SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

I know a couple guys who go up to 800-1000mg a day of Magnesium Glycinate for severe stress/anxiety/insomnia/rls.

I agree 300mg is the starting dose, ramp it up and get a good brand. Again, I prefer Doctors Best. I buy the non flavored version in powdered form and I mix in in my orange juice every morning and it mask the taste entirely.

Also, Labdoor is an independent 3rd party website that randomly test products (Similar like Anaboliclab) and you would be surprised how much shit is out in the market.
It says its glycinate lycinate, so it has a combo?
Non buffered

They sell both pill and powered form.

I take the powder form because they use absolutely no fillers or anything.

Also, they make the powder version in flavored form and has no artifical colors or sweetners.

Oops didn’t see you had already replied to his comment I’m high asf
send me 3 tabs. I will know. (I'm srs)

addicted... to being awesome? super productive, motivated, and doing way more shit than you reasonably would without? you betcha.

I don't have any withdrawals. usually I take a day off every week or two just to catch up on sleep lol. I can stop whenever... in fact it has been probably a good 7-8 months I've been without.

like put it this way... I KNOW Tren is a dumb shit idea for me, yet I still grabbed a vial of Ace from Stan this last order. (I can handle 15-20mg/day, it'll be fine...)... fucking nope. So, I stopped it after a 4-5 say run right? Did I keep the vial in my never ending stash of gear trash?

Nope. Took a 21g and drew that shit out and flushed it down the drain. Every last drop. Why? I know myself. I'd convince my dumbass that I can handle it again in a month or two. no sir. not anymore.

I don't feel that at all with armodaf.
hope this helps.
What about the tren gives you problems? I'm in the same boat myself I got a vial of tren from Stan this last order thinking I could handle it and my BP has been so high its been messing with my training. I stopped it recently and waiting for it to clear..
What about the tren gives you problems? I'm in the same boat myself I got a vial of tren from Stan this last order thinking I could handle it and my BP has been so high its been messing with my training. I stopped it recently and waiting for it to clear..
i think it just sent me over the edge tbh. I'm having to stop all gear now and go back on my other form of TRT. BP was horrible, prostate is a mess, acne, etc. I'm not happy about it but obviously health > all.

but to answer specifically, yes, BP was godawful. like I would lean over to pet my Manx and like 1 second later I'm red as a tomato. ???????????? lol
This source sells fake gear, buyer beware!! He sold me fake pharma test and I'm trying to get my money back now. He offered me money to stay silent but I won't accept his bribes.
Hey j sometimes I feel like I have that also like my legs kinda also hurt and at a bit right but not my whole leg more in my calf area do u take anything that u notice that works? I know alot of people they give Lyrica? I just was wondering if u have had anything that uv tried that helped or noticed a difference from ?
Maybe stop selling the free promo gear you got to buy opiods/painkillers kid...
I heard from mods on eroids you're a hardcore addict. Thats why you got banned.
This source sells fake gear, buyer beware!! He sold me fake pharma test and I'm trying to get my money back now. He offered me money to stay silent but I won't accept his bribes.
You do realize nobody on this site gives a fuck when you open your mouth right?

You. Are. A. Grown. Man. Crying. While. Taking. Steroids.

At this point your best option is to make a new username. Do you really think if you send a vial of vegetable oil to Jano and say you got it from me anyone will believe you? Are you really that stupid? Did you need see the guy who pulled 3700 on bloods running my gear?

You are pathetic. Do you see any negative reviews here besides you? Let me guess, they’re all “dickriders” and “shills” right?
Maybe stop selling the free promo gear you got to buy opiods/painkillers kid...
I heard from mods on eroids you're a hardcore addict. Thats why you got banned.
Carlito may try to act like a badass on the internet. But in reality, he’s a beta male. He’s a kid who gets his knowledge from Wikipedia.

- Thursday during the day I was a huge emotional mess with crying spells and everything. The trigger was some small personal shit that didn't warrant my heavy emotional response.

now I'm not sure if it was boldenone that made me an emotional mess

I can't even run 200mg without an emotional breakdown

Hmm then wikipedia is wrong I guess, yeah I checked that just now.
How you like them apples you little soy boy? Wipe the tears from your eyes and see a psychiatrist. I will post this everytime you comment to remind everyone what a beta male you are.
Carlito may try to act like a badass on the internet. But in reality, he’s a beta male. He’s a kid who gets his knowledge from Wikipedia.

How you like them apples you little soy boy? Wipe the tears from your eyes and see a psychiatrist. I will post this everytime you comment to remind everyone what a beta male you are.
This source sells fake gear buyer beware!! He sold me boldenone but it was tren, labtested it myself.
Two new items are in stock.

Cipla Azithryomycin 500mg/5ct- $20

GSK Bactrim DS 800+160mg/10ct- $10
Thank you SkankPharma for the extra stuff brother. It was a huge surprise to see all that. I know I’m new here but wanted to give some feedback on an awesome experience. Super-fast shipping and packing was very professional, oh yea, and FREE STUFF !!! Thanks brother
Thank you SkankPharma for the extra stuff brother. It was a huge surprise to see all that. I know I’m new here but wanted to give some feedback on an awesome experience. Super-fast shipping and packing was very professional, oh yea, and FREE STUFF !!! Thanks brother
With the size of your order, I had to. Enjoy my man.
This source sells fake gear, buyer beware!! He sold me fake pharma test and I'm trying to get my money back now. He offered me money to stay silent but I won't accept his bribes.

This source sells fake gear buyer beware!! He sold me boldenone but it was tren, labtested it myself.
Thought you said it was fake pharma test.

@Buster111 do you see how you finally caught him in a lie..........

"your not smarter than me, you can't beat me"


@pigeonhed @nealcaffrey16 and this same jackass had the nerve to make multiple accounts and try to smear my name...... LOL

We are all waiting on that fake pharma test pic Kini, I mean @Carlitosaso lmao
@Buster111 do you see how you finally caught him in a lie..........

"your not smarter than me, you can't beat me"


@pigeonhed @nealcaffrey16 and this same jackass had the nerve to make multiple accounts and try to smear my name...... LOL

We are all waiting on that fake pharma test pic Kini, I mean @Carlitosaso lmao
Boldenone isn’t even on my list, nor have I ever offered it. Lol.