You look at and see How does a site with the stated goal of STEROID EDUCATION in any way imply a sales platform to you.
I'm amazed that so many of you guys that have been here as long as you have still don't get it. "Go buy your steroids somewhere else and come back here to talk about them" is EXACTLY what this forum is about. It always has been.
The very first thread in the steroid underground, which obviously almost no one has read, explicitly states the intended purpose of this forum.
"The "Steroid Underground" forum is intended for members only to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers."
How anyone could read that paragraph and see a duck boggles the mind.