[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

actually, this thread was turning into one of those "I place my order 12 minutes ago and I haven't got order acknowledgement, tracking, and a blow job, please re-assure me" bullshit. Glad he's not on every 5 minutes answering that stuff

Very true. But disappearing for days at a time and having paid orders sitting in limbo for 7 days is bull shit.

This is supposed to be (at least) a 3 person operation. Yet nobody can reply to emails or drop by with another "we had to fire another shipper" excuse?

With a million and one sources available to those that put in the leg work, Squach's antics are quickly making him obsolete.

Edit: @trypsin is going on 2 weeks since paying! For domestic, that's utterly ridiculous.
Very true. But disappearing for days at a time and having paid orders sitting in limbo for 7 days is bull shit.

This is supposed to be (at least) a 3 person operation. Yet nobody can reply to emails or drop by with another "we had to fire another shipper" excuse?

With a million and one sources available to those that put in the leg work, Squach's antics are quickly making him obsolete.

Edit: @trypsin is going on 2 weeks since paying! For domestic, that's utterly ridiculous.
i totally agree, but this was inevitable when he decided to start sourcing on other boards, I wrote him off at that point.
Damn i remember people all mad at us for talking shit about them fucking up .... if he’s not gone already he will be
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Hey guys,

I just wanted to give you guys an update. There's a lot of speculation and paranoia going on in this thread. We totally understand that reaction though, the communication isn't great right now. It's not even up to par whatsoever. But we want to assure you that we're not exiting. We're actually restocking right now. The communication is totally our bad, and was due to some logistical issues we were having. This will 100% pick up in the next few days. When I posted last, I wasn't able to effectively do my part, but now I will be able to more efficiently respond to you guys.

The wallet issue is our bad, we're dealing with it, and will be working with a new address moving forward. Be aware of that, and you'll see that reflected in your invoices. Those who have paid already will be confirmed in time.

Also, I want to apologize about quotes coming up with wrong prices during the sale. I wasn't clear on if the prices were already set on our pastebin for the new sale, or if I needed to do the discounts myself. You'll also see the sale better reflected in your invoices.

Once again, we apologize for the confusion and poor communication. We can do better, and this is not even close to good enough. We'll be dealing with these in the coming week. And I want to thank everybody who's been patient and calm during this period. We will get to everybody. We love you guys, and we want to make it clear that we are NOT exiting.

Very true. But disappearing for days at a time and having paid orders sitting in limbo for 7 days is bull shit.

This is supposed to be (at least) a 3 person operation. Yet nobody can reply to emails or drop by with another "we had to fire another shipper" excuse?

With a million and one sources available to those that put in the leg work, Squach's antics are quickly making him obsolete.

Edit: @trypsin is going on 2 weeks since paying! For domestic, that's utterly ridiculous.

Im coming up on 3 weeks since payment received on Friday.... and jay can’t even get on here and say something??? Wtf
Im coming up on 3 weeks since payment received on Friday.... and jay can’t even get on here and say something??? Wtf
I went ahead and ordered a trial run with another source. That's moving my money where my mouth is. If you'd guys would do the same thing maybe this shit wouldn't happen. We don't need SAS he needs us. Forget that and we have targets on our heads. I don't even mind paying a few bucks more for A1 communication.
Yes, the emails will be answered. Also, I want to clarify. On the newest pastebin, the prices already reflect the $5 sale. The invoices I sent out were using this pastebin, and were accurate. Here is another link to the pastebin I've been using.

I went ahead and ordered a trial run with another source. That's moving my money where my mouth is. If you'd guys would do the same thing maybe this shit wouldn't happen. We don't need SAS he needs us. Forget that and we have targets on our heads. I don't even mind paying a few bucks more for A1 communication.

The only reason I ordered in the first place was because my other source is not taking orders atm, I just asked SAS for a refund, they took my money waited a week then told me they were out of stock of the 1 out of 2 things I order even though when I ordered stock was high, I told them okay just send the total amount worth of proviron he said okay, it’s now been another week and a half still no shipping confirmation.
No shock in the communication department. How many times they keep saying it’s fixed?

Believe weeks ago we said major issues were on the horizon.. and yet here we are...

I’d highly encourage everyone, once again , to stop placing orders.

Something is going on behind the scenes and to ignore them being kicked off another board is not something to blink an eye at. They can come up with whatever reason but the facts remain...they were kicked and tried to do too much and are now in a position to scramble harder than they were before. Errors will be made in the making of the juice before long.
No shock in the communication department. How many times they keep saying it’s fixed?

Believe weeks ago we said major issues were on the horizon.. and yet here we are...

I’d highly encourage everyone, once again , to stop placing orders.

Something is going on behind the scenes and to ignore them being kicked off another board is not something to blink an eye at. They can come up with whatever reason but the facts remain...they were kicked and tried to do too much and are now in a position to scramble harder than they were before. Errors will be made in the making of the juice before long.
Big 10-4!!! Done moved on. Thankful to not be in need. Just watching the smoke screen now. Looked like a small grass fire turning into a brush fire. Won't be long and this thread will be burned.
Becca finally reached out over email and told me they will not give me a refund (after jay already said they could) and assured me that my pack is coming
Becca finally reached out over email and told me they will not give me a refund (after jay already said they could) and assured me that my pack is coming
Don't even know that I trust that its Becca communicating with us. Unless her and Jay speak the same way it seems like he his hiding behind her name. How bout some of them titties though Becca? That might bring things down to a soft grumble.
No shock in the communication department. How many times they keep saying it’s fixed?

Believe weeks ago we said major issues were on the horizon.. and yet here we are...

I’d highly encourage everyone, once again , to stop placing orders.

Something is going on behind the scenes and to ignore them being kicked off another board is not something to blink an eye at. They can come up with whatever reason but the facts remain...they were kicked and tried to do too much and are now in a position to scramble harder than they were before. Errors will be made in the making of the juice before long.
Something like trying to stick two hands in four cookie jars at a time. Impossible. I was always told the approach to eating an elephant was one bite at a time. I don't think they got that memo.
No shock in the communication department. How many times they keep saying it’s fixed?

Believe weeks ago we said major issues were on the horizon.. and yet here we are...

I’d highly encourage everyone, once again , to stop placing orders.

Something is going on behind the scenes and to ignore them being kicked off another board is not something to blink an eye at. They can come up with whatever reason but the facts remain...they were kicked and tried to do too much and are now in a position to scramble harder than they were before. Errors will be made in the making of the juice before long.
The all seeing eye has spoken. I was a cunt hair away from blowing some serious coin, so glad I didn’t.