SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Why are there so many dofanils? And which one is the best? I only used mofafinil. I like it. But how are all the others?
I’ve used Modafinil for years, and my sleep doctor asked if I wanted to try armodafinil, which I did, and it sucked. Literally did nothing for me, so I switched back to modafinil, which works very well for me.
I’ve used Modafinil for years, and my sleep doctor asked if I wanted to try armodafinil, which I did, and it sucked. Literally did nothing for me, so I switched back to modafinil, which works very well for me.

For what it's worth, people interested in using Modafinil can try it a cheaper easier way first before splurging on the pharmaceutical stuff. There's something called Adrafinil that is not a controlled substance at all and is available as bulk powder dirt cheap (compared to the actual drug sold by the pharmacy.)

Adrafinil is a precursor and is processed by the liver into Modafinil. I've used Modafinil off and on for over fifteen years and I find the effect of Adrafinil is identical to it, with the exception that you need to take generally double the dosage of the Adrafinil as you would of Modafinil. Meaning if you normally take 150 mg of Modafinil you'd want to take 300 mg of Adrafinil for the same result.

Like I said, it's available bulk relatively cheaply. You can fill your own capsules or if you dry measure the dosage you can just dump it into water or koolaid or something. It's sort of like creatine, having literally no flavor at all, but is not quite as gritty as creatine though. I wouldn't recommend trying to swallow the powder dry (e.g. by just dumping it into your mouth) because if you cough you're going to blow a white cloud of it all over the place. If you inhale while the dry powder is in your mouth believe me when you suck a little of that powder in you're going to be coughing plenty.

I don't recommend buying it in capsules pre-made or from any of the online "nootropic" vendors because their prices approach what it would cost just paying for a prescription of Modafinil. I've bought it several times from online chemical sources, and generally I've found if the place has MSDS sheets available for it you can be confident you're getting the real thing.

The best part about it is that even though it's functionally equivalent to a drug that's a schedule III narcotic, Adrafinil isn't on anybody's watch list or such, so you can order as much as you like without attracting unwanted attention to yourself.
Apologies to Skank Hunt for being so late about this, but I received an order from him about three weeks ago and have been so distracted by work-related stuff I forgot to post about the transaction on the board.

Short version:
First test order from SkankHunt went well. Ordered on a Thursday, shipped Friday, arrived Monday.

I don't know if there are any scammers out there faking glass ampules (I've never seen any) but both the ampules I got and the packaging and inserts that came with them convinced me that I was getting absolutely legit shit.

I will be sending him some more money and very soon. Like any seller I wanted to do a smallish test order first and I'm happy with how that one went.

Longer version:
I ordered a bunch of the Aspen Sustenon. In addition I ordered a few ampules of the Bayer Testoviron Depot (also Sustenon, more or less) and of another brand of Test E. I forget how he lists the latter in his price list but the vial says "RotexMedica" and appears to be German.

As far as the Aspen, well I've been using it for about three weeks now and it seems to be working exactly as expected. Of course I didn't order enough of the other ones to give any results on how well they work. My main reason for ordering the different types was that for the past two years or so I'd been exclusively using UGL (mostly Sigma) stuff and have had some problems with it.

This was mostly Trenebolone Enanthate, Sustenon, and test E.

While I can't argue with the results of it--it worked like a beast--I had a lot of problems with inflammation to the point that my leg (I pin my thighs) swelled up to twice the size of the other and took a course of corticosteroids to get it back down to normal size. It wasn't infection or any problems with sterility, but inflammation alone. At its worst I was getting the awful "tren cough" even when I wasn't pinning trenebolone. Also, after pretty much every injection the site hurt for several days after, sometimes pretty badly.

So the reason for ordering several kinds was to see if the problems I'd had were related to how the UGL stuff was formulated. I've heard that some of the UGLs use things like propylene glycol and other substances in their gear that can cause problems like I was getting.

Since I've been using pharma-grade gear in ampules I haven't had a single incident like that. No post-injection pain, no swelling, no tren cough. One major difference I noticed is that all three of the types I got from this seller were a LOT more viscous than the UGL stuff I'd been getting. I think the reason I had been getting the cough was because of how non-viscous the UGL stuff was. Supposedly the cough comes from getting a little of it directly into your bloodstream, causing a histamine release and the tight throat and coughing. This can be caused by being too close to or accidentally injecting directly into a vein. I now think that the reason I had so much trouble with the UGL stuff was the lack of viscosity which allowed it to disperse more freely and getting into any vein I might have skewered with the needle on the way in.

That's my best guess anyway. Anyhow, very happy with this first test order and will be ordering again very soon.
Provigil is modafinil nuvigil is armodafinil. Armodafinil is far superior to modafinil IMO.

Anywho... pack landed without issue. All is there.. Thanks

Modafinil consists of two active ingredients, that are (if I'm remembering correctly) stereoisomers of each other. One of those is armodafinil, I forget what the other is. Armodafinil has a much longer half-life in the body than the other isomer. So armodafinil could be seen as essentially a longer-acting version of modafinil. I've take both and they worked identically so far as I could tell, but the duration of the straight armodafinil was noticibly longer. Your mileage may vary, of course, but I didn't find enough of a difference between the two to justify paying more for the armodafinil, if indeed you're paying for it out of pocket. If insurance covers it, sure, give me the longer-acting stuff.

But one thing to keep in mind is that the clear-headedness that modafinil gives usually persists long after the noticeable stimulant effects dissipate. I used to teach a college class and during a lecture would keep the class textbook open on the lectern and would reference it frequently during the lecture. The first class I taught after starting modafinil, I took 150 mg in the morning about 9 am. I had to return to teach a night class the same day from 6-9 PM. So far as I could tell the modafinil had long-since worn off hours before. At the end of the night class I realized I'd given the entire 2.5 hour lecture, and got everything right, without even once looking at the textbook.

