SCAMMED AGAIN: @ironanabaolics sold me underdosed Anavar GTFIH

Definitely not.
"Wasnt mine" isnt appropriate at all
A constructive solution would be helpful.
Like paying for @Gaia262 to RETEST again, with pictures attached from Jano as a special request etc.

Or paying a trusted member who has his Var in hand to test it.

Whatever the case is...
"Not mine" is a piss poor fucking response

Hey @IronAnabolics

Why not come address this here instead of talking shit on private messages.
That was my initial thought, since I also have their Var and asked what’s to stop them from also claiming my testing wasn’t their product or that I tampered with it, to which they then responded about using the picture request with the lab.

It’s a shame, but I was already considering in the future just buying orals and other injectables from Hilma and just using IA to buy test since I can prove if it’s dosed appropriately just with blood work. Hopefully this gets resolved one way or another though.
@Gaia262 Not sure if you managed to get a reply yet, but to update the rest of you guys I emailed him and he ended up responding immediately.

IA basically said there was no proof the var tested was theirs and that it wasn’t tampered with, saying Jano ‘can take a photo of the samples being tested and attach it to the report upon request’. Is this an appropriate response from a vendor?

No, it's not even remotely appropriate. IA is just trying to wash his hands of it and deny, deny, deny.

I've spoken to @Gaia262 in PM about steroid-related things and I can say that he's almost certainly not affiliated with any lab, because he's green as hell (no offence, Gaia). What reason would he have to tamper with the sample? Why would he lie about where it's from?
That was my initial thought, since I also have their Var and asked what’s to stop them from also claiming my testing wasn’t their product or that I tampered with it, to which they then responded about using the picture request with the lab.

It’s a shame, but I was already considering in the future just buying orals and other injectables from Hilma and just using IA to buy test since I can prove if it’s dosed appropriately just with blood work. Hopefully this gets resolved one way or another though.
I will buy my test from IA for sure (if u get bloods done please post here) I thibk for test (if it is dosed as he said) it is very reasonable
@Gaia262 Not sure if you managed to get a reply yet, but to update the rest of you guys I emailed him and he ended up responding immediately.

IA basically said there was no proof the var tested was theirs and that it wasn’t tampered with, saying Jano ‘can take a photo of the samples being tested and attach it to the report upon request’. Is this an appropriate response from a vendor?
No that’s some bullshit, obviously knows his ship is sinking and wants anyone else he can get on board to squeeze any more cash out.
Then you can see I was trying to help my good friend gaia when Madbret told me to shut up and basically called me an idiot
I seen that and I feel that there’s more too it, I think that the way you come across is that your defending Ia and those posts in question were really shilly.
I seen that and I feel that there’s more too it, I think that the way you come across is that your defending Ia and those posts in question were really shilly.
I'm not a shill it's just the fact I bought with him and I'm being optimistic ig


But I don't wanna accuse him until we see

A) how he handles the situation

B) other produce is top tier
I'm not a shill it's just the fact I bought with him and I'm being optimistic ig


But I don't wanna accuse him until we see

A) how he handles the situation

B) other produce is top tier
As everyone else has said, it’s likely that he has no idea how to properly make orals, that being said he’s handling the situation quite poorly.
What happened to not replying to my posts you butt hurt old fuck

Not at all. I was out living a life while you’re sitting there banging on the keyboard. I don’t give a fuck what you say. It would take a lot more than you have to get me worked up, Johnny.
@Gaia262 Not sure if you managed to get a reply yet, but to update the rest of you guys I emailed him and he ended up responding immediately.

IA basically said there was no proof the var tested was theirs and that it wasn’t tampered with, saying Jano ‘can take a photo of the samples being tested and attach it to the report upon request’. Is this an appropriate response from a vendor?

@Gaia262 contact Jano and have him attach the product pic. It’s a bullshit response from IronAnabolics but if you provide them with that then we all got your back if IronAnabolics still claims the bullshit excuse that you tampered with it.

