[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

This is a source thread. Not a trisomy 21 support group. Go start your own thread if you need attention or advice.
Disregard everything I have said. This is going to be a 20 week cycle of test-e 500mg/wk with shitnetics. I'll be the guinea pig. It was kinda soon to post my results anyways because of my impatience so I apologize.

"I'll be back" - Arnold Schwarzenegger
If I’m pinning just 1 cc of something I’ll hit my traps; which I find easy a fuck to do.
I used to do delta but I have what I feel is scar tissue and just feels strange gong in. Like I’m gong into some sort of thick mass..
I agree, gong into quads is never the same all the time. Big it is a good sizable area.
I’m over pinning gluts. Shaky hands, all contorted, and that sciatic nerve is just too close to be taking chances.

Glutes, quads, and delts are the only areas I’ve ever pinned. With glutes being my main site. I usually don’t have any problems pinning em myself but my lil woman does most of mine which makes it a lot easier.
Over the years scar tissue seems to be built up to where sometimes it’s hard to push the oil in.
May have to try out traps though. I think the more sites that you can rotate with the better!

You can try ventrogluteal injection, you don’t have to be all contorted like with glutes and you can use both hands. Never had pip there but it might be a bit painful to use anything longer than an inch.
Wrong. Being big is what makes you respected. It's what makes you an alpha male. It's been proven the bigger you are the more others will respect you.
It was proven with mcgreggor vs mayweather. Mayweather was the smaller man. That's why most people expected Mcgreggor to win because his size was bigger which led people to believing he was the better man. Even Zyzz said that he was never respected when he was skinny. Once he started steroids people looked at him like a god.

a hrt dose of test won't be enough to get the mass I am looking for. I need to gain significant mass because mass also builds confidence too. Right now I'm a small man with somewhat good confidence because my testosterone levels are probably way over 1000. But my size is kinda small which reverses some of the effects. Once I get big is when the magic starts happening.

Steroids make you more of a man. There's no doubt about it. Being a man is being mature simple as that

Gear doesn’t make you more of a man, size doesn’t make you more of a man I mean there are dudes out there smaller than you that could beat the shit out of the biggest most shredded bb’er out there but being able to beat the shit out of someone doesn’t make you more of a man either. It’s all about what’s on the inside, your metophorical balls, that might sound kinda gay but that’s what makes you more of a man. You can take a bunch of test + Tren + halo + whatever else it won’t make you more of a man. Work on yourself sans gear for awhile then in a few years when you’re older and wiser and feel you need gear to be the best you then go ahead and try it again. Maybe try a dr if you think you truly have low t but nothing more than trt. Gear ain’t the answer.

I know you’re probably not gonna listen and will probably end up getting on the tren as well but maybe someone else might listen.
Okay. Maybe I need to step my game up and add some TREN. But first I'm planning on doing this 500mg/wk for 20 weeks since 10 weeks doesn't seem enough.
Just use the calorie calculator , I know me being 5’6 roughly 185, I need around 3.5-4K calories to grow
Wrong. Being big is what makes you respected. It's what makes you an alpha male. It's been proven the bigger you are the more others will respect you.
It was proven with mcgreggor vs mayweather. Mayweather was the smaller man. That's why most people expected Mcgreggor to win because his size was bigger which led people to believing he was the better man. Even Zyzz said that he was never respected when he was skinny. Once he started steroids people looked at him like a god.
bro you gotta be trolling, steroids don’t do anything besides speed up the process a little. If you are a beta male then you’ll just be a big beta male. Sounds like a girl hurt your feelings. And if your diet is shit you either won’t gain much or you’ll lose most of what you gained after you come off. I’m young as well but I know I made sure I didn’t waste my money by having my training and diet in order. I got noticeable bigger but I definitely don’t think I’m more of a man because of it. Don’t become a Johnny Bravo douche that think just because they can bench high they are the alpha male because the wrong someone will shut you down without hesitation
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Has anyone used any of squatches gear with EO in it? Like the primo or DHB? If so how is the pip? I'm new to this so I am unfamiliar with the different oils but is EO one of the ones that tends to cause people pain?
I am on week 7 on Sasquatch's Test-E (only and nothing else at all) at 500mg a week. I am still kinda disappointed. I noticed the energy increase and mood boost but for some reason I am not gaining much mass. I have only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far and strangely haven't noticed any water retention. My testicles have shrunk by a small but the biggest side effect is the acne. I have like 50 tiny acne spots all over my chest and grew acne on my arms which I never used to have acne. The good thing is the acne on my face is not too bad but it has been getting slightly worse. And I am seeing new hair growth over my chest. But I am still wondering why I only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far. I think I might have to go on a 20 week cycle to take it to the next level.
My appetite seems to have increased too but even after eating as much as I can I barely gain much.

