[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

So you’re telling me you grew more in your legs than you upper body?!! Well fuck me what am I doing wrong?lol Get your nutrition down and the macros on point and train harder to grow.

Yeah I had to buy all new pants. I let my diet slip a bit to just try and put on as much weight as I could before cutting at the end. My diet is back on point now.
Some nice development of the deltoids and some increased vascularity. Keep training and it will all come along. You have a young physique and still have a lot of growing you can do. Best of luck.
Some nice development of the deltoids and some increased vascularity. Keep training and it will all come along. You have a young physique and still have a lot of growing you can do. Best of luck.

Holy shit. Somebody said something nice to me. Thanks man. I'm trying.
I am 6'1ft -6'2ft if that makes a difference

I'm 6'2 and I feel fat actually. I got 210 but never over. Like I said, you are way more cut up than I am. I wish I had your abs. Respectfully, I don't think your scales are right. Fuck, mine could be fucking wrong.
That’s all you can do. Have to have thick skin (like 20lbs of it). Just messin bro. I really could care less how much people gain on cycle. What’s important is how you feel and your own self image. Of course being safe while doing it. Keep reading and be safe.
@Johne71 is a genuinely stand up guy. I've never seen him say anything negative and when I first came to Meso he was one of the guys who gave me advice on my thread.
I hope I helped you. I did actually read “How to Meet Friends and Influence People”. A lot of principles that are still applicable today. Not many people use them. Especially on Internet forums. Forums can bring out the worst in is.

I don’t believe in criticizing (at least not negatively) anyone’s physical attributes.
That’s shit can cut deep into the brain.
Not about that.
I'm definitely not as pretty as your avi.

For all the shit I anticipate getting, at least I'm not some fag who doesn't deliver.

Let the shit-fest commence. Have at it you blood thirsty animals.
Were those pictures taken back to back with different fucking lighting. You've been blasting this thread for damn near 10 pages for that bullshit. You should be banned from this site you little fucker. Your full of shit.

If you packed on lower body where the quads and calves pics. You don't even fucking have abs. I had your body natty graduating high school just eating and no weights. How fucking dare you come on this forum disrespecting well regarded members with your babble bullshit. I'd fucking love to see run that trap in person.

And you pose like a bitch.

By the way this is the one forum that the brothers would help you reach your full potential as long as you put in the work. Your total lack of respect will get you shit here. Your credibility is shit. Don't fucking give advice on this thread or forum for that matter until you educate yourself in this lifestyle and have content of value to share and help other members you little fuckwad.
I hope I helped you. I did actually read “How to Meet Friends and Influence People”. A lot of principles that are still applicable today. Not many people use them. Especially on Internet forums. Forums can bring out the worst in is.

I don’t believe in criticizing (at least not negatively) anyone’s physical attributes.
That’s shit can cut deep into the brain.
Not about that.
You did! And your one of the first people I followed.
Can we get a mod in here? Stop hijacking the thread bright. This is getting fucking ridiculous now.
Show me a thread that hasn’t been hijacked in some way. Used to drive me nuts. Now I’m just a regular reader of the forum and kind of enjoy all the irrelevant stuff. LOL.
I hope I helped you. I did actually read “How to Meet Friends and Influence People”. A lot of principles that are still applicable today. Not many people use them. Especially on Internet forums. Forums can bring out the worst in is.

I don’t believe in criticizing (at least not negatively) anyone’s physical attributes.
That’s shit can cut deep into the brain.
Not about that.
I'm about trying to be respectful but also being truthful.
Yeah most are already self conscious about their physique anyway.
Were those pictures taken back to back with different fucking lighting. You've been blasting this thread for damn near 10 pages for that bullshit. You should be banned from this site you little fucker. Your full of shit.

If you packed on lower body where the quads and calves pics. You don't even fucking have abs. I had your body natty graduating high school just eating and no weights. How fucking dare you come on this forum disrespecting well regarded members with your babble bullshit. I'd fucking love to see run that trap in person.

And you pose like a bitch.

By the way this is the one forum that the brothers would help you reach your full potential as long as you put in the work. Your total lack of respect will get you shit here. Your credibility is shit. Don't fucking give advice on this thread or forum for that matter until you educate yourself in this lifestyle and have content of value to share and help other members you little fuckwad.

Wow. You are a very toxic individual lol. I came here being genuine the whole way through. All you have brought is poison.

I didn't give advice. You are literally a psychopath