[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

The only way I see this being remotely possible would be your first cycle with a heavy stack including anadrol 50-100 mg a day for a month. Including deca and/or tren.Then half of the weight will be water and/or fat because just beginning your not going to be able to eat as much clean if you haven’t put the time in to be disciplined with nutrition or training, which comes with experience and a lot of reading and listening to he memebers of this community. IMO but I’m no expert by any means ;)
Homie, calm down with the thesaurus. You sound like that kid who right clicks every word in a word processor to substitute a more inteligent sounding synonym. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say you don't get invited to a lot of party's do you?

I lol'd at this, fucking gold
Post the pics

I'm definitely not as pretty as your avi.

For all the shit I anticipate getting, at least I'm not some fag who doesn't deliver.

Let the shit-fest commence. Have at it you blood thirsty animals.


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No offense we’ll not too much but you def should have trained natty and got your weight up with proper nutrition and training. IMO just saying I could be wrong but idk
Yeah, I'm 207 in that pic there, started 175. Packed a lot of mass on lower body. Its not amazing or anything but it is 32lb
So you’re telling me you grew more in your legs than you upper body?!! Well fuck me what am I doing wrong?lol Get your nutrition down and the macros on point and train harder to grow.
I estimate its about half muscle as I said. Maybe I'm wrong. We will see in about a month here.

I'm not one to criticize anybody. But I know how I look. I'm not as cut up as you. I have more meat. I don't even weigh 207 or whatever. I think your scale may be smoking crack.