SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Livzon HCG will be here tomorrow fellas. Clen should be here Saturday or Monday. My labs should reach Jano tomorrow as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
This source sells fake gear, buyer beware!!
- Thursday during the day I was a huge emotional mess with crying spells and everything. The trigger was some small personal shit that didn't warrant my heavy emotional response.
Lol bro you’ve lost all commenting privileges. You are a beta male, fucking steroids making you cry. Jesus Christ man you need a psychiatrist.
Does this stuff aggrevate restless leg syndrome? i have it bad at night. So i have to stay away from alot of stuff until it goes away.
Hey j sometimes I feel like I have that also like my legs kinda also hurt and at a bit right but not my whole leg more in my calf area do u take anything that u notice that works? I know alot of people they give Lyrica? I just was wondering if u have had anything that uv tried that helped or noticed a difference from ?
Ropinirole is a good sub if you can’t handle the nausea with prami.
does it have implications of compulsive/hypersexuality like prami does? at standard doses i mean?

prami extended release seemed to reduce this. until a few days ago i wasn't able to find it at any reasonable pricing whatsoever and even a script with GoodRX would be $180-220/mo. i was able to find the ER version (generic) from pharmacist thankfully so I have some on the way. i have to be REALLY careful with pram so that i don't get compulsive on the stuff.
Hey j sometimes I feel like I have that also like my legs kinda also hurt and at a bit right but not my whole leg more in my calf area do u take anything that u notice that works? I know alot of people they give Lyrica? I just was wondering if u have had anything that uv tried that helped or noticed a difference from ?
Gabapentin or lyrica help when taken for me.
I take at night before bed so I can get some sleep. These will not cause it to get worse in long run. Since they effect calcium channels instead. It takes the restlessness out of the body. At 2-400 mg of gaba for me.

limiting caffeine, helps. But i need caffeine prewo.

any dopamine agonists will just make it worse in the long run. It will augment and/or when you come off it will be much worse. These are prami or rospinole.

reddit has a RLS (restless leg) section. Alot of good info there.

Edit-lyrica is same just stronger mg wise.

Pram / ropinirole are literally medications for RLS. ???? lol
I know, they are because RLS is usually caused by low dopamine. So these increase dopamine. But to my knowledge once you cease use, the dopamine will end up being lower then when you started. Unless i am wrong here. So your dependant on the medicine and the symptoms are gone as long as you stay on it. I read once you stop it will be much worse.

but if its that bad and will never go away, then yes, these are your best options.

so something like opiate withdrawal where your dopamine will bounce back after time. Gabapentin is better because it doesnt cause a “rebound” effect.
I too have RLS time to time and high dose of Magnesium Glycinate got rid of it.

My doctor has me doing 600mg daily and I get the best sleep and my muscles feel super relaxed and no spasms whatsoever.

I noticed it got really bad when my level of intensity training was very high.

You'd be surprised how many people are deficient in Magnesium and don't know it.

If you do buy Magnesium Glycinate, buy the non buffered version.

I suggest, Doctors Best brand.

Best of luck to you guys.
I too have RLS time to time and high dose of Magnesium Glycinate got rid of it.

My doctor has me doing 600mg daily and I get the best sleep and my muscles feel super relaxed and no spasms whatsoever.

I noticed it got really bad when my level of intensity training was very high.

You be surprised how many people are deficient in Magnesium and don't know it.

If you do buy Magnesium Glycinate buy the non buffered version.

I suggest, Doctors Best brand.

Best of luck to you guys.
another value added post from you. agree completely with all of this.
I too have RLS time to time and high dose of Magnesium Glycinate got rid of it.

My doctor has me doing 600mg daily and I get the best sleep and my muscles feel super relaxed and no spasms whatsoever.

I noticed it got really bad when my level of intensity training was very high.

You'd be surprised how many people are deficient in Magnesium and don't know it.

If you do buy Magnesium Glycinate, buy the non buffered version.

I suggest, Doctors Best brand.

Best of luck to you guys.
I heard this too, was taking 300 mg. But nothing. Will try this out. Thanks. I also agree when my intensity was high, my RLS was worse those days.
I heard this too, was taking 300 mg. But nothing. Will try this out. Thanks. I also agree when my intensity was high, my RLS was worse those days.

I know a couple guys who go up to 800-1000mg a day of Magnesium Glycinate for severe stress/anxiety/insomnia/rls.

I agree 300mg is the starting dose, ramp it up and get a good brand. Again, I prefer Doctors Best. I buy the non flavored version in powdered form and I mix in in my orange juice every morning and it mask the taste entirely.

Also, Labdoor is an independent 3rd party website that randomly test products (Similar like Anaboliclab) and you would be surprised how much shit is out in the market.
I know a couple guys who go up to 800-1000mg a day of Magnesium Glycinate for severe stress/anxiety/insomnia/rls.

I agree 300mg is the starting dose, ramp it up and get a good brand. Again, I prefer Doctors Best. I buy the non flavored version in powdered form and I mix in in my orange juice every morning and it mask the taste entirely.

Also, Labdoor is an independent 3rd party website that randomly test products (Similar like Anaboliclab) and you would be surprised how much shit is out in the market.
Is doctors best buffered? Is it powder or pill