SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

I store mine in the fridge. Box says store between 2-8c.

I also keep mine in the fridge hcg and obv hgh I deff think it keeps it from degrading, and also just in case it goes past it's exp date by chance I would feel comfortable still using it knowing it was kept in the fridge since I had gotten it...
there are a few sources who carry this. One who is actually on a known board Would be nice to have a domestic option tho. Just know if you take dutasteride, you’re going to nuke your DHT levels to almost zero. Finasteride is also available and dirt cheap. Doesn’t block 90% of dht like DUT does tho. More like 70%. I felt like half the man I am when I took dutasteride. I feel fine on Finasteride
Was that oral dutasteride? Idk what’s going on with me but my hair is thinning so rapidly. I have tried oral finasteride and topical finasteride with minoxidil. Now I’m waiting on a script of topical dutasteride! Ever since I took RAD140 with primo my hair has been on the downhill and it’s hard to catch up and get the shedding to stop.
Also I have no experience with AMPs, can someone explain how they transfer from amp to vial? I know you need a syringe with a filter correct? Been in the game for a minute and have never had to use an AMP
Was that oral dutasteride? Idk what’s going on with me but my hair is thinning so rapidly. I have tried oral finasteride and topical finasteride with minoxidil. Now I’m waiting on a script of topical dutasteride! Ever since I took RAD140 with primo my hair has been on the downhill and it’s hard to catch up and get the shedding to stop.
Yes it was oral. Primo and RAD are horrible for the hairline. I’ve not had any problems with test and EQ. Plus, I think I’ve lost just about all of the hair I’m supposed to. I keep it shaved for the most part. I’m a Norwood level 4 but sometimes I let it grow when I get lazy.
I still to this day grab 2 ply of toilet paper when I crack the amps open. One mistake opening them is all it takes to give you permanent hesitance when doing it again lol. TP around the amp, position it as shown in the video, instant snap and sanity intact.
I still to this day grab 2 ply of toilet paper when I crack the amps open. One mistake opening them is all it takes to give you permanent hesitance when doing it again lol. TP around the amp, position it as shown in the video, instant snap and sanity intact.

Real men bite the top off and swallow it, but you're free to do as you wish. On an unrelated note i've been diagnosed with stomach bleeding issues for some reason. @SkankHunt you got anything in that medicine chest that would help?
Real men bite the top off and swallow it, but you're free to do as you wish. On an unrelated note i've been diagnosed with stomach bleeding issues for some reason. @SkankHunt you got anything in that medicine chest that would help?
Stomach bleeding? Damn man that’s some serious shit. I only carry anabolics and horse dewormer. I have Bactrim and cephalexin tho.

I still to this day grab 2 ply of toilet paper when I crack the amps open. One mistake opening them is all it takes to give you permanent hesitance when doing it again lol. TP around the amp, position it as shown in the video, instant snap and sanity intact.
Scott’s or Charmin?

