SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

If you go through the right person, Aspen sustanon are less than $5/amp, same with bayer rimobolon. If this fool is selling you pharm grade without the boxes, like he just listed with bayer primobolon. They are counterfeit. Ill bet money on it

I will prove myself in due time. I will undercut this dude, like there is no tomorrow. He just listed caber for $40, Ill do it for $30.

But anything this skank fuck lists, I can easily beat it. I will do you one better too. Ill send you 10 aspens first, and you can pay me after you receive..
Well that's just fucking amazing, for all this counterfeit Aspen sustenon I've been injecting into my ass lately, you know I continue to gain mass at a nice rate and oh by the way I stay horny as a billy goat with eight testicles. At my age, nearly 60, there's simply no way I could maintain 195 pounds with ripped abs at 5'6" on bullshit fake test.

Must be that pesky placebo effect. It's insidious, I tell you the truth.

In other words, I don't give a fuck what you offer or what price, I will never trust an asshole who shows up right off the bat loudcapping and making grandiose claims. You don't earn trust by loudmouthing and insulting others. You earn it by doing what I said in my last, apparently completely ignored post. I don't give a flipping flying fuck what you think about Skank and his wares. I find it indecently hard to learn to trust loudmouth assholes. You sir are a loudmouth asshole.

Quit insulting people. Start your own thread. Hang out your sign, let people know what you have and what you can sell it for. If you're legit and pleasant to deal with you will find a clientele. There's always plenty of buyers for any legit product.

But I think you've proving you're not capable of following that simple advice.

I won't be addressing or responding to any more of your posts. I've wasted enough time already.

Oh and SkankHunt, another order will be landing in your inbox in a few minutes.
much easier to track locations, and cross reference them with other info to determine where to look for sources/customers
I have to second this. The most important thing we want you to report to the board is 1) it arrived 2) how long it took and 3) whether it looks as though you got legit product.

I used to do a lot of ordering (strictly personal-use quantities) of non-gear type drugs (narcotics) from foreign pharmacies when it was a lot easier, and safer, to get controlled substances from overseas without risk of jail. And the advice we used to give was that any information that might be used to establish a pattern, or to help the feds identify packages that might have interesting things in them was considered taboo to discuss openly.

Especially (of course) things like geographical location of shipper and/or receiver, but also such details as method of shipping (e.g. UPS vs USPS vs Fedex etc.) and type of packaging and packing material. That includes anything like "the package rattled when I shook it" or any other physical description. I think days of the week when shipped and received is a small detail but still one probably best not specified in board posts.

Unless the feds change how they've been doing things for years, you're mostly looking at not a risk of jail, but of the possibility of losing several hundred dollars worth of gear if the package gets opened and the contents seized. I've had it happen several times over the past decade or two and believe me, it leads to much gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes, the idea of your hard-earned dollars ending up in an incinerator somewhere.

I don't know if they're still operating under these guidelines, but for years the feds operated under a policy that if they intercepted a package containing legend or controlled drugs, they would simply seize the contents and put a letter in the package telling you the contents were seized and why, and telling you the contents will be destroyed if you don't file a protest within X number of days.

Of course if you got one of those letters, called on the drug boards "love letters" back then, you'd be a damned fool to actually protest the destruction of the stuff. You'd be admitting intended possession and that would make a very difficult criminal case much harder to prove. Again I don't know that they're still operating under those guidelines, but they must be or else instead of reading about people just getting their stuff seized, we'd be reading horror stories of controlled deliveries resulting in arrests. If that was happening we'd hear about it pretty quick because the news would spread like wildfire.

And obviously the quantity of contraband would probably have an effect on what they do. They tend to not give a rat's ass about someone ordering personal-use quantities of anything, even deadly stuff like fentanyl. But if they intercept a package containing say 800 dosage units of any controlled substance you no longer look like Joe Average trying to skirt the law for personal use, and start looking like a dealer refreshing his inventory. Sure, given the sheer number of packages that go through the various shipping carriers, you could probably ship ten thousand with like a 98% certainty of success. But the risk would be much higher if you get caught. Something to keep in mind.

