SCAMMED AGAIN: @ironanabaolics sold me underdosed Anavar GTFIH

BUT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOSED AT, Gaia received his gear too but the fact that it didn’t contain more then 60% of the advertised dose is the issue.

Credit where it’s due? I’ll undercut Ia prices by 75% just for you, pm me buddy! You don’t care if the tablets are just a little underdosed or maybe not doses at all right? You won’t send the oils or pills off for testing right ?
Not at all what I meant, so far so good. In 4 weeks we will see with a blood test
Just received my order

All in good order

Ai with 30 tabs

All the needles and injectable

10ml test e (no floaters)

Just taken my ai will be using test e soon will report back

Top marks to IA rn at the moment

We will see how it goes with bloods

Thanks @IronAnabolics

From my experience so far I think the previous floaters and Var underdosing and bad bloods MAY be coincidental but time will tell

So far got to give credit where it is due
Your kidding right? If you are serious you are a lost cause. Shitty labs love guys like you, enjoy your stuff and dont bother reporting back as no one takes what you say seriously.
Your kidding right? If you are serious you are a lost cause. Shitty labs love guys like you, enjoy your stuff and dont bother reporting back as no one takes what you say seriously.
It's an up to date update, if I'm not shitting on him you will listen

But when I literally comment saying everything appears OK you think I'm a shill get a grip
It's an up to date update, if I'm not shitting on him you will listen

But when I literally comment saying everything appears OK you think I'm a shill get a grip
Fuck dude, I dont live where you live I don't use the same sources you use. But I will say what I have seen to date on IA, I would toss that shit in the trash and call it a lesson learned. You are a needy guy, dont care what others say only fool yourself that what you got is somehow miraculously going to be the opposite of everyone else. As I said shitty UGs love guys like you...

Everything appears ok, I can send a vial of olive oil and call it test e, a couple sugar pills and call it var. Guess what it looks good so credit due right?
Fuck dude, I dont live where you live I don't use the same sources you use. But I will say what I have seen to date on IA, I would toss that shit in the trash and call it a lesson learned. You are a needy guy, dont care what others say only fool yourself that what you got is somehow miraculously going to be the opposite of everyone else. As I said shitty UGs love guys like you...

Everything appears ok, I can send a vial of olive oil and call it test e, a couple sugar pills and call it var. Guess what it looks good so credit due right?
Yes I know but I've got to try it before we call it fake
Just received my order

All in good order

Ai with 30 tabs

All the needles and injectable

10ml test e (no floaters)

Just taken my ai will be using test e soon will report back

Top marks to IA rn at the moment

We will see how it goes with bloods

Thanks @IronAnabolics

From my experience so far I think the previous floaters and Var underdosing and bad bloods MAY be coincidental but time will tell

So far got to give credit where it is due


Got my order. The pills look like pills and the vials have oil in them. So far so good.”

What AI are you using??
Yes I know but I've got to try it before we call it fake
Explain to me why you would even risk injecting it? It just defies logic... again I have to repeat guys like you are what keeps shit UGs in business... fuck you will grow on 50% dosed gear... but you are not getting what paid for. Second they lied to you on dosage what to say they aren't also lying about their process and sterilization technique too? They already have 3 people stating dirty gear but you will still inject it into your body?
Good points I'll send it to be tested ASAP
Explain to me why you would even risk injecting it? It just defies logic... again I have to repeat guys like you are what keeps shit UGs in business... fuck you will grow on 50% dosed gear... but you are not getting what paid for. Second they lied to you on dosage what to say they aren't also lying about their process and sterilization technique too? They already have 3 people stating dirty gear but you will still inject it into your body?

After my first ordeal being scammed by Gentech Laboratory , Iron anabolics reached out to me with sympathy.

Thread 'Gentech Laboratories : All users report in: They are Selling Fake Gear: My story' Gentech Laboratories : All users report in: They are Selling Fake Gear: My story

View attachment 140735

I purchased 10mg × 50 of Anavar and sent it off to @janoshik for testing.

View attachment 140737

The results came back is was over 40% underdosed.

View attachment 140722

What annoys me is that he is ignoring my emails, my calls , my texts and my forum messages.

Please forgive my stupid question, as I have not used Jano. Does this test show the result of one tab? OR does it show the results of multiple tabs?

What I am asking is, do we have one underdosed tablet, or multiple underdosed tablets?

Is it not mixed well? One tab is 5.8, and the next one is 14.2? Or are they all about 5.8?
You’re fuckin ridiculous ... fuck off
Just received my order

All in good order

Ai with 30 tabs

All the needles and injectable

10ml test e (no floaters)

Just taken my ai will be using test e soon will report back

Top marks to IA rn at the moment

We will see how it goes with bloods

Thanks @IronAnabolics

From my experience so far I think the previous floaters and Var underdosing and bad bloods MAY be coincidental but time will tell

So far got to give credit where it is due
Good points I'll send it to be tested ASAP
You bought what 1 vial of test and some AI? What that cost you? Now you are going to throw more good money after bad? Toss it and find a better source, read the entire thread and when you see others issues with them move on to another... it isnt worth it to save a few bucks...
Please forgive my stupid question, as I have not used Jano. Does this test show the result of one tab? OR does it show the results of multiple tabs?

What I am asking is, do we have one underdosed tablet, or multiple underdosed tablets?

Is it not mixed well? One tab is 5.8, and the next one is 14.2? Or are they all about 5.8?

Standard tests are for one tablet, Jano charges €20 euros for every tablet tested therafter, I requested iron anabolics to cover the costs for additional testing, I also asked Jano if he can test additional tablets out of good will.
Please forgive my stupid question, as I have not used Jano. Does this test show the result of one tab? OR does it show the results of multiple tabs?

What I am asking is, do we have one underdosed tablet, or multiple underdosed tablets?

Is it not mixed well? One tab is 5.8, and the next one is 14.2? Or are they all about 5.8?

That shows the results of one test on one tab.

It’s underdosed. So assuming the guy knows his calculations to make the tabs and added the correct weight of anavar, there would be pills that have too much anavar in them because it didn’t blend correctly.

Of course the guy could have just cut the correct amount of anavar to save money too.

Or he could have some really shitty raws.

Who knows but you can’t rule out any of those possibilities.

This is why I always ask UGLs to explain how they make their capsules or tabs.