I am 23 years old.
Around 145 pounds before I started. And about 150 pounds now.
I been training for about 3-4 years.
My bodyfat is usually always around the same at 10-12%.
I roughly eat 2000-3000 calories a day. Basically as much as I can eat but the thing is that I get nausea easily so I can't eat as much as I want.

I will also note I have true ectomorph genetics. I mean it doesn't get worse than me. Before I started working out I was 120 pounds at 5'10".

Also I recently had the flu so maybe that may have messed things up. I remember right before the symptoms of the flu started showing up I weighed in at 158 pounds. Now after my flu has almost ended I seemed to have lost almost 8 pound. But I am not sure what that 8 pounds was because I kinda feel like it was some fat and water retention.

The bottom line: I have no idea what is going on and probably funked up. gg

So you say you are eating 2000-3000 calories. How are you tracking this? Or is this a guess.

What do your macros look like in %?

I would highly suggest @atlas physiques
@wonderpus @mands they have a great program to coach people
And get them to where they need to go for their goals.
You eat bweteen 2–3k cals and expect to grow is u realistic. You have to figure what is your rasting caloric requirement and eat in surplus of that based on your level of actively.

Let’s just say this game is like 70% about nutrition, 20% between the gym and sleep, and 10% gear. Don’t hold me to the percentages, just arbitrary values to drive the point.

Good luck bro.

What scientific data do you have to prove these percentages. I call bullshit.

You can try ventrogluteal injection, you don’t have to be all contorted like with glutes and you can use both hands. Never had pip there but it might be a bit painful to use anything longer than an inch.

I would like to try the ventrogluteal injection but the illustrations available on google assume a hand placement as if someone else and not yourself is pinning. So if your standing up how do you locate it? Can you put up a pic showing how you do it, if you won’t mind?
I thought it was 5% training, 10% diet, 15% genetics and 70% steroids... And I can't eat as much as I want due to chronic nausea and sometimes I just don't got the access to the right foods.

The studies even say that a person who takes steroids but doesn't workout will gain more muscle than someone working out naturally. That study was based on 600mg test-e weekly. So the difference steroids make sounds pretty significant but I am currently only experiencing modest results. It's like the test might be underdosed or that my body is kinda a non-responder to steroids. I also heard somewhere where two people were taking the same steroid out of a vial and one gains like 20 pounds while the other gains almost nothing.

Full of excuses bro.

I was 115 my entire life. Ectomorph excuse. Check.

Nausea excuse . Check

Been there done that.

Get creative and drink your damn calories.

1 liter fair life milk= 1,000 calories +100g protein and 100 carbs. Add some different thing to a blender like peanuts butter and you now have close to a 2,000 calorie drink plus another 20-50 G protein.
Drink on this all day between meals and easily 4,000 calories.

Too many excuses from you.
Okay. Maybe I need to step my game up and add some TREN. But first I'm planning on doing this 500mg/wk for 20 weeks since 10 weeks doesn't seem enough.
Either way, I'm planning on going heavy on steroids eventually since I'm not planning on having kids so my testicles don't matter and I'm tired of being a skeleton no matter how hard I try and people still keep talking poop about me.

Steroids and escoecially heavy steroids “affect more than “just having kids”

Blood pressure which equal heart issues to just name one thing in a list of many.
I would like to try the ventrogluteal injection but the illustrations available on google assume a hand placement as if someone else and not yourself is pinning. So if your standing up how do you locate it? Can you put up a pic showing how you do it, if you won’t mind?

Here’s a couple pics I found online, I kinda prefer it to be a centimeter into the back half. You’ll be able to tell where the bone by pressing down with your fingers.
41AE2BCD-8AB0-4A2F-849D-B4FFCFCA97F8.jpeg A8D761C3-7021-4838-8DCC-9CAF84822F86.jpeg BBE07C23-C387-44DD-9E12-F958380BECDD.jpeg
So you say you are eating 2000-3000 calories. How are you tracking this? Or is this a guess.

