[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

12 weeks is 12 weeks my man. Every 3 day is 30 pins in 12 weeks. MWF is 36 pins in 12 weeks. So it's 2 extra pins per month for 3 months but a whole lot simpler. Especially since you should be pinning test also. If your using test e or c then just pin it Monday and Friday with your npp. If it's prop well then obviously pin the exact same. Hope I understand your question correctly. Make it simple.
Yes u did thanks. I’m using test c
We'll run this sale until stock is too low to continue.
No set time as of now. All outstanding packs will receive confirmation in a few hours.

SALE - $5 Off everything

(~ 10-25% off all products)

Untitled 2.png

Sasquatch test prop - 200mg EOD. Bloods taken 20hrs. after last pin.

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My first shipment took longer than expected, but no other problems besides that.
He seems to be running things as usual around here.

Isn't the other guy, from the other place back from vacation yet? Should be any day now.
Yeah that's who I'm waiting for besides SP and he is out of commission also lol. I have 5 vials of test prop but it's from omega that was here last year and I'm just not sure about it. It's my own fault.
Yeah that's who I'm waiting for besides SP and he is out of commission also lol. I have 5 vials of test prop but it's from omega that was here last year and I'm just not sure about it. It's my own fault.
For what it's worth I was also one of the dumbasses that bought from him and I got good results from his test E at 500 a week. Unfortunately no blood work though. If you're truly in a bind in my personal opinion I think the gear was good, he was just a fuck as a person.
Yeah that's who I'm waiting for besides SP and he is out of commission also lol. I have 5 vials of test prop but it's from omega that was here last year and I'm just not sure about it. It's my own fault.
I got some of their prop but only used it as a kick start for two weeks but I seemed to like it (feels).
But that was a batch or two ago so idk now but the price is good lol.
Plan on doin a tren a and prop cycle in the next couple months. Already got it on hand. (Also from Sas)