[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Me and a buddy got bloods on the same gear and dose my blood was 8x im a good responder his was 5.5. Different people respond differently
My multiplier on my last labs was 6.7 right in the middle of you guys. This kid has no clue. Just trolling a thread where no one cares to hear his shit. It hurt my brain to read the last 3 pages. I can never get that time back. Thanks fuckwad @Burn bright .
My multiplier on my last labs was 6.7 right in the middle of you guys. This kid has no clue. Just trolling a thread where no one cares to hear his shit. It hurt my brain to read the last 3 pages. I can never get that time back. Thanks fuckwad @Burn bright .

I don’t think many drs would prescribe 200mg/wk of test if everyone went up 10x, lol that would mean that drs are putting people at levels of 2000.
My multiplier on my last labs was 6.7 right in the middle of you guys. This kid has no clue. Just trolling a thread where no one cares to hear his shit. It hurt my brain to read the last 3 pages. I can never get that time back. Thanks fuckwad @Burn bright .

Lol. I don't doubt that reading hurt your brain. The funny thing is that your didn't even understand what I wrote. You took away what you wanted to hear from my posts. You are a sad little person. Living in the small little world your capable of perceiving.

6.7x is fine especially if split. 5.5 is on the low end of fine if split. There is math involved. I won't hurt your brain with it.
Lol. I don't doubt that reading hurt your brain. The funny thing is that your didn't even understand what I wrote. You took away what you wanted to hear from my posts. You are a sad little person. Living in the small little world your capable of perceiving.

6.7x is fine especially if split. 5.5 is on the low end of fine if split. There is math involved. I won't hurt your brain with it.

Guys, it's his first cycle... he knows it all so learn from him lol.

Seriously though... still on this multiplier bullshit? Try not to hurt your brain, but you are telling me the gear I get from the pharmacy is underdosed because I score 5x?
It's your first cycle and you seem to be offering advice on bloods and other things in a matter of fact kind of way.
Do you see were this could be potentially dangerous for new members if you were perhaps uninformed?
I'm not trying to come at you to be a dick head I just think you should do more reading and get better informed before getting into some conversations.
DING DING DING. This fucking clown needs to keep his mouth shut until he gets some experience. "Shakespear bucko"? "Squat - irrelevant" "32LBS". Homie get the fuck out of here you corny faggot - it would be 1 thing if you were just misinformed - you are a danger to new members with the goofy shit you say.
You belong on reddit.com/r/iamverysmart you fucking incel @Burn bright - nothing better than reading through a very good source thread where people like @kendallkmw and @Roger rabbit (and others!) go out of their way to give help, advice, etc from experience then to stumble upon this pretentious little cunt really grinds my gears.
DING DING DING. This fucking clown needs to keep his mouth shut until he gets some experience. "Shakespear bucko"? "Squat - irrelevant" "32LBS". Homie get the fuck out of here you corny faggot - it would be 1 thing if you were just misinformed - you are a danger to new members with the goofy shit you say.

How is what I'm saying dangerous to new members? The squat being irrelevant was a joke. I was reading Shakespeare when I made this acc. Yes 32. What misinformation? I am the only one that has provided well quantified evidence. I do take what others say they have experienced into account but there are other variable that might cause the results to deviate from what one would expect. Its less convincing when they wont elaborate on those variables.

You belong on reddit.com/r/iamverysmart you fucking incel @Burn bright - nothing better than reading through a very good source thread where people like @kendallkmw and @Roger rabbit (and others!) go out of their way to give help, advice, etc from experience then to stumble upon this pretentious little cunt really grinds my gears.

Wow sick burn dude. If it had a grain of truth I might be triggered and need a safe space and some other relevant internet memes that I filter information through. I'm not sure what internet meme to use to think about all the Ad hom your are throwing my way. Maybe you could help me out?

I just posted my results thus far in the thread where I thought it belonged. I didn't bring up the blood thing, someone else did. Then the posse or goon squad you are referring to came out the the wood works to try and drag me through the mud. Pretty bizarre honestly.

Yes, I appreciate @Roger rabbit opinion on most things.
I doesn't seem that I need to pretend very hard around here..
Guys, it's his first cycle... he knows it all so learn from him lol.

Seriously though... still on this multiplier bullshit? Try not to hurt your brain, but you are telling me the gear I get from the pharmacy is underdosed because I score 5x?

I didn't bring this topic up.

Everyone should do their own research and poll from many forums and take away what you can from the limited studies that have been done. Just know that nadir means at the lowest point, typically after a half life has elapsed.

You didn't answer if you split the dose or when you take bloods and whether you vary the times you take bloods after you pin. That would all be useful information in protecting the new guys.
I don’t think many drs would prescribe 200mg/wk of test if everyone went up 10x, lol that would mean that drs are putting people at levels of 2000.

I think TRT doc take Nadir levels into account when prescribing. Could be wrong. Somebody chime in when the doc had you get bloods after your last pin.
Can we try to keep this to a source thread? I just had to wade through 4 pages of vets arguing with a new kid because I though something relevant would be there
How is what I'm saying dangerous to new members? The squat being irrelevant was a joke. I was reading Shakespeare when I made this acc. Yes 32. What misinformation? I am the only one that has provided well quantified evidence. I do take what others say they have experienced into account but there are other variable that might cause the results to deviate from what one would expect. Its less convincing when they wont elaborate on those variables.

Wow sick burn dude. If it had a grain of truth I might be triggered and need a safe space and some other relevant internet memes that I filter information through. I'm not sure what internet meme to use to think about all the Ad hom your are throwing my way. Maybe you could help me out?

I just posted my results thus far in the thread where I thought it belonged. I didn't bring up the blood thing, someone else did. Then the posse or goon squad you are referring to came out the the wood works to try and drag me through the mud. Pretty bizarre honestly.

Yes, I appreciate @Roger rabbit opinion on most things.
I doesn't seem that I need to pretend very hard around here..
You really are a pretentious little cunt arnt you? How about you shut the fuck up and take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. Thats some advice I got when I thought I knew it all on this site. You should take that advice serious Iago Orthello shakespeare boy.

