SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

This little guy knows how to really work the prostate with those dance moves. OK time for me to go adrafinil searching.

Ferret Dancing Animal GIF by TikTok
I just figured that ferrets must be shaped that way for a reason....
What’s up Meso, I have officially joined the dark side.

What I offer to you fine people is genuine pharmacy grade products without the hassle of customs. I try to keep my prices competitive with other vendors. I’ve been lurking thread after thread to see what you guys have been asking for from intl sources. I try to stock as many as those products as possible. If they don’t sell, I’ll switch them out for something else.

My partner has warehouses in Turkey, India, Russia, Portugal and Thailand. Most products im able to acquire in a timely fashion 4-7 days. India may be a little longer.

I work strictly by email. Please keep all questions in this thread and I’ll answer them ASAP, email will strictly be for orders to keep things simple.

I accept only crypto and shipping will be a flat $15-20 depending on the size of the box. No tracking will be provided. I shoot to get out orders within 48 hours and ship priority.

My price list is below. I also have some UGL tabs (anavar) for anyone interested.


Aspen Sustanon 250mg $12 per amp
Bayer Testoviron 250mg $13 per amp
RotexMedica Testostetone $13 per Amp
Hikma Test Cyp 200mg $90 for 10ml
WestWard Test E 200mg $90 for (2) 5ml


British Dispensary Azolol 5mg/400ct $100
Abdi Anapolon 50mg/20ct- $45


Genotropin 12mg/36iu GoQuick pen $200
Serostim 126iu/(7) 18iu vials -$600
Jintropin 200iu (sending to Jano for analysis before I decide to list it)

Fat Loss:

Sopharma Clenbuterol 20mcg/50ct $30
Tiromel T3 25mcg/100ct $40
NovoNordisk Saxenda 6mg/ml- $120 per pen or 3 pack for $350 (ETA 9/16-9/17)


Deva Nolvadex 20mg/30ct $40
AstraZeneca Arimidex 1mg/28ct $80
Pfizer Aromasin 25mg/30ct $80
Pfizer Cabaser 1mg/20ct $50
IBSA Choriomon HCG 5000iu $65
Bayer Ovidac HCG 5000iu $65 (ETA 9/17)
Raloxifene 60mg/30ct $100
Novartis Letrozole 2.5mg/30ct $95

Pharma: (ETA 9/20 or earlier)

Lasix 40mg/36ct $45
Modafinil 20mg/30ct $90
Salbutamol 4mg/100ct $25
Roaccutane 10mg/30ct $50

**Tomorrow I will be sending Jano the Aromasin, Arimidex, Caber, Testoviron, Raloxifene and RotexMedica** Results will be posted ASAP. I also have Jintropin on the way which will be sent as well for purity/dimer.

Email is:

You got to be kidding me with this price list.
$12 for an amp of Aspen sustanon? lol.. I should start a list and undercut you big time. I can give members here those amps all day long for $8-9.

Same thing with Rotex Medica.. I can provide those for the membership for

Arimidex $80? Lmao.. I can give members these for $40-45.

Id be happy to provide pics of stock if you wish. You want me to post with your screen name on the products?
You got to be kidding me with this price list.
$12 for an amp of Aspen sustanon? lol.. I should start a list and undercut you big time. I can give members here those amps all day long for $8-9.

Same thing with Rotex Medica.. I can provide those for the membership for

Arimidex $80? Lmao.. I can give members these for $40-45.

Id be happy to provide pics of stock if you wish. You want me to post with your screen name on the products?
New source Friday is actually Friday this week, maybe open your thread then?
You got to be kidding me with this price list.
$12 for an amp of Aspen sustanon? lol.. I should start a list and undercut you big time. I can give members here those amps all day long for $8-9.

Same thing with Rotex Medica.. I can provide those for the membership for

Arimidex $80? Lmao.. I can give members these for $40-45.

Id be happy to provide pics of stock if you wish. You want me to post with your screen name on the products?
Go for it. No one is stopping you.
You got to be kidding me with this price list.
$12 for an amp of Aspen sustanon? lol.. I should start a list and undercut you big time. I can give members here those amps all day long for $8-9.

Same thing with Rotex Medica.. I can provide those for the membership for

Arimidex $80? Lmao.. I can give members these for $40-45.

Id be happy to provide pics of stock if you wish. You want me to post with your screen name on the products?
Start a source thread then. From this point on though please understand that you’re no longer a member, you’re a source. That means nobody will believe anything you say without proof and you’ll be required (by custom, not by law) to stay in your own thread. Looking forward to seeing what you’ve got.

*Please remember to outline OPSEC as best you can without giving away any information that would cause you to be exposed. Also it’s a good idea to post up all your testing for each product that you’ll be offering.
You got to be kidding me with this price list.
$12 for an amp of Aspen sustanon? lol.. I should start a list and undercut you big time. I can give members here those amps all day long for $8-9.

Same thing with Rotex Medica.. I can provide those for the membership for

Arimidex $80? Lmao.. I can give members these for $40-45.

Id be happy to provide pics of stock if you wish. You want me to post with your screen name on the products?
@Carlitosaso is that you?

You got to be kidding me with this price list.
$12 for an amp of Aspen sustanon? lol.. I should start a list and undercut you big time. I can give members here those amps all day long for $8-9.

Same thing with Rotex Medica.. I can provide those for the membership for

Arimidex $80? Lmao.. I can give members these for $40-45.

Id be happy to provide pics of stock if you wish. You want me to post with your screen name on the products?
It’s not worry it to anyone to sell aspen sust local for 9 dollars. 12 is very fair. As for rotex, I dont know the price in Thailand, but what I do know is that it’s not easy to source thai pharmacy goods outside of Thailand so I’m sure that tacks on a little Extra cost
@SkankHunt I can bet you this is that bitchass Kinistone stirring the pot again lol

Its either him or his boyfriend I'm sure one has a sore forearm and a sore throat. I don't get people like if ur shit is so good and so great and perfect and u can offer the best prices then open ur own thread. Talking shit if soft, if his shit is so good the prove it and open up a thread and src stop talking shit and show some action. Clearly it won't happen though cause he's to busy on his only fans
Skank you got a time frame on getting Var back in ?
The var I had was just leftover stock from PharmaQo. His price is now almost double since the shortage. So if I grab some and tack on my fee, I highly doubt anyone would buy it lol.