[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

To switch up topics a little...I thought I was feeling good on shoulders getting 225 on shoulder press but this guy at my gym just threw up 315 behind the neck for 5 reps. He did that shit on purpose!
Sure he did it on purpose. To help you. To motivate you. Nice job on the 225 press.
I just received my mid cycle bloodwork. This is my first ever cycle and I only used Sasquatch Test E 250mg throughout the 7 weeks (average 2.5 cc wkly) up to bloodwork. I have full log if needed.
I'm pretty sure the numbers are good considering my pre cycle testosterone level came back at 150 ng/dl. I'm definetly a TRT'r for life. Have a look..


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I just received my mid cycle bloodwork. This is my first ever cycle and I only used Sasquatch Test E 250mg throughout the 7 weeks (average 2.5 cc wkly) up to bloodwork. I have full log if needed.
I'm pretty sure the numbers are good considering my pre cycle testosterone level came back at 150 ng/dl. I'm definetly a TRT'r for life. Have a look..

Could you post the your injection schedule and how long bloods were drawn after the last injection? Updating the pastebin now.
Email me for $100 store credit.

We're taking Anavar off the list. I believe we sold out in less than an hour. We didn't have a huge batch made since we didn't get new raws in, just had a previous batch on hand.

Order arrived, 2 day touchdown from day ordered placed! Everything was packaged neat and tight. Great communication response time.

Dino handled it from start to finish. Great job man!

Not using product until winter time so can't provide more feedback until then.
I never get that lucky with my packs lol. I ordered Monday so I’m impatiently waiting for it to arrive
So, I'd like to start by saying that I hope that any skepticism I've posted isn't meant as an attack but rather as due diligence and in the spirit of doing the footwork that others may not have the time or funds to do.

This is a follow up for the Test E that I received as part of the blood work promotion that seemingly failed the labmax.

The bloods were taken 48 hours after last pin, the same protocol as the bloods taken on the initial test Cyp. 250mg/2wk totaling 500mg/wk. Diet stayed the same. I fasted as before. Same adex dose(which I should probably increase). Same sleep schedule.

This is after 1 pin from switching to the lab maxed vial.

Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 2751.5 HIGH 264.0-916.0 ng/dL 02

The previous blood tests result following the same protocol.

Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 3452.3 HIGH 264.0-916.0 ng/dL 02

So, there is definitely some change. To my understanding steady state totals should have balanced out around 2500 at the time of each pin, once every 3.5 days. Hard to really say anything after 1 pin but, eh.

Overall pretty happy with the results of first cycle so far through SAS. Have gained about 18 pounds. Probably about half of it is muscle. About 5 weeks to go still.

Estradiol 74.5 HIGH 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01

Started getting some acne. otherwise no new sides. on .25 adex every 3.5 days.
Depending on the brands you get on yogurt and protein, you’ll be in the 90 - 100 g range on protein.
I have to work a physical job in the outdoors so eating pounds of food just doesnt suit me. Shakes help me get my calories in. Always trying different recipies.
Its been 3 hours and 10 minutes so what are these new suspensions you speak of Sasquatch?

And what happened to you all matching the Primo price to other domestic sources. I won't ever buy but I clearly remember you saying that. Post #5512.

And you said you'd run the 20% off $300 order for a short time after Primo was in stock.

@Sasquatch Labs
Its been 3 hours and 10 minutes so what are these new suspensions you speak of Sasquatch?

And what happened to you all matching the Primo price to other domestic sources. I won't ever buy but I clearly remember you saying that. Post #5512.

And you said you'd run the 20% off $300 order for a short time after Primo was in stock.

@Sasquatch Labs

Email us with what you would like to order and we'll take care of you.