Speaking for myself, I feel perfectly safe ordering gear. But to say it again, the fewer details openly discussed, the better. I know that most of the people on this board already know all this stuff, but it doesn't hurt to rehash it from time to time for the new people who show up.
Lol no 6.OH for me man. Usually a Cummins guy but these 6.7 powerstrokes are stout. I’ll agree though, too much on these new ones to go wrong!
I once bought a new 97 Dodge with the Cummins motor. Stupidly sold it a couple of years later. Been regretting it ever since. I miss that truck more than I miss my ex wife or last five girlfriends.

I once made a 700 mile trip with the bed loaded with about a thousand pounds of construction materials and tools. On the highway I got almost 30 miles to the gallon. That Dodge had almost as good mileage as I get from my little Kia now. But of course with that Cummins my Dodge could have pulled a house off its foundation.
I’ve felt so much better after switching to EOD pins. So much. Not sure if I should be worried about that high E2 but haven’t had any sides…other than a pesky right nip that Ralox took care of.

I’m Very thankful because this saved my cycle. First vial I had from a different source was underdosed (bro science) and had terrible PIP. Once I got Skank’s stuff it was night and day.
I experienced much the same thing. When I switched to legit pharma test I got from Skank almost all of the pain I got from injecting disappeared. I think it was something in the UGL gear I'd been using for a long time before. I know the stuff was fully dosed because I got phenomenal results, but literally every injection ached for at least a couple days after, no matter what it was. Using the Aspen and the little bit of Bayer I've gotten so far from Skank, almost no residual pain at all. Not sure what crap was in the UGL stuff making be hurt, but I'm glad to be rid of it.
Can it be addictive? Can it cause withdrawals?

i ask because i am so done with always feeling like withdrawing from something.
My brother's been on armodafinil for like ten years. At least once a month he will forget to take it for two or three days running and the only consequence he experiences is that he's a lot less focused and gets sleepy in early afternoon (he takes it because he has terrible sleep apnea and his sleep is frequently shitty). But nothing truly unpleasant.

Your body will adapt to anything you habitually take. So if you remove that substance you will generally have some effect. But the truly vile effects you get from something like opiate withdrawal--or the potentially lethal effects of a barbiturate or benzodiazepine withdrawal--are generally more the exception than the rule. If you run out of your armodafinil after taking it for five years straight you're not going to be puking 24/7 or wanting to hang yourself. You'll just be less alert and maybe drowsy at inappropriate times of the day. I've taken both modafinil and adrafinil on a daily basis for months at a time and then had to stop suddenly for one reason or another, and it was at worst a minor annoyance.

You'll be fine. It's not like snorting cocaine or crank.
Not for nothing but i don’t get why armo/moda is so popular right now. Its a good drug if you do overnight shifts but for working out bc you’re tired is not gonna do anything.

A psychiatrist would most likely prescribe you amphetamines before even considering prescribing you moda.

If you’re aiming to feel stimulated for training days 5mg Adderall Instant Release is good occasionally, it has a 4-6 half life and you wouldn’t get the feeling anxious and jittery/appetite suppressant a high dose would give you.
I have a Provigil script from my sleep doctor for daytime sleepiness due to sleep apnea it's not just for overnight shift work, and it's popular because it works, it's not an amphetamine, which are horrible for you, and it's not addictive. Anyone that wants to be more productive, have more focus, and be wide awake all day will benefit from it, and not sure why you say it's not helpful for working out if you're tired because it is. It's actually one of the best things a person can use for working out. It gives a greatly improved focus for hours on end, gives more motivation, stimulates CNS, and you're just more efficient in the gym. It takes about 45 minutes to start working and has a 15 hour half life, so when I take it I'm wide awake all day, and that includes for working out. I've used armodafinil before, and it sucks. Didn't do a thing compared to Provigil (Modafinil).
I have to second this. The most important thing we want you to report to the board is 1) it arrived 2) how long it took and 3) whether it looks as though you got legit product.

I used to do a lot of ordering (strictly personal-use quantities) of non-gear type drugs (narcotics) from foreign pharmacies when it was a lot easier, and safer, to get controlled substances from overseas without risk of jail. And the advice we used to give was that any information that might be used to establish a pattern, or to help the feds identify packages that might have interesting things in them was considered taboo to discuss openly.

Especially (of course) things like geographical location of shipper and/or receiver, but also such details as method of shipping (e.g. UPS vs USPS vs Fedex etc.) and type of packaging and packing material. That includes anything like "the package rattled when I shook it" or any other physical description. I think days of the week when shipped and received is a small detail but still one probably best not specified in board posts.

