SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

@SkankHunt do I see Russian Nordis?!? :oops:

The new ones have the QR code system (Not like that sticker from the Turkish ones).

They are laser scribbed on to the box from Novo Nordisk.

Also, new lots are the Nordiflex version not Nordilets that still exist around South America.

Can you post pics?
Yessir I can tomorrow.
Of course. Whatever the demand is I’ll do my best to grab it.
mvp GIF
I haven't seen the square danabols before. I like that form factor a lot better. I used to love dbol, but I'm more about 10mg pills you can spread out.

I see that. They are the old lot. Some people (Including myself) miss the old tabs. They had a split to cut them in the middle as opposed to the newer ones later that don't.
I see that. They are the old lot. Some people (Including myself) miss the old tabs. They had a split to cut them in the middle as opposed to the newer ones later that don't.
Yup these are expired. Gotta send to Jano, just waiting on my DHB to land. I don’t wanna pay for shipping twice.
I am really saddened by how bad this thread has derailed.

The trolling had gotten so bad and the agenda and envy it seems from one vendor @SkankHunt to you Kini/Carlo is indeed very real.

I am not going to respond no more because this had gone to far once again.

Now racism has been involved and I don't tolerate that at all.

One member using two accounts is not cool logging into one to another immediately is quite disturbing honestly.

@SkankHunt let me know when you get those Portugal Aspen Deca Durabolins brother
Lmao you can go suck a fat dick, the big black dildo you are gonna ride has nothing to do with racism. I said nothing negative about big black dicks, I bet you and your mom enjoy that shit. And again we are not the same person you fucking shill.
That's why they are called replicas. I'm not sure why guys are OK with selling the same Watson & WeatWard replicas that the other sources sell? Is it because its to awkward and uncomfortable to confront the guy selling them because you all like him as a member. You woke up one day and he's now a source here so you let it slide?

@Pounds23 , you're saying you know that these Actavis and WestWard are replicas but you stating as much won't change anything so you just laugh it off? That's not what we do here. I've been here a long time. I've called out scammers here and other places. We don't simply roll over and take the fleecing.

The arguments you make are the same that have been made by all the other sources selling these replicas over the years. I've read posts where you say the same things I'm saying in support of ridding the Community of these replicas.

Whether or not you are partners with skank may never be known. What seems more than clear is that if you weren't here playing offense and defense for skank, the WestWard and Actavis Test wouldn't be moving like they are and it would be the consensus that they are in fact replicas.

That support and all out push to get members to believe you 2 are so special and the long time sources...Flora, Sandra, Domestic Supply, and all the others got left out in the cold only able to get fakes while this brand new source found the unicorn; inexpensive pharmacy grade test manufactured exclusively for the US market. This irrefutable proof you won't show anyone(i could care less to see this fucking bullshit) is a lie as are your made up friends "in the know" stationed around the globe giving you insider info. GOOGLE ALERTS can fill up your inbox with a lot to read there you slick pick pocket piece of shit.

Your fucking bullshit combined with meso members not much caring one way or the other if they are fake and allowing you 2 to get away with selling these 2 replicas is allowing this scam to continue. I'm almost ashamed of this place. Where are the guys putting this sources feet to the flames. The onus is on this source to prove he is different than the other sources selling this shit. They are all fake and this source has the only real shit? I've got to challenge the board as a whole to wake the fuck up! You guys greeting sources are gonna let these 2 go without checking them? On your watch. Before I call you out by name I'm going to pm you board leaders and see what your excuse is. Its fucked is what it is.

I don't understand it but its clear guys don't want to confront the oh so polite skank and aren't ready to be called fucking retarded by you, Mcfly. I don't know who you are or where the fuck you came from but I've been around and have done more than my share to protect this Community from your kind.

You and skank believe it can't be proven that the WestWard and Actavis test are replicas. You claim the thing that proves they are authentic can't go further than you two special guys. Bullshit. Jano's testing doesn't mean much. Jano and I have both seen counterfeits that are impossible to tell from the real deal. As you have. The fact remains its not chemistry to brew test E and C.
The fact also remains that the chances of these 2 products being authentic are much less than the chance that they are replicas. If you don't agree with that after your post history here,,,as brief as it is at less than 2 yrs..has you looking more suspect than if you were honest and agreed that there's more of a chance that any source selling West Ward and Actavis test are selling replicas rather than authentic products.

Classic retort by a purvey of counterfeit Watson Test Cyp circa 2013.

This fucking angle has been shown to mean nothing. Thought you had something. You looked like a fucking dump truck after a couple of members and Jano replied to you and your yelping. haven't proven to know anyone or know anything "inside" or special. Anyone with google alerts and time to read could be as informed as you. Nobody knows you or where you came from. You a noob with a slick fucking mouth. Nothing more. were left holding your dick after betting Jano was going to cosign your bullshit. He did not.