What do your macros look like in %?

I would highly suggest @atlas physiques
@wonderpus @mands they have a great program to coach people
And get them to where they need to go for their goals.
Although we would love to help and take on more clients right now we are saving a couple spots for you fine sir and another. We might be at our max then. We just don't want to sacrifice quality for quantity.

I am on week 7 on Sasquatch's Test-E (only and nothing else at all) at 500mg a week. I am still kinda disappointed. I noticed the energy increase and mood boost but for some reason I am not gaining much mass. I have only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far and strangely haven't noticed any water retention. My testicles have shrunk by a small but the biggest side effect is the acne. I have like 50 tiny acne spots all over my chest and grew acne on my arms which I never used to have acne. The good thing is the acne on my face is not too bad but it has been getting slightly worse. And I am seeing new hair growth over my chest. But I am still wondering why I only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far. I think I might have to go on a 20 week cycle to take it to the next level.
My appetite seems to have increased too but even after eating as much as I can I barely gain much.

I am 23 years old.
Around 145 pounds before I started. And about 150 pounds now.
I been training for about 3-4 years.
My bodyfat is usually always around the same at 10-12%.
I roughly eat 2000-3000 calories a day. Basically as much as I can eat but the thing is that I get nausea easily so I can't eat as much as I want.

I will also note I have true ectomorph genetics. I mean it doesn't get worse than me. Before I started working out I was 120 pounds at 5'10".

Also I recently had the flu so maybe that may have messed things up. I remember right before the symptoms of the flu started showing up I weighed in at 158 pounds. Now after my flu has almost ended I seemed to have lost almost 8 pound. But I am not sure what that 8 pounds was because I kinda feel like it was some fat and water retention.

The bottom line: I have no idea what is going on and probably funked up. gg

Get bloodwork
I am on week 7 on Sasquatch's Test-E (only and nothing else at all) at 500mg a week. I am still kinda disappointed. I noticed the energy increase and mood boost but for some reason I am not gaining much mass. I have only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far and strangely haven't noticed any water retention. My testicles have shrunk by a small but the biggest side effect is the acne. I have like 50 tiny acne spots all over my chest and grew acne on my arms which I never used to have acne. The good thing is the acne on my face is not too bad but it has been getting slightly worse. And I am seeing new hair growth over my chest. But I am still wondering why I only gained like 5 pounds of muscle so far. I think I might have to go on a 20 week cycle to take it to the next level.
My appetite seems to have increased too but even after eating as much as I can I barely gain much.

I am 23 years old.
Around 145 pounds before I started. And about 150 pounds now.
I been training for about 3-4 years.
My bodyfat is usually always around the same at 10-12%.
I roughly eat 2000-3000 calories a day. Basically as much as I can eat but the thing is that I get nausea easily so I can't eat as much as I want.

I will also note I have true ectomorph genetics. I mean it doesn't get worse than me. Before I started working out I was 120 pounds at 5'10".

Also I recently had the flu so maybe that may have messed things up. I remember right before the symptoms of the flu started showing up I weighed in at 158 pounds. Now after my flu has almost ended I seemed to have lost almost 8 pound. But I am not sure what that 8 pounds was because I kinda feel like it was some fat and water retention.

The bottom line: I have no idea what is going on and probably funked up. gg
You only gained 5lbs cause you've only been in the sweet spot for 2 weeks considering nothing really happens for the first 4 or 5 weeks. And you need to take into account you weigh 145lbs! Some one who weighs 250lbs could complain about 5lbs but someone weighing 145lbs gaining 5lbs should put a smile on your face. I wont comment on the fact that you are almost 6ft and weigh 145lbs, women your height can achieve that size and body fat % naturally so I don't quite understand why you're on gear to begin withm
You only gained 5lbs cause you've only been in the sweet spot for 2 weeks considering nothing really happens for the first 4 or 5 weeks. And you need to take into account you weigh 145lbs! Some one who weighs 250lbs could complain about 5lbs but someone weighing 145lbs gaining 5lbs should put a smile on your face. I wont comment on the fact that you are almost 6ft and weigh 145lbs, women your height can achieve that size and body fat % naturally so I don't quite understand why you're on gear to begin withm
5’11 140 sounds anorexic