[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I suggest eveyone hold off for now on orders and payments. First they have a sale. Then all of the sudden they have email and wallet issues. But they have no problem collecting your money. Shits shady as fuck. Feels much like an exit scam.
Definitely possible they been in over there head
Definitely possible they been in over there head
Yeah I believe so too.
I bet they are still having problems with their shipping that was mentioned earlier in the thread too.
Taking on multiple boards has to be a ton of work.
I’d hold off ordering until they can come on here and explain wtf is up with all this.
This is a domestic source. Weeks to receive an order is way too long and doesn’t sound good, imo.
I suggest eveyone hold off for now on orders and payments. First they have a sale. Then all of the sudden they have email and wallet issues. But they have no problem collecting your money. Shits shady as fuck. Feels much like an exit scam.

Yea usually there’s a “sale” before they take your $ and disappear, hope that’s not the case and they’re just slammed with orders I was really considering making a 2nd order but I’ll sit tight for now.
Just to clarify, I am in no way defending the squatch. Someone else said this situation seems like it could be an exit scam...maybe not tho.. I emailed an order a few days ago and stated that funds were ready to go on my end. I still haven't gotten a reply back. I would think If they were exit scamming, they would've taken my money. Whole situation is odd to say the least
I heard Becca got back into porn and J moved back into his moms. There daughter is knocked up and the change is missing off there dresser. Then they run a sale.. I’ve seen this a thousand times. Shop is closed. This thread is dead. Catch you fuckers at the next train wreck.
I put an order in for the sale and was told upfront there would be a delay in payment confirmation. I'll keep everyone updated
Just to clarify, I am in no way defending the squatch. Someone else said this situation seems like it could be an exit scam...maybe not tho.. I emailed an order a few days ago and stated that funds were ready to go on my end. I still haven't gotten a reply back. I would think If they were exit scamming, they would've taken my money. Whole situation is odd to say the least
Or he’s already gone
I guess exit scam maybe isn’t called for yet. But of course we’re going to speculate when we’re in the sitting in the dark. Yea issues happen.. but be a little more transparent and keep us in the loop. Especially when having a sale. That’s all I’m saying. Hopefully Jay will get on here soon and straighten this out and I can apologize to him. Did I mention that this weed makes me paranoid? :eek:
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Is it just me or is it once every 7-10 days this guy is MIA for a few days, everyone grabs the pitchforks and torches, he shows back up and everyone is happy again?

I think it's been determined that disappearing for 5-10 things is what Jay does

Again, I haven't dealt with him, just a third person point of view
Is it just me or is it once every 7-10 days this guy is MIA for a few days, everyone grabs the pitchforks and torches, he shows back up and everyone is happy again?

I think it's been determined that disappearing for 5-10 things is what Jay does

Again, I haven't dealt with him, just a third person point of view
yea this is definitely a pattern lol... I think getting antsy is unavoidable when you have money on the line amongst other things..... but I hear ya.
i placed a order awhile back it took a month to come in. and they didn't have the tren. a few weeeks later my tren showed up.

so i did get all my gear it just took some time
i placed a order awhile back it took a month to come in. and they didn't have the tren. a few weeeks later my tren showed up.

so i did get all my gear it just took some time
IMO that's way too long for domestic. You could have probably went cheaper and ordered international. I really hope nothing is going wrong for this lab overall they have been doing well but it's starting to remind me of the tsl downfall.
Is it just me or is it once every 7-10 days this guy is MIA for a few days, everyone grabs the pitchforks and torches, he shows back up and everyone is happy again?

I think it's been determined that disappearing for 5-10 things is what Jay does

Again, I haven't dealt with him, just a third person point of view

That's his MO. Get his customers used to his shitty communication so that it becomes the new norm.

He's proving something in all of this. That these guys need him more than he needs them. Which should never be the case.

Here's an idea. Let's all drop the ridiculous speculation, take a deep fucking breath and wait for him to get his slow as molasses ass back in this thread.

i know many of you guys have money in limbo with him at the moment, but relax and give it time. You aren't missing out on any "gainz" by chilling out and waiting a day or two for him.

In the meantime, you guys should be eyeing other potential sources while you wait. Squach won't last forever, shit, probably not even much longer at the rate he's going.

Speak with your money, people. You don't like the lack of communication? Spend your money elsewhere and let it be known that you did so. Nothing gets a drug dealers ass in gear faster than losing a shit ton of money.
That's his MO. Get his customers used to his shitty communication so that it becomes the new norm.

He's proving something in all of this. That these guys need him more than he needs them. Which should never be the case.

Here's an idea. Let's all drop the ridiculous speculation, take a deep fucking breath and wait for him to get his slow as molasses ass back in this thread.

i know many of you guys have money in limbo with him at the moment, but relax and give it time. You aren't missing out on any "gainz" by chilling out and waiting a day or two for him.

In the meantime, you guys should be eyeing other potential sources while you wait. Squach won't last forever, shit, probably not even much longer at the rate he's going.

Speak with your money, people. You don't like the lack of communication? Spend your money elsewhere and let it be known that you did so. Nothing gets a drug dealers ass in gear faster than losing a shit ton of money.
actually, this thread was turning into one of those "I place my order 12 minutes ago and I haven't got order acknowledgement, tracking, and a blow job, please re-assure me" bullshit. Glad he's not on every 5 minutes answering that stuff