Unless the feds change how they've been doing things for years, you're mostly looking at not a risk of jail, but of the possibility of losing several hundred dollars worth of gear if the package gets opened and the contents seized. I've had it happen several times over the past decade or two and believe me, it leads to much gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes, the idea of your hard-earned dollars ending up in an incinerator somewhere.

I don't know if they're still operating under these guidelines, but for years the feds operated under a policy that if they intercepted a package containing legend or controlled drugs, they would simply seize the contents and put a letter in the package telling you the contents were seized and why, and telling you the contents will be destroyed if you don't file a protest within X number of days.

Of course if you got one of those letters, called on the drug boards "love letters" back then, you'd be a damned fool to actually protest the destruction of the stuff. You'd be admitting intended possession and that would make a very difficult criminal case much harder to prove. Again I don't know that they're still operating under those guidelines, but they must be or else instead of reading about people just getting their stuff seized, we'd be reading horror stories of controlled deliveries resulting in arrests. If that was happening we'd hear about it pretty quick because the news would spread like wildfire.

And obviously the quantity of contraband would probably have an effect on what they do. They tend to not give a rat's ass about someone ordering personal-use quantities of anything, even deadly stuff like fentanyl. But if they intercept a package containing say 800 dosage units of any controlled substance you no longer look like Joe Average trying to skirt the law for personal use, and start looking like a dealer refreshing his inventory. Sure, given the sheer number of packages that go through the various shipping carriers, you could probably ship ten thousand with like a 98% certainty of success. But the risk would be much higher if you get caught. Something to keep in mind.

Speaking for myself, I feel perfectly safe ordering gear. But to say it again, the fewer details openly discussed, the better. I know that most of the people on this board already know all this stuff, but it doesn't hurt to rehash it from time to time for the new people who show up.
Melissa Bumstead
I have a Provigil script from my sleep doctor for daytime sleepiness due to sleep apnea it's not just for overnight shift work, and it's popular because it works, it's not an amphetamine, which are horrible for you, and it's not addictive. Anyone that wants to be more productive, have more focus, and be wide awake all day will benefit from it, and not sure why you say it's not helpful for working out if you're tired because it is. It's actually one of the best things a person can use for working out. It gives a greatly improved focus for hours on end, gives more motivation, stimulates CNS, and you're just more efficient in the gym. It takes about 45 minutes to start working and has a 15 hour half life, so when I take it I'm wide awake all day, and that includes for working out. I've used armodafinil before, and it sucks. Didn't do a thing compared to Provigil (Modafinil).
I never said it’s an amphetamine and i literally said none of the moda/armo you get from the grey market is nothing compared to Provigil.
I never said it’s an amphetamine and i literally said none of the moda/armo you get from the grey market is nothing compared to Provigil.
I never said you said it was an amphetamine I was listing the benefits of Provigil, which one of them is it's not an amphetamine. I'm not sure what you're saying above as the wording is confusing, but if you're saying the grey market stuff is junk compared to Provigil that is scripted from a USA pharmacy I agree with that, the grey market stuff sucks compared to it. The armodafinil I used was from Walgreen's like my Provigil is, and the armodafinil sucked. Tried 30 days of it and went back to Provigil. My sleep doc had me try Adderall before Provigil and it feels stronger than Provigil especially the euphoria, but doesn't last as long and the crash is pretty bad. Only side effects I get with Provigil is a headache if I don't drink enough water.
I never said you said it was an amphetamine I was listing the benefits of Provigil, which one of them is it's not an amphetamine. I'm not sure what you're saying above as the wording is confusing, but if you're saying the grey market stuff is junk compared to Provigil that is scripted from a USA pharmacy I agree with that, the grey market stuff sucks compared to it. The armodafinil I used was from Walgreen's like my Provigil is, and the armodafinil sucked. Tried 30 days of it and went back to Provigil. My sleep doc had me try Adderall before Provigil and it feels stronger than Provigil especially the euphoria, but doesn't last as long and the crash is pretty bad. Only side effects I get with Provigil is a headache if I don't drink enough water.
My mistake i wasn’t reading between the lines and i 100% agree with everything you said.
I never said you said it was an amphetamine I was listing the benefits of Provigil, which one of them is it's not an amphetamine. I'm not sure what you're saying above as the wording is confusing, but if you're saying the grey market stuff is junk compared to Provigil that is scripted from a USA pharmacy I agree with that, the grey market stuff sucks compared to it. The armodafinil I used was from Walgreen's like my Provigil is, and the armodafinil sucked. Tried 30 days of it and went back to Provigil. My sleep doc had me try Adderall before Provigil and it feels stronger than Provigil especially the euphoria, but doesn't last as long and the crash is pretty bad. Only side effects I get with Provigil is a headache if I don't drink enough water.
Does this stuff aggrevate restless leg syndrome? i have it bad at night. So i have to stay away from alot of stuff until it goes away.
I once bought a new 97 Dodge with the Cummins motor. Stupidly sold it a couple of years later. Been regretting it ever since. I miss that truck more than I miss my ex wife or last five girlfriends.

