Sending AAS samples to independent, accredited laboratory in Europe

Would you be willing to submit an unopened sample to an independent accredited laboratory in Europe?

  • No. I could never bear to part with gear.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. I would only send it to a US-based laboratory.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Yes. But only if I didn't have to pay for the cost of analysis.

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Yes. But I would not be willing to pay more than USD $50 for analysis.

    Votes: 18 29.5%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $100 for analysis.

    Votes: 20 32.8%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $150 for analysis.

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Yes. I would pay up to USD $200 for analysis.

    Votes: 11 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
this is such a great program, makes me wonder why all these new ass clowns sources are popping up lately, and getting the usual "is it gtg bro question". I won't order from anyone unless they pass the testing at anaboliclab first, than do the rest of my research
this is such a great program, makes me wonder why all these new ass clowns sources are popping up lately, and getting the usual "is it gtg bro question". I won't order from anyone unless they pass the testing at anaboliclab first, than do the rest of my research
The part at the end "then do the rest of my research" is key. I hope people don't forget that step.
Are we sure these samples are bought And sent anonymous
Black label labs claims var is 25 actual has 30mg
Hum kinda fishy
Are we sure these samples are bought And sent anonymous
Black label labs claims var is 25 actual has 30mg
Hum kinda fishy

That probably speaks to two things, Redrum.

1) they really are trying to put out a good product and are purposely overdosing it

2) they really have no idea what the potency of their raws are

I know I am in the minority on this, but I really do not believe that every ugl is a scumbag purposely selling bunk/underdosed gear. I believe that many of the UGLs really are trying to sell gear that will bring repeat customers. Problem is, none of them know what they have in their raws. Quite a few UGL's have admitted to purposely putting more raws in their finished product to combat the underdosed raws. Problem with that is, if the raws are close to the claimed potency, you end up with 25mg Var that actually has 30mg in it.
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I guess my biggest issue/ concern is we know what brand is being tested but we will never know if it is a reseller or a direct purchase or where it came from. This causes some issues because yea I'm sure lots of places put out good products. But how many hands are going to touch/tamper with that product before anyone ever sees it. I know he can't disclose that info but we are still where anything is coming from
That probably speaks to two things, Redrum.

1) they really are trying to put out a good product and are purposely overdosing it

2) they really have no idea what the potency of their raws are

Which is bad in both ways
not testing your raws is stupid as fuck your gonna say your shit it 25mg and might sent out 35/40mg or 20mg either way the person taking the gear is fucking himself up 5mg over makes a lil huge difference
I guess my biggest issue/ concern is we know what brand is being tested but we will never know if it is a reseller or a direct purchase or where it came from. This causes some issues because yea I'm sure lots of places put out good products. But how many hands are going to touch/tamper with that product before anyone ever sees it. I know he can't disclose that info but we are still where anything is coming from

They let you know
They state bought from a reseller over at so .com
Or bought direct
Are we sure these samples are bought And sent anonymous....

reading through all this, and checking out the site -- love it all and a great idea which is very much needed.

But I did wonder this same thing. Much like with product reviews we see on sites such as eroid and similar sites sources make many account names and give themselves good reviews, or at its worse on some sites reps pay admins who only allow good reviews or only test select special product that give awesome result but then when the rest of us buy we do not get that special vial that was made just for the review.

Again, I greatly appreciate this service and the work going in to it and I am not trying to be negative (this is the exact service we need to finally force source into quality competition and standards).

But has this point I quoted been covered and if so can anyone point me in the direction to check it out so I may feel confident in all the results being from random customer anonymous purchases.
Are we sure these samples are bought And sent anonymous
Black label labs claims var is 25 actual has 30mg
Hum kinda fishy
I've never heard of black label labs..... Are the supposed to be a bad lab? Gotta admit, after all the internet hearsay, I'm really surprised by this round of results...... Again!
reading through all this, and checking out the site -- love it all and a great idea which is very much needed.