Curious? What about how this was going to prove the authenticity of the WestWards? Not gonna happen. Are you curious now asshole? Who cares? This shit was supposed to end things and prove something. It proves you aren't nearly as bright as you thought you were. You look fucking stupid. Nothing you said came to light. What happened?

Anything you want answers to that you believe is going to make me uncomfortable can be found in my posts. Most vets in the Community know me. They know who I am irl, They know my history and ID. I don't hide behind anything. You're skanks fucking mouthpiece. His watchdog. These 2 products will be judged to be replicas as have all the others sold in quantity by every other source who has them on their list.

How can it be proven. You claim to have ironclad just can't say what it is. The only thing I'll have on my side is common sense and experience...a lot of it. I don't know if the rest of meso is going to wake up and remember why we're here? If and when that happens, its gonna be lights out. If I have to bring reinforcements to pick up the slack(a fucking shame it would be but something has to be done.) I've done it before. I'm going to get you 2 straightened out. I've dealt with better than you Mcfly. I predict that you are on the downslide of your career at meso. You've been here less than 2'll be gone in no more than 1 year from now.

The last time I called something like this was with the TGI hired help. Agent Fury, Iceman, and a few others.....they fell off the face of the earth. I, on the otherhand, am going nowhere. Serostim and anything else you think bothers me does not. Its all a matter of record you imbecile. The Community and the Powers that be want me here. They are weaker without me. Tick Tock motherfucker. I've got you in my crosshairs. Mouth off and crack wise while you're here. Time is getting short,
Finally these two retards are getting exposed, the whole testing and starting a pharmacy bullshit was a long con. Big fucking scam.
Lmao you can go suck a fat dick, the big black dildo you are gonna ride has nothing to do with racism. I said nothing negative about big black dicks, I bet you and your mom enjoy that shit. And again we are not the same person you fucking shill.

Dude ur still fucking going Holly shit man, u just don't know when to stop, we have heard everything u have had to say go do something else that's more productive to ur day man. Like my dude is really living all day everyday in ur head. Concentrate on ur own shit like training and actually lifting and eating right man. You spend more time doing this then u do anything else.... I mean for real ur talking about "big black dildos" and shit....
What’s the point? All labs and tests I’ve posted have just been hit with the same “yeaaaa but I still think it’s fake”. Why risk losing my connect just so I can please my competition on here?

I won’t offer them here anymore. If it’s that much of a controversy I won’t carry them. Hell I could just go private. Guys have been requesting items and I’ve don’t a decent job at getting them for them. Now I’m accused of just being a nice guy to scam them. Get the fuck outta here.

Has there been any complaints? Have guys gotten floaters or abscesses? Are the stoppers coming off the vials? Is the anadrol bunk? Everyone seems to be pretty happy so far. Ive said it before why would I wait 10 years to become a scammer for a single vial of testosterone?

This is the last time I’ll comment on this subject. They’re gone and I’ll no longer carry it. Very simple. No more arguing or controversy.

Also @MadBret this wasn’t directed towards you, I just replied to the last comment.
Those labtests prove absolutely nothing in regards to the fake garbage you are selling now
Don’t be upset i outed you as a rep for Odin. Not my fault your lab puts out shit gear.

By the way you still feeling like a pussy with the EQ you emotional little faggot? Comes on to the board because he’s a sad panda now he’s acting like a big shot. Get the fuck outta here bro and stop using gear until you become a man.
I'll do all that shit as soon as you stop selling fake pharma trash kid. Untill then you can suck my dick
Those labtests prove absolutely nothing in regards to the fake garbage you are selling now
Lmao. Do you wake up everyday and just think of me? How sad is your life bro. You need to seek professional help and stop running gear.
Dude ur still fucking going Holly shit man, u just don't know when to stop, we have heard everything u have had to say go do something else that's more productive to ur day man. Like my dude is really living all day everyday in ur head. Concentrate on ur own shit like training and actually lifting and eating right man. You spend more time doing this then u do anything else.... I mean for real ur talking about "big black dildos" and shit....
Shut the fuck up don't you have to sell free eroids gear to be able to afford your opiod addiction? Get the fuck out of here you fucking bum.
Im open to all scrutiny and feedback wether it be negative or positive. I’ve dropped the Hikmas from my line so there’s no more controversy. The only negative feedback is dipshit Carlito saying I have fake products meanwhile Turkish Pharmacy himself commented on my thread they changed the blister style.
You forgot about people saying your actavis is fake aswell?