[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

The answer is simple. If the drugs are legit (to this point, that has never been an issue with StankSquach) then your diet and or training sucks balls. Most likely diet, but probably both.

Adding additional weeks to the cycle or any more compounds is a waste of time and gear.

i'm not gonna talk shit about them stats, but i will say, you got a long ways to go before you should ever consider another cycle.
Genetics play a huge role. Two people on 500mg test and have vastly different results. The way the body processes drugs is different for everyone. unfortunately this cannot be changed, we should assume his genetics are below average and go from there.
Genetics play a huge role. Two people on 500mg test and have vastly different results. The way the body processes drugs is different for everyone. unfortunately this cannot be changed, we should assume his genetics are below average and go from there.

We should also assume, by what he says, that he has no idea what he's doing, lacks the fundamentals and is a hazard to himself and any impressionable noobs that comes across his posts.
Who cares man? Everyone has issues. Let’s just do our best to help him; he’s going to do drugs anyway, best we can do is give him advice.

I care. People shouldn't use AAS to treat psychological issues. My best to help him is to ignore him, not enable him further. My advice for anyone with serious mental issues is to not touch PEDs. I'd say stop and run PCT.

But the dude is 130lbs, 5'11, and young. And saying things like 20 week cycle cause YOLO and who cares about my testicles.

That's not issues, that's a joke. I can't take this guy seriously. It's got to be made up.
I care. People shouldn't use AAS to treat psychological issues. My best to help him is to ignore him, not enable him further. My advice for anyone with serious mental issues is to not touch PEDs. I'd say stop and run PCT.

But the dude is 130lbs, 5'11, and young. And saying things like 20 week cycle cause YOLO and who cares about my testicles.

That's not issues, that's a joke. I can't take this guy seriously. It's got to be made up.
Ehh... I know a few like that. it’s probably real.
Genetics play a huge role. Two people on 500mg test and have vastly different results. The way the body processes drugs is different for everyone. unfortunately this cannot be changed, we should assume his genetics are below average and go from there.

Yeah. Thanks for making me feel relieved. Unlike some people who keep calling me a troll when my issues are way bigger than the majority of you guys...

Just because I was born with health issues doesn't mean I am any different than anyone of you guys. We ALL got problems in our lives that we work out to pursue the greatest version of ourselves. I am part of the 5% that will do whatever it takes to get to where I want to.
Yeah. Thanks for making me feel relieved. Unlike some people who keep calling me a troll when my issues are way bigger than the majority of you guys...
You need to work on your insecurity issues first. Big being doesn’t make you a man, having balls does. You’re destroying yours. People will still talk shit even when you’re big. People talk shit. If you can’t ignore people, then you’ve got another thing coming. Good luck with everything.
Insecurity, mainly.
Which is caused by low testosterone levels. Testosterone= confidence. My test levels were measured at 478 before starting steroids which were the levels of an 70+ year old man. I was wondering why my entire life I was so insecure but with the right medicine (steroids), anything can be achieved.
Which is caused by low testosterone levels. Testosterone= confidence. My test levels were measured at 478 before starting steroids which were the levels of an 70+ year old man. I was wondering why my entire life I was so insecure but with the right medicine (steroids), anything can be achieved.

For the love of god. Okay, ignore my previous posts. i'm outta here. Keep on trollin' trollin' trollin'.
You need to work on your insecurity issues first. Big being doesn’t make you a man, having balls does. You’re destroying yours. People will still talk shit even when you’re big. People talk shit. If you can’t ignore people, then you’ve got another thing coming. Good luck with everything.
Wrong. Being big is what makes you respected. It's what makes you an alpha male. It's been proven the bigger you are the more others will respect you.
It was proven with mcgreggor vs mayweather. Mayweather was the smaller man. That's why most people expected Mcgreggor to win because his size was bigger which led people to believing he was the better man. Even Zyzz said that he was never respected when he was skinny. Once he started steroids people looked at him like a god.
Which is caused by low testosterone levels. Testosterone= confidence. My test levels were measured at 478 before starting steroids which were the levels of an 70+ year old man. I was wondering why my entire life I was so insecure but with the right medicine (steroids), anything can be achieved.
Then you don’t need to do a cycle, you only need an hrt dose of test. But hey, I hope you get what you want. I think once you’re back to normal test level, you’ll have a different outlook on life.
I’ve worked with many patients who’ve suffered from paychological disorders caused by hormones. My advice: bare minimum.
Wrong. Being big is what makes you respected. It's what makes you an alpha male. It's been proven the bigger you are the more others will respect you.
It was proven with mcgreggor vs mayweather. Mayweather was the smaller man. That's why most people expected Mcgreggor to win because his size was bigger which led people to believing he was the better man. Even Zyzz said that he was never respected when he was skinny. Once he started steroids people looked at him like a god.
Lol that’s not respect. You’re mentally young, it seems. And the only cure for that is aging.
Then you don’t need to do a cycle, you only need an hrt dose of test. But hey, I hope you get what you want. I think once you’re back to normal test level, you’ll have a different outlook on life.
I’ve worked with many patients who’ve suffered from paychological disorders caused by hormones. My advice: bare minimum.
a hrt dose of test won't be enough to get the mass I am looking for. I need to gain significant mass because mass also builds confidence too. Right now I'm a small man with somewhat good confidence because my testosterone levels are probably way over 1000. But my size is kinda small which reverses some of the effects. Once I get big is when the magic starts happening.
This part. If he's not a troll and really means this, he's past helping.
Gear seems ok for me, you have a high metabolism, my normal weight at 5"11 is 185 lbs, its you, not the gear.
I would eat alot more, try weight gainers, they actually work on AAS users.
Gear seems ok for me, you have a high metabolism, my normal weight at 5"11 is 185 lbs, its you, not the gear.
I would eat alot more, try weight gainers, they actually work on AAS users.
Yeah everyone tells me to eat more. Even I tell myself to eat more. Problem is my nausea... I have some sort of digestive issue. Kinda sucks but I gotta work with what I got.
And I just ordered some peanut powder and protein powder to make some shake mix earlier today.