same reason.
Youre 54 years old and Bald. Chill out.

im here to look for “meds” same as you

if you insist on calling people names while hiding behind a keyboard at the age of 54 you have bigger issues than finding good gear. I have seen your recent posts. You talk about yourself a lot. Help the community and not sit here and talk about uourself. No one cares when you talk yourself up. Im sure the long timers here dont care for your attitude.

That being said.... I hope you are doing well. Your ohysique looks great in your recent post. I hope to be at your level soon.
Maybe but he's right. If you do some digging you can find recent tests.
What is your def. of recent?

I am just nervous and want consistent feedback from active meso users. Thats all.

also. Cant that website be paid off by brands to have fake results?

money is king you know...
What is your def. of recent?

I am just nervous and want consistent feedback from active meso users. Thats all.

also. Cant that website be paid off by brands to have fake results?

money is king you know...
Look through some of the threads here in the underground and also the steroid testing threads.
There's some recent tests though right here in the underground.
You're asking for trouble when you make requests like that.

Someone didn't read my maybe, probably should be a sticky thread, but is not a sticky thread that i wrote up the other night.

---> This thread <---
Yep this should not only be stickied, but be a requirement to to read before signing up here. I know this isn't a source board but steroids, sarms, hgh, etc are discussed in many of the sub forums and I (we) see people new to the forum asking for source help all the time. There's members here hiding behind the scenes with bad intentions just waiting to take money.
Yep this should not only be stickied, but be a requirement to to read before signing up here. I know this isn't a source board but steroids, sarms, hgh, etc are discussed in many of the sub forums and we see I (we) see people new to the forum asking for source help all the time. There's members here hiding behind the scenes with bad intentions just waiting to take money.
Welcome to planet earth.

Now give me a source!!!

Jk. Lol.

yes. I read your post. You need to contact admin and have discuss your idea with him.

I may create a post to bring it to the mods attention so it will get back to admin.

Also. Do you read reviews on BOP and other sites for validity? Or is meso the only site worth checking??

I have seen some recent labs done ( 2019 )
and I may go ahead and pull the trigger.

i guess it is about taking the risk. :/
Welcome to planet earth.

Now give me a source!!!

Jk. Lol.

yes. I read your post. You need to contact admin and have discuss your idea with him.

I may create a post to bring it to the mods attention so it will get back to admin.

Also. Do you read reviews on BOP and other sites for validity? Or is meso the only site worth checking??

I have seen some recent labs done ( 2019 )
and I may go ahead and pull the trigger.

i guess it is about taking the risk. :/
Again I can't (won't) answer that and here's the reason why. Okay I order from a couple of domestic and international sources. Now let's say if I told you hey, this guy right here is gtg then you didn't get your gear or the gear was underdosed or bunk. Well he was good for months, years, etc and mine was good but he went south or awol. We're dealing with guys selling illegal drugs. You or I don't know a damn thing about them or what is going on in their lives. All we can go on is how good they were today. If I get burned its on me and no biggie, but if I gave you a gtg and he suddenly went south.... you see where I'm going here because it happens all the time.
Welcome to planet earth.

Now give me a source!!!

Jk. Lol.

yes. I read your post. You need to contact admin and have discuss your idea with him.

I may create a post to bring it to the mods attention so it will get back to admin.

Also. Do you read reviews on BOP and other sites for validity? Or is meso the only site worth checking??

I have seen some recent labs done ( 2019 )
and I may go ahead and pull the trigger.

i guess it is about taking the risk. :/

My problem with sites like BoP is that they give their sources admin rights to their threads. The source can delete posts that cast them in a negative light.

EVERY source has some negative feedback. It may be trivial dumb shit like slow t/a times that are really the fault of the post office or it could be legitimate issues of sending the wrong items, bad test results or finding floaters. There is no perfect source.

When you look on sites like BoP, everything is always golden. All of their sources have nothing but positive reviews. It just doesn't work that way in real life.
My problem with sites like BoP is that they give their sources admin rights to their threads. The source can delete posts that cast them in a negative light.

EVERY source has some negative feedback. It may be trivial dumb shit like slow t/a times that are really the fault of the post office or it could be legitimate issues of sending the wrong items, bad test results or finding floaters. There is no perfect source.

When you look on sites like BoP, everything is always golden. All of their sources have nothing but positive reviews. It just doesn't work that way in real life.
So. The bad news is. I am going to have to get burned at some point. And I assume you have as well?

is it best to buy small. And work my way up to larger orders? Or always look for new brands?

thanks for being so helpful. You both really a light in a dark tunnel for me.
My problem with sites like BoP is that they give their sources admin rights to their threads. The source can delete posts that cast them in a negative light.

EVERY source has some negative feedback. It may be trivial dumb shit like slow t/a times that are really the fault of the post office or it could be legitimate issues of sending the wrong items, bad test results or finding floaters. There is no perfect source.

When you look on sites like BoP, everything is always golden. All of their sources have nothing but positive reviews. It just doesn't work that way in real life.
Yeah and that goes for all of them, SST, and I can't even remember the others but the sources are all paying to play and they get protection. Thats not to say there aren't good ones. They are there but you have to research and even then there's no guarantee they will be good tomorrow. Its really a sleazy business, especially here in the US. Thats why I have no problem ordering international. All of my orals and ancilliraries are international because ugls here can't give you a consistent product. I know I may get some blowback on that, but I only going to trust pharmacy grade products for my AI's and proven UGL's for orals.