[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

sorry I had replied to the wrong person but was talking bout the 32lb gain. That's insane

Yeah I don't really want to gain anymore because it's very very transparent as to whats going down. Lots of people at work just commenting "wow, you're getting buff." and stuff like that. I'm just like "yeah a good multi vitamin, vegetables, etc."
Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright. Beauty beyond use, etc etc.

Shakespeare, Bucko

3 days after first pin of 250mg test cyp I have more annoying symptoms then I expected. Persistent headache started during the day yesterday. It's almost like a caffeine headache. Kinda stretches from behind my eyes to my ears. Have had consistent waves of nausea since yesterday as well. I cant focus for shit. Feel generally tired.

Checked my blood pressure twice yesterday was higher than normal. 135/87. normal is 125/75.

I do have allergies but they dont bring on headache or nausea.

RIP the dream.

It should be a good deal higher then this right? I've read that with properly dosed gear you should expect 8-12 times the dose amount for serum levels. Supposing he waited long enough around 4-6 weeks if its cyp or enth then steady state levels should have roughly been attained. which if he did wait that long would put the cumulative half lives of the drug in his system at around 400ish mg. Wouldn't you then expect blood levels to then be around 4000?

Dude there is no way 2000's is good for 500mg a week.



[Bloodwork] The Dictator Test E

Okay, so why are these tests around the range that I would have expected for the same dose/week?
I remember now it's from your previous post I read you have recently joined so definitely not who I first thought.
But 32LBS first cycle or not it's not happening.
Would almost be non plausable to gain 32 pounds of lean muscle on a cycle.

Think of a 1 pound steak. Now stack 32 of those steaks on a table... won’t happen.

If you have this kind of genetics you will be in Olympia by your 4th cycle adding on over 120lbs of muscles....
I remember now it's from your previous post I read you have recently joined so definitely not who I first thought.
But 32LBS first cycle or not it's not happening.

Yeah, so I felt sick when I started and lots of people seem to be misinformed in regards to what should be expected for Total Test per dose of test.

Believe what you like. Here I am sitting with like 18% more of me. I'm sure a decent amount is water. But I have gained a lot of solid muscle and look much thicker while maintaining proportions.

Bench before -195 now 255
Deadlift before - 295 now 405
Squat - Irrelevant.

So, I accidentally just huffed my AI. Took as a powder and inhaled deeply without thinking.

I'll post some before/after pics at the end of my run or something. Is that something we do? Are there any reasons not to?

Also, to anyone on the fence about running. Don't do it.
Would almost be non plausable to gain 32 pounds of lean muscle on a cycle.

Think of a 1 pound steak. Now stack 32 of those steaks on a table... won’t happen.

If you have this kind of genetics you will be in Olympia by your 4th cycle adding on over 120lbs of muscles....

Yeah I said 16-18lb of it is muscle. I have also gained bf and water but have gained 32 total
Yeah, so I felt sick when I started and lots of people seem to be misinformed in regards to what should be expected for Total Test per dose of test.

Believe what you like. Here I am sitting with like 18% more of me. I'm sure a decent amount is water. But I have gained a lot of solid muscle and look much thicker while maintaining proportions.

Bench before -195 now 255
Deadlift before - 295 now 405
Squat - Irrelevant.

So, I accidentally just huffed my AI. Took as a powder and inhaled deeply without thinking.

I'll post some before/after pics at the end of my run or something. Is that something we do? Are there any reasons not to?

Also, to anyone on the fence about running. Don't do it.
It's your first cycle and you seem to be offering advice on bloods and other things in a matter of fact kind of way.
Do you see were this could be potentially dangerous for new members if you were perhaps uninformed?
I'm not trying to come at you to be a dick head I just think you should do more reading and get better informed before getting into some conversations.