SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

I know for a fact there legit, I can't go into more detail I would love to, but what does it matter when a few members already ah e there mind made up...
fuck outta here the kid mero GIF by Desus & Mero
Major fan of Balkan’s provi if you can get your hands on any. Pretty sure they no longer exist tho

I reached out to Balkan and they wrote back to me the other day.

They are waiting on approval from the government for re registration on some medications.

So now its a waiting game.

I agree, it would be cool if @SkankHunt get them but it will deff be old stock.

Furthermore, Bayer proviron is still sold in Greece in very limited amounts as well in Portugal. Let's hope they don't pull those off the market as well.


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Due to much controversy I won’t be carrying them anymore. Too much arguing going back and fourth it’s not worth it. Jano should have my sample of the westward today which he’ll test for chlorobutanol. Regardless I still won’t be offering them. Enjoy it brother and give some feedback.
You could just carry them and let the people who don't want it they don't need to buy them
I reached out to Balkan and they wrote back to me the other day.

They are waiting on approval from the government for re registration on some medications.

So now its a waiting game.

I agree, it would be cool if @SkankHunt get them but it will deff be old stock.

Furthermore, Bayer proviron is still sold in Greece in very limited amounts as well in Portugal. Let's hope they don't pull those off the market as well.

Bayer is the most faked thing out there so I’ll pass. They also don’t make higher than a 25mg I believe. Where Balkan’s was 50mg and I sent it off or testing and it scored very well.

Bayer is the most faked thing out there so I’ll pass. They also don’t make higher than a 25mg I believe. Where Balkan’s was 50mg and I sent it off or testing and it scored very well.

Careful bro. Others have been attacked in this thread for saying things like you just did with the Bayer comment. At least you aren't saying it about any of the Bayer products the source here carries, or are you?

You seem like you also won't take shit from anyone including frauds and low level con artists who call themselves experts so maybe you will be ok after all.

PS: I have been impressed with Balkan as well.
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Careful bro. Others have been attacked in this thread for saying things like you just did with the Bayer comment. At least you aren't saying it about any of the Bayer products the source here carries, or are you?

You seem like you also won't take shit from anyone including frauds and low level con artists who call themselves experts so maybe you will be ok after all.

PS: I have been impressed with Balkan as well.

I’m not doing this with you two. Nope…

Bayer is the most faked thing out there so I’ll pass. They also don’t make higher than a 25mg I believe. Where Balkan’s was 50mg and I sent it off or testing and it scored very well.

Yes there has been fakes coming from Greece during the hault of the production from Bayer. This isn't nothing new especially last year when the market was completely dry.

Now they reappeared in the Greek pharmacies in very small amounts. Portugal is the same situation. I believe France has them too. Had a member confirm it.

Can you do me a favor and have someone tell the minion to please shut the fuck up. I am talking to you I don't need this instigating shit like he is always doing.

He is mad because @SkankHunt turned down his SHIT Odin products.

Post those pics of your Hikma and your counterfeit or GTFOH.

Don't think for one second I haven't got DMs from other members about you and your agenda instigating bitch ass.
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So since it was kinda asked I’ll put my OPINION out there. I’ve been on and off the boards for a minute. I have seen more fakes than you can even imagine being sold and even got burnt with some myself. For this reason I’ll never trust anything to be pharma but if it TEST well and comes in an authentic looking box with label it would definitely be a plus over UGL as I could leave it around the house in plain sight and not have to bury it with the rest of my gear in the back yard. Not sayin what Skank’s got isn’t legit. Just in my experience I trust no one other than what I see on a hplc report and even then don’t trust it’s pharma. Just my my 2 cents.

While we’re talkin Balkan. I’ll kick the bees nest. They are as close to pharma as you can get imo but they are not pharma. That screenshot of the email of them waiting for licensing is comical. Sure Balkan, here’s your license to produce tren and sell it on the underground market. Gtfoh
So since it was kinda asked I’ll put my OPINION out there. I’ve been on and off the boards for a minute. I have seen more fakes than you can even imagine being sold and even got burnt with some myself. For this reason I’ll never trust anything to be pharma but if it TEST well and comes in an authentic looking box with label it would definitely be a plus over UGL as I could leave it around the house in plain sight and not have to bury it with the rest of my gear in the back yard. Not sayin what Skank’s got isn’t legit. Just in my experience I trust no one other than what I see on a hplc report and even then don’t trust it’s pharma. Just my my 2 cents.

While we’re talkin Balkan. I’ll kick the bees nest. They are as close to pharma as you can get imo but they are not pharma. That screenshot of the email of them waiting for licensing is comical. Sure Balkan, here’s your license to produce tren and sell it on the underground market. Gtfoh

I respect your opinion.

Sorry you got burnt.

I agree Moldova is a wild country lol

I still use Balkan for exotics over 99% of the shit out there.

It's very controversial. There biggest market is Russia. Alot of athletes get paid there. 15 years in business and still going. I wish @Den84 was still around. He sent me pics when he was in Moldova and he bought Cipandrol (Testosterona C) over the counter with the reciept/invoice. I didn't ask what else could been purchased there.

Now in Moldova it's all regulated. You can't walk into a pharmacy to buy Cipandrol. You need a prescription from your doctor to fulfill it. It's even on Moldovian government site.
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So since it was kinda asked I’ll put my OPINION out there. I’ve been on and off the boards for a minute. I have seen more fakes than you can even imagine being sold and even got burnt with some myself. For this reason I’ll never trust anything to be pharma but if it TEST well and comes in an authentic looking box with label it would definitely be a plus over UGL as I could leave it around the house in plain sight and not have to bury it with the rest of my gear in the back yard. Not sayin what Skank’s got isn’t legit. Just in my experience I trust no one other than what I see on a hplc report and even then don’t trust it’s pharma. Just my my 2 cents.

While we’re talkin Balkan. I’ll kick the bees nest. They are as close to pharma as you can get imo but they are not pharma. That screenshot of the email of them waiting for licensing is comical. Sure Balkan, here’s your license to produce tren and sell it on the underground market. Gtfoh
Please do not discredit Meso's all things steroids and counterfeit expert.

I know it is hard not to when the dope can't even spell halt correctly but the SUS Fool has a lot on his plate. Let us not forget that he is also a failed private investigator.

Let's be nice and give him an F for bottom line accuracy but an A for smoke and mirror efforts.
Yes there has been fakes coming from Greece during the hault of the production from Bayer. This isn't nothing new especially last year when the market was completely dry.

Now they reappeared in the Greek pharmacies in very small amounts. Portugal is the same situation. I believe France has them too. Had a member confirm it.

Can you do me a favor and have someone tell the minion to please shut the fuck up. I am talking to you I don't need this instigating shit like he is always doing.

He is mad because @SkankHunt turned down his SHIT Odin products.

Post those pics of your Hikma and your counterfeit or GTFOH.

Don't think for one second I haven't got DMs from other members about you and your agenda instigating bitch ass.
DM's from other members, oh no. How is your investigation going? Still nothing huh?
Please do not discredit Meso's all things steroids and counterfeit expert.

I know it is hard not to when the dope can't even spell halt correctly but the SUS Fool has a lot on his plate. Let us not forget that he is also a failed private investigator.

Let's be nice and give him an F for bottom line accuracy but an A for smoke and mirror efforts.

How about you shut the fuck up stop deflecting and post those fake pics of the your prescription Hikma and your fake side by side so we can all see.

I am tired of you yapping your mouth and deflecting.

We all know your agenda and how you are now trying to instigate with the Bayer conversation now.


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