[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I want to do 400mg of Tren a a week any idea how to spilt that up if I wanted to do eod injections
If you wanted to nail it down that way you'd have to run it on an average of 800mg bi-weekly. That would come out to 114.2857mg e.o.d. Week 1 would have 4 pin days at roughly 460mg that week ,and week 2 would have 3 pin days at roughly 342mg.

Im pinning the tren a @ .7ml everyday. Trying to avoid any highs or lows. Been happy so far. Don't know that I'd run it any other way.
I am on week 7 on Sasquatch's Test-E (only and nothing else at all) at 500mg a week. I am still kinda disappointed. I noticed the energy increase and mood boost but for some reason I am not gaining much mass. I have only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far and strangely haven't noticed any water retention. My testicles have shrunk by a small but the biggest side effect is the acne. I have like 50 tiny acne spots all over my chest and grew acne on my arms which I never used to have acne. The good thing is the acne on my face is not too bad but it has been getting slightly worse. And I am seeing new hair growth over my chest. But I am still wondering why I only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far. I think I might have to go on a 20 week cycle to take it to the next level.
My appetite seems to have increased too but even after eating as much as I can I barely gain much.

I am 23 years old.
Around 145 pounds before I started. And about 150 pounds now.
I been training for about 3-4 years.
My bodyfat is usually always around the same at 10-12%.
I roughly eat 2000-3000 calories a day. Basically as much as I can eat but the thing is that I get nausea easily so I can't eat as much as I want.

I will also note I have true ectomorph genetics. I mean it doesn't get worse than me. Before I started working out I was 120 pounds at 5'10".

Also I recently had the flu so maybe that may have messed things up. I remember right before the symptoms of the flu started showing up I weighed in at 158 pounds. Now after my flu has almost ended I seemed to have lost almost 8 pound. But I am not sure what that 8 pounds was because I kinda feel like it was some fat and water retention.

The bottom line: I have no idea what is going on and probably funked up. gg

You eat bweteen 2–3k cals and expect to grow is u realistic. You have to figure what is your rasting caloric requirement and eat in surplus of that based on your level of actively.

Let’s just say this game is like 70% about nutrition, 20% between the gym and sleep, and 10% gear. Don’t hold me to the percentages, just arbitrary values to drive the point.

Good luck bro.
lol it may seem like I have no idea what I'm doing but deep inside I am trying my best brahs.
Do yourself a favor and start counting your calories. I won’t be like some and tell you not to use gear because it’s your business but I think at 5”11 you could easily be much heavier. Get your diet down and you’ll see the gains you’re looking for.
Do yourself a favor and start counting your calories. I won’t be like some and tell you not to use gear because it’s your business but I think at 5”11 you could easily be much heavier. Get your diet down and you’ll see the gains you’re looking for.
I still think it's most likely my genetics or I got some kind of disorder like hyperthyroid. I've been counting calories and that shouldn't be the issue. Before I even started working out I remember even after going to buffets I'd eat so much and then the next day or two it's all gone and back to 120 by just playing video games all day. No fat gained whatsoever. It's like the food went straight from my mouth to out my ass. My entire life I have never been able to put on much fat. And I heard that if it's hard to put on fat then it'll be even harder to put on muscle. I can literally eat as much junk food as I can without doing any exercise whatsoever and I guarantee you I'll never get fat no matter what. My body somehow hates fat cells. I really got bad genetics.

I really think genetics play a HUGE role. My dad has like the opposite genetics of me. Some days he'd barely eat anything. And he claims to only eat once a day. Some days he'd eat less than me (probably around 1000 calories). Yet he is ALWAYS over 20% bodyfat no matter what.

So this cycle is gonna be pretty interesting to see where I'll end up with genetics like mine. I think I might go for 20 weeks because YOLO.
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You eat bweteen 2–3k cals and expect to grow is u realistic. You have to figure what is your rasting caloric requirement and eat in surplus of that based on your level of actively.

Let’s just say this game is like 70% about nutrition, 20% between the gym and sleep, and 10% gear. Don’t hold me to the percentages, just arbitrary values to drive the point.

Good luck bro.

