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My mct has never had a scent. Someone shit in y’all’s. That’s nasty

Mind you, wet dog smell is the closest i could come to describing it. It was really noticeable with the last vial. Very faint with the current. i'd have to check the batch number to see if anyone else still has it. It was ordered last year.
What did u think of coloinals test cyp did u use the mct or gso. There one of the only ugls I feel okay using for compounds that aren't pharma and that I can't get from skankhunt
I got the GSO and pinned it for the first time earlier today. So not much to say about it yet but I'll keep you updated.
I’m using colonials dhb, pip free although it does keep crashing. Bloods came back good as well on his test e
So his DHB is going to continue to crash because it tested at 124mg. Mine arrived crashed and I had to add oil to it and then reconstitute the whole thing. Pain in the ass (well, figuratively) to go through all that but it’s pip free, holds just fine, and is now dosed at what the label says.
mine was from TGI's DHB. never, ever, ever again. I'd love to try DHB again but the PIP was beyond crippling.
You weren’t around for Symbiotics and his adventures in fucking up primo. Dude made it with EO and guaiacol because he couldn’t figure out how to get it to hold at 200mg/ml, despite the fact that he was allegedly a chemist and an experienced brewer. In other news everyone else makes primo in MCT and normal 2/20 BA/BB and it holds fine without pip. But Sym’s? Golf ball sized lumps that I had for weeks. Gave up and trashed half a dozen vials of it.
You weren’t around for Symbiotics and his adventures in fucking up primo. Dude made it with EO and guaiacol because he couldn’t figure out how to get it to hold at 200mg/ml, despite the fact that he was allegedly a chemist and an experienced brewer. In other news everyone else makes primo in MCT and normal 2/20 BA/BB and it holds fine without pip. But Sym’s? Golf ball sized lumps that I had for weeks. Gave up and trashed half a dozen vials of it.
I had a couple runs with Symbiotic but never the primo. I'm a TRT guy and light primo use, Tbol once in awhile, etc. I remember some of that though lol. His posts about the teenage daughter friends saying he was hot or something like that? lmfao. what a mess that all ended up going into.
One of my vials of Cyp in MCT contained gear that smelled like a wet dog. i used the whole thing without issue, but that smell was raunchy. The next vial has a very faint oder of the same, so i'm not sure if that's just the smell of MCT? i've never noticed it before so i don't know.

Maybe it's where they stored it, or maybe it's like u said it's the mct oil... Idk if there using the same supplier for mct oil or if they changed.... I have heard of labs switching supplier for there carrier oil and it having a slight tint to it then it being crystal clear they never mentioned a different smell or smell at all. Some brands of oils iv used before I could smell but it wasnt a bad smell just the normal... And Im pretty sure they don't use any eo or guaiacol . There really wouldn't be a point in test cyp... The only thing I can think is maybe they use it on test no ester or some other compounds and it was stored close to those. Cause as I'm sure u know MSG guaiacol usually smells and can make the whole place smell, or maybe it was stored close to a eo or guaiacol bottle they once used and have kept around... I'm not sure when I get some of there stuff I'll see if I also notice. I do think they are one of the better ugls around presently... I spoke to them yesterday or today I know they sent some products out for testing so they should be posted up soon. I know src testing doesn't go as far as customer testing does. But they have usually tested pretty good and also off customer blind sample tests, which usually matches there test reports.... They have been around for some time now too and I really haven't heard to many bad things other then that one issue which they corrected and I believe was an isolated incident....

How are u feeling on it or too soon to tell really?
A while ago I got a vial of supposedly Balkan Sustandrol that looked like tren. Packaging looked legit, code checked out, etc. Saw some posts at a couple formus about an amaretto color being normal sometimes for their peach pit carrier oil. That never sounded right to me, and none of the pics I saw inline looked like that so I squirted some out on a paper towel. It didn't smell rancid, but it did have a unique aroma that could possibly be described as "wet dog". It tasted like BA with a more bitter than usual aftertaste for test in oil and numbed my tongue lightly.

I ended up throwing it out after trying 1/2 ml subq and having a bad reaction to it. Could have been the oil didn't agree with me, could have been the prop, could have been rancid oil - regardless, not worth fucking with rusty sust with nasty PIP.
Maybe it's where they stored it, or maybe it's like u said it's the mct oil... Idk if there using the same supplier for mct oil or if they changed.... I have heard of labs switching supplier for there carrier oil and it having a slight tint to it then it being crystal clear they never mentioned a different smell or smell at all. Some brands of oils iv used before I could smell but it wasnt a bad smell just the normal... And Im pretty sure they don't use any eo or guaiacol . There really wouldn't be a point in test cyp... The only thing I can think is maybe they use it on test no ester or some other compounds and it was stored close to those. Cause as I'm sure u know MSG guaiacol usually smells and can make the whole place smell, or maybe it was stored close to a eo or guaiacol bottle they once used and have kept around... I'm not sure when I get some of there stuff I'll see if I also notice. I do think they are one of the better ugls around presently... I spoke to them yesterday or today I know they sent some products out for testing so they should be posted up soon. I know src testing doesn't go as far as customer testing does. But they have usually tested pretty good and also off customer blind sample tests, which usually matches there test reports.... They have been around for some time now too and I really haven't heard to many bad things other then that one issue which they corrected and I believe was an isolated incident....

How are u feeling on it or too soon to tell really?

Been using what i got for the better part of a year. No complaints.