But I did wonder this same thing. Much like with product reviews we see on sites such as eroid and similar sites sources make many account names and give themselves good reviews, or at its worse on some sites reps pay admins who only allow good reviews or only test select special product that give awesome result but then when the rest of us buy we do not get that special vial that was made just for the review.

Again, I greatly appreciate this service and the work going in to it and I am not trying to be negative (this is the exact service we need to finally force source into quality competition and standards).

But has this point I quoted been covered and if so can anyone point me in the direction to check it out so I may feel confident in all the results being from random customer anonymous purchases.
read through the entire thread, it's all been covered.
reading through all this, and checking out the site -- love it all and a great idea which is very much needed.

But I did wonder this same thing. Much like with product reviews we see on sites such as eroid and similar sites sources make many account names and give themselves good reviews, or at its worse on some sites reps pay admins who only allow good reviews or only test select special product that give awesome result but then when the rest of us buy we do not get that special vial that was made just for the review.

Again, I greatly appreciate this service and the work going in to it and I am not trying to be negative (this is the exact service we need to finally force source into quality competition and standards).

But has this point I quoted been covered and if so can anyone point me in the direction to check it out so I may feel confident in all the results being from random customer anonymous purchases.

That comes down to trust of Millard. He is the only one who knows who buys what and from where. Most people believe him to be a pretty stand up guy.
@T_L blacklabellabs came here months ago as finafan when he got banned from eroids. Him and dr jim were goinf at it on a thread it was a pretty good read if you can dig it up.
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Primo of the gods tested low and he addressed it on eroids. Simec kind of put him in his place and he took it pretty good. Vowed to put out a more consistent product. I wasn't surprised to see him have a legit product though as he has been posting his own testing results for a while now.

And people need to understand most of the labs tested have been large international operations that tend to have better qc. This doesn't mean that when you buy from your local domestic reseller you are going to get a product that hasnt been tampered with or cut.

I posted on eroids that the one thing we should take away from this is that the labs have access to simec ag and as consumers we should be demanding every lab test their raws and finished products and we should be rewarding the labs that do post up the verifiable testing data. As consumers its one us at that point to perform spot checks randomly . This could be in the form of blood testing, the anabolic lab testing being done by millard or through sending our own samples into simec.

Will this cut down on start up labs? Yes and imo that is a good thing. If a lab wants to start well let them start with just one product and make them do it right. The fastest way to elicit change is by hitting them in the pocket book. Reward the labs that do the right thing and in turn yourself.

My personal opinion is that when a labs starts here at meso they should have to post verifiable results from simec on every product they sell and it needs to be on the raws and the finished product. Period, no exceptions. Even @pharmacist who sells only hg products should be required to provide a mass spec on all his anabolics and hgh.

Does this ensure the lab is putting out a quality product? Nope, thats what spot checks are for. But it does ensure that the lab has access to a quality product and that he has the knowledge to brew a correctly dosed product. And through spot checks we can begin to get a clear picture on which labs are quality and which are not. Then reaward the labs that are.

After the test are posted keep the trust but verify attitude.

Just my opinion and its how it used to be done before raw deal. This is the firat time since srsc was shut down that consumers and labs have had access to a verifiable testing facility. We all owe @Millard a debt of gratitude for finding this lab.
Primo of the gods tested low and he addressed it on eroids. Simec kind of put him in his place and he took it pretty good. Vowed to put out a more consistent product. I wasn't surprised to see him have a legit product though as he has been posting his own testing results for a while now.

And people need to understand most of the labs tested have been large international operations that tend to have better qc. This doesn't mean that when you buy from your local domestic reseller you are going to get a product that hasnt been tampered with or cut.

I posted on eroids that the one thing we should take away from this is that the labs have access to simec ag and as consumers we should be demanding every lab test their raws and finished products and we should be rewarding the labs that do post up the verifiable testing data. As consumers its one us at that point to perform spot checks randomly . This could be in the form of blood testing, the anabolic lab testing being done by millard or through sending our own samples into simec.