I thought it was 5% training, 10% diet, 15% genetics and 70% steroids... And I can't eat as much as I want due to chronic nausea and sometimes I just don't got the access to the right foods.

The studies even say that a person who takes steroids but doesn't workout will gain more muscle than someone working out naturally. That study was based on 600mg test-e weekly. So the difference steroids make sounds pretty significant but I am currently only experiencing modest results. It's like the test might be underdosed or that my body is kinda a non-responder to steroids. I also heard somewhere where two people were taking the same steroid out of a vial and one gains like 20 pounds while the other gains almost nothing.
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I thought it was 5% training, 10% diet, 15% genetics and 70% steroids... And I can't eat as much as I want due to chronic nausea and sometimes I just don't got the access to the right foods.
Dude, people stopped caring a few posts ago. You already know what you have to do. You’re fine, just keeping eating, training and pinning and be patient.
Okay. Maybe I need to step my game up and add some TREN. But first I'm planning on doing this 500mg/wk for 20 weeks since 10 weeks doesn't seem enough.
Either way, I'm planning on going heavy on steroids eventually since I'm not planning on having kids so my testicles don't matter and I'm tired of being a skeleton no matter how hard I try and people still keep talking poop about me.
Okay. Maybe I need to step my game up and add some TREN. But first I'm planning on doing this 500mg/wk for 20 weeks since 10 weeks doesn't seem enough.
Either way, I'm planning on going heavy on steroids eventually since I'm not planning on having kids so my testicles don't matter and I'm tired of being a skeleton no matter how hard I try and people still keep talking poop about me.
You’re 23, all that crap about kids and whatnot will change. Whatever, that’s not what this post is about. This is the last time I will respond to you. The least we can do is prevent you from ruining yourself and help you reach your insecure dreams.
You don’t need tren. First few cycles should be test only. You’ll add good weight from test. BE PATIENT. You can probably hit 170lbs with cycles of test 500. Don’t jump into super powerful drugs. You need to leave yourself some room, get the most out of every drug, and build up to stronger ones.
I don’t know you very well, but judging from the past few posts, you’re very impatient. YOu need to be patient in this game.
Either way, I'm planning on going heavy on steroids eventually since I'm not planning on having kids so my testicles don't matter and I'm tired of being a skeleton no matter how hard I try and people still keep talking poop about me.

This part. If he's not a troll and really means this, he's past helping.
I am on week 7 on Sasquatch's Test-E (only and nothing else at all) at 500mg a week. I am still kinda disappointed. I noticed the energy increase and mood boost but for some reason I am not gaining much mass. I have only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far and strangely haven't noticed any water retention. My testicles have shrunk by a small but the biggest side effect is the acne. I have like 50 tiny acne spots all over my chest and grew acne on my arms which I never used to have acne. The good thing is the acne on my face is not too bad but it has been getting slightly worse. And I am seeing new hair growth over my chest. But I am still wondering why I only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far. I think I might have to go on a 20 week cycle to take it to the next level.
My appetite seems to have increased too but even after eating as much as I can I barely gain much.

I am 23 years old.
Around 145 pounds before I started. And about 150 pounds now.
I been training for about 3-4 years.
My bodyfat is usually always around the same at 10-12%.
I roughly eat 2000-3000 calories a day. Basically as much as I can eat but the thing is that I get nausea easily so I can't eat as much as I want.

I will also note I have true ectomorph genetics. I mean it doesn't get worse than me. Before I started working out I was 120 pounds at 5'10".

Also I recently had the flu so maybe that may have messed things up. I remember right before the symptoms of the flu started showing up I weighed in at 158 pounds. Now after my flu has almost ended I seemed to have lost almost 8 pound. But I am not sure what that 8 pounds was because I kinda feel like it was some fat and water retention.

The bottom line: I have no idea what is going on and probably funked up. gg

The answer is simple. If the drugs are legit (up to this point, that has never been an issue with StankSquach) then your diet and/or training sucks balls. Most likely diet, but probably both.

Adding additional weeks to the cycle or any more compounds is a waste of time and gear.

i'm not gonna talk shit about them stats, but i will say, you got a long ways to go before you should ever consider another cycle.

