SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Besides the normal info online for regular people, what purpose does this have for AAS users?
Tbh it depends on the individial…to be quite frank with you as a person who’s prescribed stimulants(legally) Aderall..It completely diminishes your appetite in which it depletes you from your natural b1,b6,b12 and so on and so fourth production from consuming whole foods or supplements. Not saying anyone who’s in in need for it is taking a controlled substance but it has it’s benefits.
How long does HCG last if your storing it in your fridge, without it ever having been opened? I have a bunch of Livzon HCG and the expiry date is 2022. I'm guessing it doesnt actually go bad after that date. Anyone got an idea on how long it will be good.
I may be

ever think you’ll get Watson, upsher smith or par Oxandrolone?

I don't think Watson makes var anymore, I use to be able to get them but the person getting them fucked it up and that was it, idk for sure but I believe Watson stopped making them I think only par makes them now u.s wise but when Watson was making them I was getting like 500+ every cpl months and they worked extremely good.... I have a bunch of the 2.5 ones I'm gunna try and see how they compare I'm just gunna have to take two to four tabs at a time I'm not gunna run it as high as with ugl var.... Hopefully they will be decent
I don't think Watson makes var anymore, I use to be able to get them but the person getting them fucked it up and that was it, idk for sure but I believe Watson stopped making them I think only par makes them now u.s wise but when Watson was making them I was getting like 500+ every cpl months and they worked extremely good.... I have a bunch of the 2.5 ones I'm gunna try and see how they compare I'm just gunna have to take two to four tabs at a time I'm not gunna run it as high as with ugl var.... Hopefully they will be decent

Interesting as I thought I saw watson on goodrx, but maybe they stopped production? Was bored and browsing what bodybuilding compounds are still being prescribed/ brands lol

I've read amazing things about the pharma grade. Most guys report it works better than ugl and that you don't need as much.

I'd love to hear your comparison
Interesting as I thought I saw watson on goodrx, but maybe they stopped production? Was bored and browsing what bodybuilding compounds are still being prescribed/ brands lol

I've read amazing things about the pharma grade. Most guys report it works better than ugl and that you don't need as much.

I'd love to hear your comparison
I’ve used both. There’s no difference that I could discern beyond price. The compound pharmacy that made it for me charged $8/pill, so I Chad a pretty good reason (ego and placebo) to say it was worth it. It was not.
TD successful. everything received intact with an extra for a small delay at the time of ordering. great comms throughout the process as well.
Is it possible to carry something like dutasteride?
there are a few sources who carry this. One who is actually on a known board Would be nice to have a domestic option tho. Just know if you take dutasteride, you’re going to nuke your DHT levels to almost zero. Finasteride is also available and dirt cheap. Doesn’t block 90% of dht like DUT does tho. More like 70%. I felt like half the man I am when I took dutasteride. I feel fine on Finasteride

Interesting as I thought I saw watson on goodrx, but maybe they stopped production? Was bored and browsing what bodybuilding compounds are still being prescribed/ brands lol

I've read amazing things about the pharma grade. Most guys report it works better than ugl and that you don't need as much.

I'd love to hear your comparison

Personally brother idk I'm just gunna be honest, I like pharma I'm not gunna lie if I'm able to afford pharma expecially with hgh and some other goods like provirion ,test and a few other things primo, I just like cause it gives me a piece of mind I don't have to worry about if my shit is dosed correctly, so alot is probably placebo.... I also like pharma just cause of the quailty control they use. But I really think there's not a super difference if u got a ugl who uses good purity raws and doses stuff and testes it, ur gunna grow from both... So I use pharma when I'm able to and when I cant I use some of the ugls here that I really trust... And if there is any difference between pharma the only thing I can think it is is the raws they use and get... But I don't notice this huge difference, like I'm fine running ugl gear also.... But when it comes to stuff like clen,t3, aromasin, raloxafien, anadrol although I will use ugl anadrol but I usually just have a CPL boxes of everything on hand... I will admitt I do love running pharma test like the westwards skank carries or even the actvis, rotexmedica are really good same with the Bayer pakis there alil expensive but I do notice I feel alil better on them but like I said it could just be a placebo thing.... And to me anavar is anavar I do have a shitload of the 2.5 ones and I plan on seeing this time if I can really notice a difference. When I use to get the Watson anavar I always kept the dose low but I ran them for a pretty long time longer then I should of.... This person I know had HIV and was getting the Watson anavar, Watson test cyp, and seros and he really wouldn't use much of it. And I would just get a really good price as his insurance paid for everything and he didn't really had an idea what they were worth at the time, unfortunately he did something and screwed that up and they stopped giving it to him.... But this was awhile ago.... Iv actually had the chance to try a bunch of the different pharma test skank has and also some of the orals like anadrols and raloxafien and everything has been super top notch.... I expecially like the westwards toe there super smooth and it's nice that there made with no bb and ba, all of them are great...

So my moto is if u can afford pharma then grab pharma for stuff u can't get pharma or that is to pricey to even think paying then use ugl.... Like for me the price of pharma deca I can't see paying... I'd rather put it towards gh,test,clen,anadrol,aromasin and other pharma stuff I use... But when it comes to ai, and HCG,caber pct stuff I will always say use pharma over ugl...
How long does HCG last if your storing it in your fridge, without it ever having been opened? I have a bunch of Livzon HCG and the expiry date is 2022. I'm guessing it doesnt actually go bad after that date. Anyone got an idea on how long it will be good.
I don’t think it needs to be stored in the fridge until it’s mixed.