He’s gotta handle this properly or we’ll get out the pitchforks and torches and burn this thread down. It’ll be impossible for him to source here until he addresses this.
@Gaia262 contact Jano and have him attach the product pic. It’s a bullshit response from IronAnabolics but if you provide them with that then we all got your back if IronAnabolics still claims the bullshit excuse that you tampered with it.

He’s gotta handle this properly or we’ll get out the pitchforks and torches and burn this thread down. It’ll be impossible for him to source here until he addresses this.
Honestly, how does he come back from this? Watching the progression of his thread, he went from no orals, to caps, to mass produced tabs in a very, very short time frame. Idk how he ramped up so quickly while still keeping quality high, and it appears he couldn’t from the results we are seeing. Couple that with the fact that he has been MIA or giving complete BS responses, he’s burning bridges left, right and center here.

So glad I thought something smelled fishy and decided not to order even though dosing and pricing were on point. Like has been said, you get what you pay for.
IA also had a couple of floaters reported in the last month or so. He wanted the first customer to send him back the vial to examine. He claims that he examines all vials and they are clear but then another customer popped up claiming they also had some pubes.

Now a days, he might respond to his own thread once a week and basically swept the floater accusations under the rug because the customer decided he didn't want to risk sending the vial back to him.

And now he has severely underdosed anavar to boot. Either he has been overwhelmed by orders and has started cutting corners or he never knew what he was doing in the first place.

Either way, I would take a hard pass on using this dude.
Bro you have me in tears right now LMFAO [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Did he sprinkle a couple of pubes in there just to make sure we're paying attention lol
@Gaia262 contact Jano and have him attach the product pic. It’s a bullshit response from IronAnabolics but if you provide them with that then we all got your back if IronAnabolics still claims the bullshit excuse that you tampered with it.

He’s gotta handle this properly or we’ll get out the pitchforks and torches and burn this thread down. It’ll be impossible for him to source here until he addresses this.
No more pitchforks and torches for this week. Next week we start fresh with the pitchforks and torches ;)
Fuck this shit

Hopefully is test e isn't underdosed

Is it too much to buy roids that work? I thought that's what this forum was about
This isn't a source board so selling roids is not what this site is about. The peddling of gear by sources here is just side effect of having the underground section. As much as we try we cannot stop crap sources from showing up here trying to rip people off, best we can do is badger them relentlessly until they leave and warn others to stay away. They unfortunately always get a few unsuspecting victims before they get weeded out and run off.

After my first ordeal being scammed by Gentech Laboratory , Iron anabolics reached out to me with sympathy.

Thread 'Gentech Laboratories : All users report in: They are Selling Fake Gear: My story' Gentech Laboratories : All users report in: They are Selling Fake Gear: My story

View attachment 140735

I purchased 10mg × 50 of Anavar and sent it off to @janoshik for testing.

View attachment 140737

The results came back is was over 40% underdosed.

View attachment 140722

What annoys me is that he is ignoring my emails, my calls , my texts and my forum messages.

Thank You for bringing this to the light.
If you really need REAL anavar just send me a pm I will hook you up... Jk.

Get involved with a TRT clinic and get pharma anavar. Still may get ripped off but better chance than a UGL.

Thank You for bringing this to the light.
If you really need REAL anavar just send me a pm I will hook you up... Jk.

Get involved with a TRT clinic and get pharma anavar. Still may get ripped off but better chance than a UGL.

It's insane to me how those clinics pull off prescribing Anavar lol

"Hi Dr. I feel that my muscle is wasting and accelerated this year"

"Do not fret, here is a script for 40mg of Oxandrolone."

I know a couple of anti aging clinics that so it's, but they are god damn expensive. They get a big cut off the sales. Although it may be pharma, you have to buy it from them which makes me wonder. UGL right out in the open? [emoji848]