SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

You got to be kidding me with this price list.
$12 for an amp of Aspen sustanon? lol.. I should start a list and undercut you big time. I can give members here those amps all day long for $8-9.

Same thing with Rotex Medica.. I can provide those for the membership for

Arimidex $80? Lmao.. I can give members these for $40-45.

Id be happy to provide pics of stock if you wish. You want me to post with your screen name on the products?
SkankHunt has never made a secret of what he charges for his wares. You think we're all so stupid that we wouldn't have some idea of what the stuff is worth on this market? I and others pay those prices for multiple reasons. The most important of which is that he's been in the trenches long enough to convince us that he's honest and that we will get what we pay for.

You can provide it cheaper? Great. Wonderful. You still suck hind teat because what you haven't done is prove yourself fast, reliable, and honest like SkankHunt has. You're welcome to try. It took him months to get to that point, because as we all know loudmouthed shills show up in these forums all the time making grand claims about what they can do for a lower price. You think we all just started trusting him the day he showed up?

Speaking for myself, as a person who regularly spends money with people on this board, I'd rather pay him $12/ampule for Aspen Sustenon and KNOW I'm going to get quality product, and even better know I'm going to get it in days, not weeks, and there's no nail-biting worrying about which DHS bureaucrat is going to do his job zealously that day and seize my gear and send me an empty package with a warning letter inside, than trust an unknown for a PURPORTED lower price.

You think you can equal or beat that? 'Rotsa 'ruck dude. I can only speak for myself but when you show up out of the blue with snide, even childish bragging you have NOT earned my confidence. I won't be sending you a fucking penny.
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New price updates.
Genotropin 12mg/36iu GoQuick Pen- $175
Ozempic 1mg+4 Pins- $250
Testoviron/Aspen Sustanon amps- $10
Bayer Rimos- $12 (No boxes)
Pfizer Caber- $40

Stock updates:
Telmisartan 80mg- Tomorrow
Cialis 20mg- Tomorrow
HMG 150iu- Friday/Sat
Modafinil 100mg- Friday/Monday

Generic 5000iu HCG is on the way but will be sent to Jano first. If everything is spot on it will be around $25-30.

Generic Raloxifene, Azithromycin, Bactrim and Doxycycline are also on the way, should be a few weeks.
New price updates.
Genotropin 12mg/36iu GoQuick Pen- $175
Ozempic 1mg+4 Pins- $250
Testoviron/Aspen Sustanon amps- $10
Bayer Rimos- $12 (No boxes)
Pfizer Caber- $40

Stock updates:
Telmisartan 80mg- Tomorrow
Cialis 20mg- Tomorrow
HMG 150iu- Friday/Sat
Modafinil 100mg- Friday/Monday

Generic 5000iu HCG is on the way but will be sent to Jano first. If everything is spot on it will be around $25-30.

Generic Raloxifene, Azithromycin, Bactrim and Doxycycline are also on the way, should be a few weeks.
lmao at you changing prices.. Worried about me stealing your business? Let me get some pics and list together, and Ill put your ass out of business.

Bayer rimobolon with no boxes? LMAO! Those are more than likely fake or counterfeit. Adnansat that counterfeit seller from turkey probably sold you those exact same ones. Ill do you one better, Ill sell any member here Bayer rimobolons with box for $9ea, and Aspen Sustanon with boxes for $8each.
SkankHunt has never made a secret of what he charges for his wares. You think we're all so stupid that we wouldn't have some idea of what the stuff is worth on this market? I and others pay those prices for multiple reasons. The most important of which is that he's been in the trenches long enough to convince us that he's honest and that we will get what we pay for.

You can provide it cheaper? Great. Wonderful. You still suck hind teat because what you haven't done is prove yourself fast, reliable, and honest like SkankHunt has. You're welcome to try. It took him months to get to that point, because as we all know loudmouthed shills show up in these forums all the time making grand claims about what they can do for a lower price. You think we all just started trusting him the day he showed up?

Speaking for myself, as a person who regularly spends money with people on this board, I'd rather pay him $12/ampule for Aspen Sustenon and KNOW I'm going to get quality product, and even better know I'm going to get it in days, not weeks, and there's no nail-biting worrying about which DHS bureaucrat is going to do his job zealously that day and seize my gear and send me an empty package with a warning letter inside, than trust an unknown for a PURPORTED lower price.

You think you can equal or beat that? 'Rotsa 'ruck dude. I can only speak for myself but when you show up out of the blue with snide, even childish bragging you have NOT earned my confidence. I won't be sending you a fucking penny.

If you go through the right person, Aspen sustanon are less than $5/amp, same with bayer rimobolon. If this fool is selling you pharm grade without the boxes, like he just listed with bayer primobolon. They are counterfeit. Ill bet money on it

I will prove myself in due time. I will undercut this dude, like there is no tomorrow. He just listed caber for $40, Ill do it for $30.

But anything this skank fuck lists, I can easily beat it. I will do you one better too. Ill send you 10 aspens first, and you can pay me after you receive..
lmao at you changing prices.. Worried about me stealing your business? Let me get some pics and list together, and Ill put your ass out of business.

Bayer rimobolon with no boxes? LMAO! Those are more than likely fake or counterfeit. Adnansat that counterfeit seller from turkey probably sold you those exact same ones. Ill do you one better, Ill sell any member here Bayer rimobolons with box for $9ea, and Aspen Sustanon with boxes for $8each.
Here we go…another mf’er pressed about SkankHoe biz.

How about you stfu and make a thread for your bullshit competitive sales on products you didn’t even send out for testing you seth feroce dick rider.
lmao at you changing prices.. Worried about me stealing your business? Let me get some pics and list together, and Ill put your ass out of business.

Bayer rimobolon with no boxes? LMAO! Those are more than likely fake or counterfeit. Adnansat that counterfeit seller from turkey probably sold you those exact same ones. Ill do you one better, Ill sell any member here Bayer rimobolons with box for $9ea, and Aspen Sustanon with boxes for $8each.
Like I said. Go for it. I’ve tested all my stuff. You are the last person in the world I’m worried about lmao.
Lets see the bayer primobolon amps test that you are selling without boxes..
Ok I’ll have to explain this to you just like the other retards. There was already a Turkish vendor in my thread who verified my product after another one of you morons said it was fake lol. I offer the sus and primo without boxes because it’s easier to ship you dipshit. Check the pics, all different 21 serial numbers so your anadnant claim is bullshit. Cmon man tell me my shit is fake just like Carlito did. Then when we ask for proof you just respond with “fuck you”. Please open your store ASAP too.
Damn you’re getting Moda now?! Wish I would have known so I could have bundled all progressive auto like lol
Lmao I got your shipping costs. It was a last minute decision. Some guys had mixed results on India brand, some guys hated Modiwake but I haven’t seen negatives on Modiodal brand. On other forums it’s preferred over Modiwake. So we’ll see.

Edit: If anyone prefers Modiwake I can grab that too. It’s a bit cheaper.
lmao at you changing prices.. Worried about me stealing your business? Let me get some pics and list together, and Ill put your ass out of business.

Bayer rimobolon with no boxes? LMAO! Those are more than likely fake or counterfeit. Adnansat that counterfeit seller from turkey probably sold you those exact same ones. Ill do you one better, Ill sell any member here Bayer rimobolons with box for $9ea, and Aspen Sustanon with boxes for $8each.
Guarantee you don’t have the balls, quit talking out your bitch ass and do it.