Will this cut down on start up labs? Yes and imo that is a good thing. If a lab wants to start well let them start with just one product and make them do it right. The fastest way to elicit change is by hitting them in the pocket book. Reward the labs that do the right thing and in turn yourself.

My personal opinion is that when a labs starts here at meso they should have to post verifiable results from simec on every product they sell and it needs to be on the raws and the finished product. Period, no exceptions. Even @pharmacist who sells only hg products should be required to provide a mass spec on all his anabolics and hgh.

Does this ensure the lab is putting out a quality product? Nope, thats what spot checks are for. But it does ensure that the lab has access to a quality product and that he has the knowledge to brew a correctly dosed product. And through spot checks we can begin to get a clear picture on which labs are quality and which are not. Then reaward the labs that are.

After the test are posted keep the trust but verify attitude.

Just my opinion and its how it used to be done before raw deal. This is the firat time since srsc was shut down that consumers and labs have had access to a verifiable testing facility. We all owe @Millard a debt of gratitude for finding this lab.

Great post, did primo of the gods say specifically how he planned on putting out a more consistent product. does he also realize this calls into question all of his gear. sorry for the questions, but never been on eroids
Yea he said he always just measured the powder out then eyeballed the liquid. Simec pretty much told him he was a dumbass and that he should use a pipette and proper equipment and he wouldn't have the problem so thats what he is doing. And yea he said he realized it called everything into question and he welcomed testing and said he would be doing testing himself, which he had already started doing. Overall he handled it pretty good, took his medicine and said it was his fault and he would fix it.

Not an excuse but at least he wasn't a douche about it.
All of the anavar lab test results have been posted except for Paxton Oxandrolone. We should have the results from SIMEC next week.

The good news is that will have 10+ bonus lab reports for this round that will be posted on the website next week. These will include various compounds including mostly primobolan and test prop.

We originally planned on testing 15-20 samples for each of the substances but decided to stop collection early due to lack of funding and test what had already been received as part of the current round.
All of the anavar lab test results have been posted except for Paxton Oxandrolone. We should have the results from SIMEC next week.

The good news is that will have 10+ bonus lab reports for this round that will be posted on the website next week. These will include various compounds including mostly primobolan and test prop.

We originally planned on testing 15-20 samples for each of the substances but decided to test them now and include in the current round due to lack of funding.
Awesome, have you decided on any new ideas to help increase funding (I'm giving over 400 this year). I really want to see this keep going
Awesome, have you decided on any new ideas to help increase funding (I'm giving over 400 this year). I really want to see this keep going
400$ thats great to hear, i wish that everybody i see commenting on how great this program is would find a way to help out and donate.
This is a great program and it would be a huge shame if it was stopped do to lack of funds.
Ive made a cpl donations so far and will continue, i hope with all the past and the latest test results everybody who lives this lifestyle will realize the importance of this program and help keep it going.
Come on guys lets start making donations!!!!!!
Awesome, have you decided on any new ideas to help increase funding (I'm giving over 400 this year). I really want to see this keep going
Thanks, rpbb! I think our best chance of increasing funding is to rally support among MESO visitors. If we can't get MESO to support it, it is unlikely we can get the support of other websites. MESO has donated free ad space so we'll soon place banners on the site. Based on amount of click-thrus other banners receive, this should help a lot.

It would be great if other websites would donate ad space although I wouldn't count on it. Given the current level of funding, we would rather spend limited funds on more lab tests than advertising.

There has not been a big outpouring of support to date. Only 78 individuals have donated to the Anaboliclab program in the first 10 weeks. This is far below my lowest estimates.

However, I have to say that I am very impressed by the generosity and support of these donors. There are about 10-15 donors who have contributed 3-4 times over this period. They have been big believers in and passionate in their support of the program. These guys are particularly awesome! Thank you