SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Upper quads or lower?
One hand above the knee and one hand below the groin. Anywhere in there is free real estate to me. I’ve also hit the sides too. Never any pip, still able to roll without pain.
That's 1000mg a week lol.

Are you taking anything else? If just the Westwards, pull some labs and post your results for us. I am curious to see your total T lol
I live in a fucked state for bloodwork. and yeah im currently blasting. From 10/18 to 10/24 I pinned 1.6grams of test. the vial of westward, spectrum test e and today did a cc of colonials cyp.

frankly, 120 USD was great value, for the pain in the ass it was

to do pretty much trace analysis of a very volatile compound gets real hard when your entire lab is set up about detecting major constituents that are very-little-volatile
season 7 episode 22 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
I live in a fucked state for bloodwork. and yeah im currently blasting. From 10/18 to 10/24 I pinned 1.6grams of test. the vial of westward, spectrum test e and today did a cc of colonials cyp.
I just sent out some of colonials DHB for testing. How are you liking the cyp? And did you get GSO or MCT?
You savages cleaned me out today.

Items out of stock:

Items landing next week:
Nebido 1000mg/4ml
Thai Testoviron
I just sent out some of colonials DHB for testing. How are you liking the cyp? And did you get GSO or MCT?
I got the GSO 200mg/ml cyp. The reason I'm all over the place with labs is cause I can't pin MCT and It seems every notable ugl is in MCT or has some EO in it. So today was actually my first time pinning the colonial and I got a lingering burn from it that came on after the pin was over. So I'll see how I feel tmmr.
I live in a fucked state for bloodwork. and yeah im currently blasting. From 10/18 to 10/24 I pinned 1.6grams of test. the vial of westward, spectrum test e and today did a cc of colonials cyp.

What did u think of coloinals test cyp did u use the mct or gso. There one of the only ugls I feel okay using for compounds that aren't pharma and that I can't get from skankhunt
I just sent out some of colonials DHB for testing. How are you liking the cyp? And did you get GSO or MCT?
I also use colonial. His test cyp in mct is pip free for me and bloodwork comes back good and sent to jano and came back nearly spot on. Also his lady var came back good too. I used one vial of his dhb to pip test and it was pip free as well for me
I got the GSO 200mg/ml cyp. The reason I'm all over the place with labs is cause I can't pin MCT and It seems every notable ugl is in MCT or has some EO in it. So today was actually my first time pinning the colonial and I got a lingering burn from it that came on after the pin was over. So I'll see how I feel tmmr.
Yeah I ordered GSO and got MCT lol.
What did u think of coloinals test cyp did u use the mct or gso. There one of the only ugls I feel okay using for compounds that aren't pharma and that I can't get from skankhunt

One of my vials of Cyp in MCT contained gear that smelled like a wet dog. i used the whole thing without issue, but that smell was raunchy. The next vial has a very faint oder of the same, so i'm not sure if that's just the smell of MCT? i've never noticed it before so i don't know.
I’m using colonials dhb, pip free although it does keep crashing. Bloods came back good as well on his test e
Yeah same with mine. Hopefully the labs are good and the pip isn’t bad. Thanks for the insight man.
One of my vials of Cyp in MCT contained gear that smelled like a wet dog. i used the whole thing without issue, but that smell was raunchy. The next vial has a very faint oder of the same, so i'm not sure if that's just the smell of MCT? i've never noticed it before so i don't know.
never had a scent before with MCT... guaiacol might be in there? that shit is awful.


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