Pretty amazing.
Apologies to Skank Hunt for being so late about this, but I received an order from him about three weeks ago and have been so distracted by work-related stuff I forgot to post about the transaction on the board.

Short version:
First test order from SkankHunt went well. Ordered on a Thursday, shipped Friday, arrived Monday.

I don't know if there are any scammers out there faking glass ampules (I've never seen any) but both the ampules I got and the packaging and inserts that came with them convinced me that I was getting absolutely legit shit.

I will be sending him some more money and very soon. Like any seller I wanted to do a smallish test order first and I'm happy with how that one went.

Longer version:
I ordered a bunch of the Aspen Sustenon. In addition I ordered a few ampules of the Bayer Testoviron Depot (also Sustenon, more or less) and of another brand of Test E. I forget how he lists the latter in his price list but the vial says "RotexMedica" and appears to be German.

As far as the Aspen, well I've been using it for about three weeks now and it seems to be working exactly as expected. Of course I didn't order enough of the other ones to give any results on how well they work. My main reason for ordering the different types was that for the past two years or so I'd been exclusively using UGL (mostly Sigma) stuff and have had some problems with it.

This was mostly Trenebolone Enanthate, Sustenon, and test E.

While I can't argue with the results of it--it worked like a beast--I had a lot of problems with inflammation to the point that my leg (I pin my thighs) swelled up to twice the size of the other and took a course of corticosteroids to get it back down to normal size. It wasn't infection or any problems with sterility, but inflammation alone. At its worst I was getting the awful "tren cough" even when I wasn't pinning trenebolone. Also, after pretty much every injection the site hurt for several days after, sometimes pretty badly.

So the reason for ordering several kinds was to see if the problems I'd had were related to how the UGL stuff was formulated. I've heard that some of the UGLs use things like propylene glycol and other substances in their gear that can cause problems like I was getting.

Since I've been using pharma-grade gear in ampules I haven't had a single incident like that. No post-injection pain, no swelling, no tren cough. One major difference I noticed is that all three of the types I got from this seller were a LOT more viscous than the UGL stuff I'd been getting. I think the reason I had been getting the cough was because of how non-viscous the UGL stuff was. Supposedly the cough comes from getting a little of it directly into your bloodstream, causing a histamine release and the tight throat and coughing. This can be caused by being too close to or accidentally injecting directly into a vein. I now think that the reason I had so much trouble with the UGL stuff was the lack of viscosity which allowed it to disperse more freely and getting into any vein I might have skewered with the needle on the way in.

That's my best guess anyway. Anyhow, very happy with this first test order and will be ordering again very soon.
Most of the oils are castor and are very thick. Testoviron is used for TRT in other countries, the castor oil slowly releases to hormone for steady blood levels. Glad to hear you enjoy it brother.
Including a live ferret.

Don't ask.
This little guy knows how to really work the prostate with those dance moves. OK time for me to go adrafinil searching.

Ferret Dancing Animal GIF by TikTok
Placed an order about 3 weeks ago , communications were fast, smooth transaction and package arrived with zero issues. Pleasure to deal with !
For what it's worth, people interested in using Modafinil can try it a cheaper easier way first before splurging on the pharmaceutical stuff. There's something called Adrafinil that is not a controlled substance at all and is available as bulk powder dirt cheap (compared to the actual drug sold by the pharmacy.)

Adrafinil is a precursor and is processed by the liver into Modafinil. I've used Modafinil off and on for over fifteen years and I find the effect of Adrafinil is identical to it, with the exception that you need to take generally double the dosage of the Adrafinil as you would of Modafinil. Meaning if you normally take 150 mg of Modafinil you'd want to take 300 mg of Adrafinil for the same result.

Like I said, it's available bulk relatively cheaply. You can fill your own capsules or if you dry measure the dosage you can just dump it into water or koolaid or something. It's sort of like creatine, having literally no flavor at all, but is not quite as gritty as creatine though. I wouldn't recommend trying to swallow the powder dry (e.g. by just dumping it into your mouth) because if you cough you're going to blow a white cloud of it all over the place. If you inhale while the dry powder is in your mouth believe me when you suck a little of that powder in you're going to be coughing plenty.

I don't recommend buying it in capsules pre-made or from any of the online "nootropic" vendors because their prices approach what it would cost just paying for a prescription of Modafinil. I've bought it several times from online chemical sources, and generally I've found if the place has MSDS sheets available for it you can be confident you're getting the real thing.

The best part about it is that even though it's functionally equivalent to a drug that's a schedule III narcotic, Adrafinil isn't on anybody's watch list or such, so you can order as much as you like without attracting unwanted attention to yourself.
If you’re using scripted pharmaceutical grade Modafinil, which means it’s coming from a US pharmacy then it’s far cheaper than anything you’re getting from overseas. I get 45 tablets (200 mg tabs) per month for $10 with my insurance. Nobody is using it without insurance from a pharmacy because it costs almost $1300 for 45 tabs without insurance, which is insane.
If you’re using scripted pharmaceutical grade Modafinil, which means it’s coming from a US pharmacy then it’s far cheaper than anything you’re getting from overseas. I get 45 tablets (200 mg tabs) per month for $10 with my insurance. Nobody is using it without insurance from a pharmacy because it costs almost $1300 for 45 tabs without insurance, which is insane.
I get 60 200mg per month for about $45 using GoodRx. Without GoodRx or insurance, the price would be ridiculous.