SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Enclomiphene is something that isn’t carried a lot but it’s superior to Clomid in all ways (unless you have breast cancer). If you can source that it might not be a bad idea.
Would that be useful even for PCT?
You say shhhhhhhh now but you like his comment about selling fake gear ?

I didn't "Like" him comment, I used the laughing with tears smiley face which in that instance represented laughing so hard from stupidity that tears formed.....kinda like ROTF!

You up to speed now or do I need to explain even further?
Would that be useful even for PCT?
Better for PCT than Clomid, and it’s not particularly close. Quick primer for you and anyone else not aware of how it works:

Clomid is the combination of two stereoisomers, enclomiphene and zuclomiphene. The former is responsible for all the positive benefits of the drug. It stimulates LH and FSH (through a complicated negative feedback loop mechanism where antagonism of the estrogen receptor stimulates the pituitary and leads to increased testosterone production), which is what you want during PCT or if fertility is important to you. Zuclomiphene actually does the opposite of that. It’s literally working against your goals because it’s antigonadotropic. The only reason Clomid works is because the mix is more heavily weighted towards enclomiphene (62/38) so it’s able to overcome the total shitiness of its slow-witted brother. Clomid is wildly outdated as a PCT drug and the reason guys use it is because other guys have used it. Enclomiphene in its pure state is superior in both outcomes and side effects. The fact that it’s so rarely used is probably the reason it’s so scarce. Or perhaps it’s the other way around. But either way it’s the better choice if you’re a male looking to recover from a cycle.
Better for PCT than Clomid, and it’s not particularly close. Quick primer for you and anyone else not aware of how it works:

Clomid is the combination of two stereoisomers, enclomiphene and zuclomiphene. The former is responsible for all the positive benefits of the drug. It stimulates LH and FSH (through a complicated negative feedback loop mechanism where antagonism of the estrogen receptor stimulates the pituitary and leads to increased testosterone production), which is what you want during PCT or if fertility is important to you. Zuclomiphene actually does the opposite of that. It’s literally working against your goals because it’s antigonadotropic. The only reason Clomid works is because the mix is more heavily weighted towards enclomiphene (62/38) so it’s able to overcome the total shitiness of its slow-witted brother. Clomid is wildly outdated as a PCT drug and the reason guys use it is because other guys have used it. Enclomiphene in its pure state is superior in both outcomes and side effects. The fact that it’s so rarely used is probably the reason it’s so scarce. Or perhaps it’s the other way around. But either way it’s the better choice if you’re a male looking to recover from a cycle.
Cool and thanks for the info...hopefully this can become a more popular drug in the arsenal for PCT if there can be more of it produced.
Because everything about the guy is off. The whole doing thousands of dollars of labtests for his friends to now starting his own little dropshopping "pharmacy". But people here are blind I guess.
Where is the harm in any of this? Maybe he had wanted to be a source fromnthe beginning..ok.. and so he tested alot of products and bought alot of products and shared his results.. which he did not habe to share.. he did that for all of us.. then maybe he realized the big void in a quality tested source and said fuck it..I'll fill it best I can. It takes alot of money to start a legit lab and your first couple batches.. alot.... he is saving some risk.. by reselling/dropshippimg.. but testing before he sells.. he never once claimed he was or wasn't sourcing in the future that I recall..
Why are you so mad about another man making a dollar? Don't hate..that's beta cuck atitude.. if you canndo it then? If not stfu and move along because nobody cares what.younhabe to say because eberythong.your saying is baseless whining..
Here's the story.ypu say is better.. he did allntje testing and shared none of it.. and then opened shop.. that's what your saying he should of done? Ok.. still ok by all of us.. instead he shared it and beciase he did alot of guys used his testing from all these sources sources ugl labs and got good gear.. and then he decided to make a dollar doing what he loves to do??.
You simple minded beta with no commine sense if anything.. have nothing better to do but to try and discredit him for doing the right thing all along..
So shame on him for building a honest reputation as a member before becoming a source? He.coukd habe made a new account.. he didnt.. everyone can still chose to buy or not buy. But to be honest.. he did it whether intentionally or not very smart.. IMHO.. and played no one.. your playing yourself.
I'm sure I'm not alone when I say this.. I rather shop woth someone who was a member for along time who contributed alot to tje forum that now opened up shop.. then someone put of nowhere who opens up shop with zero history/background.. maybe I'm crazy..
And rep for Odin.. that completely discredits everything you say.. and you shouldnt be from one source in another sources thread talking shit with zero physical proof!!! Sources/reps stay in their own.threads here!!! No? over priced and I shit on the brands that sell ugl gear for 3x tje price as other ugl.. it's wrong!! They are raping the less informed..
Habe a nice day cuck boy
I may be

ever think you’ll get Watson, upsher smith or par Oxandrolone?
Probably not. I can get the 2.5mg Pharma but after my markup, I can’t see guys paying top dollar for it. I’ve always used UGL var due to this reason. With my markup guys would be paying the same amount for 50mg UGL var.