I once made a 700 mile trip with the bed loaded with about a thousand pounds of construction materials and tools. On the highway I got almost 30 miles to the gallon. That Dodge had almost as good mileage as I get from my little Kia now. But of course with that Cummins my Dodge could have pulled a house off its foundation.
I had a 2007 6.0 Power Stroke - the last year of that motor. His name was Duke lol. Sold it last year with 375k miles on it for a good price too. I’ve been kicking myself in the ass for the whole year since selling it too. If you had a good one of the 6.0s they were amazing. But the early years…not so much.
I experienced much the same thing. When I switched to legit pharma test I got from Skank almost all of the pain I got from injecting disappeared. I think it was something in the UGL gear I'd been using for a long time before. I know the stuff was fully dosed because I got phenomenal results, but literally every injection ached for at least a couple days after, no matter what it was. Using the Aspen and the little bit of Bayer I've gotten so far from Skank, almost no residual pain at all. Not sure what crap was in the UGL stuff making be hurt, but I'm glad to be rid of it.
First of all, to the guy claiming the pic I posted of my bloods were phony or somehow a ploy to help Skank. That’s complete BS. Believe it or not, I don’t care.

I don’t know anyone here, nor do they know me. And I was 100% going to post the results if it was bunk. I don’t care. The whole reason I came here is for 1) help and 2) transparency. I work too damn hard to be a shill for anyone selling bullshit stuff.

The Hikma test I got was boxed with the instructions included. My ritual is that I pin right before I shower. And no exaggeration, by the time I’m 5 minutes into my shower I completely forgot I even pinned at all with the shit I got.

The first 1.5 vials I was using (diff source/product) my whole shoulder would throb to the point I couldn’t even sleep on it. One time the whole underside of my elbow looked like there was a golfball under my skin.

So, again, thanks to Skank I was able to save my cycle and did so in comfortable fashion.
Don't know why this thread generates the amount of hate that it does other than that it resides in internet laden troll country.

I found Skank to be no nonsense, extremely efficient, and quite reasonable if you don't ask stupid shit. I've had ups and downs maintaining a consistent TRT supply at times after being on it for about 10 years now. Most of us here know what happens then. He remedied that by getting and order shipped in less than 40 hours.

Wah wah wah at the prices. You pay for what you get. It is refreshing to get genuine pharm grade gear domestically without worrying where it will end up, or waiting anxiously for a full week to see if it manages to meet its mark even when it does.

Worth every penny Skank you the man bro, thanks again.
Don't know why this thread generates the amount of hate that it does other than that it resides in internet laden troll country.

I found Skank to be no nonsense, extremely efficient, and quite reasonable if you don't ask stupid shit. I've had ups and downs maintaining a consistent TRT supply at times after being on it for about 10 years now. Most of us here know what happens then. He remedied that by getting and order shipped in less than 40 hours.

Wah wah wah at the prices. You pay for what you get. It is refreshing to get genuine pharm grade gear domestically without worrying where it will end up, or waiting anxiously for a full week to see if it manages to meet its mark even when it does.

Worth every penny Skank you the man bro, thanks again.
These ppl bitching are shills for other labs that feel threatened by Skank.
nothing makes your dick harder for a potential source than to see them act like whiny little cunts out of pure despair. easy to see how happy these guys' GFs/wives would be lmfao.