[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

I think TRT doc take Nadir levels into account when prescribing. Could be wrong. Somebody chime in when the doc had you get bloods after your last pin.
My trt dr likes me to get my blood drawn at day 7 so he can see what my levels are at the end of the week
I didn't bring this topic up.

Everyone should do their own research and poll from many forums and take away what you can from the limited studies that have been done. Just know that nadir means at the lowest point, typically after a half life has elapsed.

You didn't answer if you split the dose or when you take bloods and whether you vary the times you take bloods after you pin. That would all be useful information in protecting the new guys.

YOUR STATEMENT WAS WRONG. Own it. Let it go. It's alright to be wrong and to learn from your mistakes. No one here is going to go through answering your questions. It's the equivalent of talking to my child about why the sky is blue, then why is the ocean blue, then why we can't see air... fucking ridiculous. In the end, after answering all your ridiculous questions, you are still going to be wrong.

This is your first cycle right? LOL. GTFO know it all clown.
YOUR STATEMENT WAS WRONG. Own it. Let it go. It's alright to be wrong and to learn from your mistakes. No one here is going to go through answering your questions. It's the equivalent of talking to my child about why the sky is blue, then why is the ocean blue, then why we can't see air... fucking ridiculous. In the end, after answering all your ridiculous questions, you are still going to be wrong.

This is your first cycle right? LOL. GTFO know it all clown.

The sky is blue because of the nitrogen in the air. You would know this if you weren't retarded and a failure to your child.
My trt dr likes me to get my blood drawn at day 7 so he can see what my levels are at the end of the week

Yeah that's going to be at the lowest point for the week. A half life had elapsed since the injection so theoretically whatever the reading was it should be a little less than double at its peak.
The sky is blue because of the nitrogen in the air. You would know this if you weren't retarded and a failure to your child.

How about everyone ignore @Burn bright now. The above response is a good representation of what value he brings to the community. It is now simply about trolling and hijacking this thread.
I remember now it's from your previous post I read you have recently joined so definitely not who I first thought.
But 32LBS first cycle or not it's not happening.

I know this is my first post. But its also my first cycle. I joined Meso, did some research and decided to give Sasquatch a try.
I started at about 175lbs-180. I've been as high as 230lbs this past week. I'm not quite 6 weeks into my cycle. I unfortunately didn't get pre-cycle bloods but im going to the Dr. Next week for mid-cycle to check on things. Right now the scale fluctuates at 215-225 depending on food/water intake, amount of sweating and massive dumps that day haha

But anyways, wanted to say it definitely is possible. I'm running all Sasquatch gear and have gained close to 50lbs. I'll post pictures and tell you about the cycle and training if any of you guys are interested. Also going to post those bloods for the $100 discount ;)

I know this is my first post. But its also my first cycle. I joined Meso, did some research and decided to give Sasquatch a try.
I started at about 175lbs-180. I've been as high as 230lbs this past week. I'm not quite 6 weeks into my cycle. I unfortunately didn't get pre-cycle bloods but im going to the Dr. Next week for mid-cycle to check on things. Right now the scale fluctuates at 215-225 depending on food/water intake, amount of sweating and massive dumps that day haha

But anyways, wanted to say it definitely is possible. I'm running all Sasquatch gear and have gained close to 50lbs. I'll post pictures and tell you about the cycle and training if any of you guys are interested. Also going to post those bloods for the $100 discount ;)
Hell yea lets see some pics browski:cool:
You're the one that told him to keep going. Lol
He was handling himself pretty good there for awhile. I mean shit a scale can be off a few pounds here and wanting to fit in could have caused him to add a few to the total but just sounded to me that he had a good first cycle and was butthurt that guys spoke to him harshly and called him a liar.o_O
He was handling himself pretty good there for awhile. I mean shit a scale can be off a few pounds here and wanting to fit in could have caused him to add a few to the total but just sounded to me that he had a good first cycle and was butthurt that guys spoke to him harshly and called him a liar.o_O
You're going to fuel the autistic little fuck to start talking again.

I know this is my first post. But its also my first cycle. I joined Meso, did some research and decided to give Sasquatch a try.
I started at about 175lbs-180. I've been as high as 230lbs this past week. I'm not quite 6 weeks into my cycle. I unfortunately didn't get pre-cycle bloods but im going to the Dr. Next week for mid-cycle to check on things. Right now the scale fluctuates at 215-225 depending on food/water intake, amount of sweating and massive dumps that day haha

But anyways, wanted to say it definitely is possible. I'm running all Sasquatch gear and have gained close to 50lbs. I'll post pictures and tell you about the cycle and training if any of you guys are interested. Also going to post those bloods for the $100 discount ;)
What are you running? And why was your starting weight an about. Why would you not know that accurately and represent the facts to the community instead of saying about. I know my weights pre-cycle bloods, and mid-cycle. I also know the difference between water retention and muscle gains. I do an above average job of keeping everything in check during a cycle. My gains from this cycle are at exactly 11lbs and I can tell you ill retain those gains and my water retention is nil. Im not trying to crack on you new guys but I don't think you fully understand your cycles or what body is doing. Please read, ask questions, and learn. You have not made 50lbs in muscle gains period. No argument end of story.

I know this is my first post. But its also my first cycle. I joined Meso, did some research and decided to give Sasquatch a try.
I started at about 175lbs-180. I've been as high as 230lbs this past week. I'm not quite 6 weeks into my cycle. I unfortunately didn't get pre-cycle bloods but im going to the Dr. Next week for mid-cycle to check on things. Right now the scale fluctuates at 215-225 depending on food/water intake, amount of sweating and massive dumps that day haha

But anyways, wanted to say it definitely is possible. I'm running all Sasquatch gear and have gained close to 50lbs. I'll post pictures and tell you about the cycle and training if any of you guys are interested. Also going to post those bloods for the $100 discount ;)
Have a bunch of sas gear
Test c
Test u
Tren ace
Primo E
But I would love some of what your running I'm very interested in your cycle I'm pretty new at this myself maybe I'm doing it all wrong.
Photos are up to you
But I would definitely appreciate your cycle outline and supps.
It is a physical impossibility to put on anything close to 50 lbs. of muscle in 5 weeks. Period.


Again.. picture 50, 1lb steaks on a table.. your body cannot put this on that fast.

If one were to do this, like I said... you would be mr. Olympia within a few years.
As a brand new beginner to weights and eating correctly and even using aas you could conceivably put on 20-30 lbs of muscle in the FIRST YEAR but only that .. next year you’d be lucky to put on half that. As an intermediate/ advanced lifter with perfect diet and training and gear you will be lucky to put on 6-8 lbs of muscle each year ...

Pure lean muscle not fat not water.

