SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Did you ever get modifinil in stock and if so, is it really in 20 mg pills? They don’t make 20 mg pills, that’s why I’m asking.
Nope. Should’ve been 200mg*. I have telmisartan on the way then I’m looking at grabbing those.
As you can see ladies and gentleman @Carlitosaso is a FRAUD.

What happened to Kini.......

When I asked him from his other account to post his fake vs real prescription Actavis he deflected and instead instigated to rile up everyone.

"I don't trust you"............

Yeah because my Harry Potter ass is going to change the pic with my wand LOL

He then called me a con simply because I asked for evidence and instead named called me and bullied me like a little bitch going back and fourth with both accounts.

You can see the motive between these competitors and the intentions to smear and hurt someone's credibility.

If you can't provide facts GTFO.....

@Millard we have Kini other account still active and he is just spamming now.
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As you can see ladies and gentleman @Carlitosaso is a FRAUD.

What happened to Kini.......

When I asked him from his other account to post his fake vs real prescription Actavis he deflected and instead instigated to rile up everyone.

"I don't trust you"............

Yeah because my Harry Potter ass is going to change the pic with my wand LOL

He then called me a con simply because I asked for evidence and instead named called me and bullied me like a little bitch going back and fourth with both accounts.

You can see the motive between these competitors and the intentions to smear and hurt someone's credibility.

If you can't provide facts GTFO.....

@Millard we have Kini other account still active and he is just spamming now.
Shut the fuck up you shill
I think I missed it, so forgive me. Is the winstrol 100 tablets at 10mg per? Ditto the dbol?
Yes winny is 10mgx100ct.
Dbol is 50mg/60ct. These are expired so I need to lab test them. They’re the old squares that split in the middle.
As you can see ladies and gentleman @Carlitosaso is a FRAUD.

What happened to Kini.......

When I asked him from his other account to post his fake vs real prescription Actavis he deflected and instead instigated to rile up everyone.

"I don't trust you"............

Yeah because my Harry Potter ass is going to change the pic with my wand LOL

He then called me a con simply because I asked for evidence and instead named called me and bullied me like a little bitch going back and fourth with both accounts.

You can see the motive between these competitors and the intentions to smear and hurt someone's credibility.

If you can't provide facts GTFO.....

@Millard we have Kini other account still active and he is just spamming now.
Damn why are you shilling so hard? I told you to go ask a mod if we are the same person. If we are not you can go ride your moms black dildo. I guess you are riding it now caus you sound real butthurt.