SCAMMED AGAIN: @ironanabaolics sold me underdosed Anavar GTFIH

It's insane to me how those clinics pull off prescribing Anavar lol

"Hi Dr. I feel that my muscle is wasting and accelerated this year"

"Do not fret, here is a script for 40mg of Oxandrolone."

I know a couple of anti aging clinics that so it's, but they are god damn expensive. They get a big cut off the sales. Although it may be pharma, you have to buy it from them which makes me wonder. UGL right out in the open? [emoji848]
Honestly you need to treat them like a UGL. For anyone reading this... you need to still send in samples of product to jano even from a TRT clinic.

trt clinic’s make money from instagram, youtube, and paid ads on the internet.

young guys who have never done roids before throw their money at them before a UGL cause it is “pharma”

If they rip you off they know you do not have much place to report them.

because most kids dont look at this forum.

i may create a whole post on the steroid section for this.

anyone think its a good idea? Or am i dumb
Honestly you need to treat them like a UGL. For anyone reading this... you need to still send in samples of product to jano even from a TRT clinic.

trt clinic’s make money from instagram, youtube, and paid ads on the internet.

young guys who have never done roids before throw their money at them before a UGL cause it is “pharma”

If they rip you off they know you do not have much place to report them.

because most kids dont look at this forum.

i may create a whole post on the steroid section for this.

anyone think its a good idea? Or am i dumb
I'm in, bro I gave one a try, the presentation was amazing the gear came in a beautiful designer box and all. But NOT worth the cost for TRT. I think I paid like $370 for 2 1/2 months of script.

Came with:
- 10ml Cyp
- 10 weeks of .5mg ED of Arimidex (not needed, but good to have)
- bunch of needles and syringe [emoji382]

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I'm in, bro I have one a try, the presentation was amazing the gear came in a beautiful designer box and all. But NOT worth the cost for TRT. I think I paid like $370 for 2 1/2 months of script.

Came with:
- 10ml Cyp
- 10 weeks of .5mg EF of Arimidex (not needed, but good to have)
- bunch of needles and syringe [emoji382]

Rich kids with daddies and mommies prob think its the coolest thijg ever!
Rich kids with daddies and mommies prob think its the coolest thijg ever!
Now I just deal with my useless Dr but at least I can get my TRT for $10 a month :)

Edit: Forgot to add, I took research to him on Metformin and we had a discussion about it. He was ok prescribing. So I got pharma Met now.
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Just double your dosage of var.... I don’t see an issue lmao
G2G if you ask me

Assuming it’s blended uniformly. What if the dumbfuck making the tabs didn’t mix it right. This tab underdosed by 1/2, the other tab might be 3x dose, another tab might be bunk.
@Gaia262 contact Jano and have him attach the product pic. It’s a bullshit response from IronAnabolics but if you provide them with that then we all got your back if IronAnabolics still claims the bullshit excuse that you tampered with it.

He’s gotta handle this properly or we’ll get out the pitchforks and torches and burn this thread down. It’ll be impossible for him to source here until he addresses this.

This is the picture Jano sent me this morning.

It's insane to me how those clinics pull off prescribing Anavar lol

"Hi Dr. I feel that my muscle is wasting and accelerated this year"

"Do not fret, here is a script for 40mg of Oxandrolone."

I know a couple of anti aging clinics that so it's, but they are god damn expensive. They get a big cut off the sales. Although it may be pharma, you have to buy it from them which makes me wonder. UGL right out in the open? [emoji848]
I spoke with a clinic last week just to see the cost and it was $450 for 30ea. Anavar 50mg and $300 for 30ea. Winstrol 50mg
I spoke with a clinic last week just to see the cost and it was $450 for 30ea. Anavar 50mg and $300 for 30ea. Winstrol 50mg
That's nuts.

I remember that Pharma Anavar was I think 2.5, 5, and 10mg doses. What pharmaceutical is making 50mg tablets? [emoji848] Sounds like a they're supplied by UGL.

$450 for 30 Jesus H insane

Watch the Netflix doc Screwball. It's about the Arod steroid scandal and basically dude had a chef cooking up all the gear lol so it's entirely possible they are all doing the same.
It's insane to me how those clinics pull off prescribing Anavar lol

"Hi Dr. I feel that my muscle is wasting and accelerated this year"

"Do not fret, here is a script for 40mg of Oxandrolone."

I know a couple of anti aging clinics that so it's, but they are god damn expensive. They get a big cut off the sales. Although it may be pharma, you have to buy it from them which makes me wonder. UGL right out in the open? [emoji848]
Reminds me of all those Pain Management Clinics that were all over the place years ago.
That's nuts.

I remember that Pharma Anavar was I think 2.5, 5, and 10mg doses. What pharmaceutical is making 50mg tablets? [emoji848] Sounds like a they're supplied by UGL.

$450 for 30 Jesus H insane

Watch the Netflix doc Screwball. It's about the Arod steroid scandal and basically dude had a chef cooking up all the gear lol so it's entirely possible they are all doing the same.
It would be from a compounding pharmacy
Just received my order

All in good order

Ai with 30 tabs

All the needles and injectable

10ml test e (no floaters)

Just taken my ai will be using test e soon will report back

Top marks to IA rn at the moment

We will see how it goes with bloods

Thanks @IronAnabolics

From my experience so far I think the previous floaters and Var underdosing and bad bloods MAY be coincidental but time will tell

So far got to give credit where it is due
Just received my order

All in good order

Ai with 30 tabs

All the needles and injectable

10ml test e (no floaters)

Just taken my ai will be using test e soon will report back

Top marks to IA rn at the moment

We will see how it goes with bloods

Thanks @IronAnabolics

From my experience so far I think the previous floaters and Var underdosing and bad bloods MAY be coincidental but time will tell

So far got to give credit where it is due
BUT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOSED AT, Gaia received his gear too but the fact that it didn’t contain more then 60% of the advertised dose is the issue.

Credit where it’s due? I’ll undercut Ia prices by 75% just for you, pm me buddy! You don’t care if the tablets are just a little underdosed or maybe not doses at all right? You won’t send the oils or pills off for testing right ?