[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

How about everyone ignore @Burn bright now. The above response is a good representation of what value he brings to the community. It is now simply about trolling and hijacking this thread.

It seems that all that guy wanted to do was unload some halfwit insults. I tried to get real information from him but he refused and kept up with the insults. Do you think I hurt his feelings?
Bro, go away. No one wants to read what you write.

Well anyone who takes the time to read what I wrote will see how disingenuous, hypocritical and vacuous you guys are.

Like you guys all gang up to give me shit about my experience; which I lay out in clear English yet is somehow misinterpreted again and again. No hard proof of anything, just lots of insults. Then the second I throw out an insult I'm disqualified somehow..

Sorry, I forgot this forum was an inside club that only a select few get to participate in and call the shots..
Well anyone who takes the time to read what I wrote will see how disingenuous, hypocritical and vacuous you guys are.

Like you guys all gang up to give me shit about my experience; which I lay out in clear English yet is somehow misinterpreted again and again. No hard proof of anything, just lots of insults. Then the second I throw out an insult I'm disqualified somehow..

Sorry, I forgot this forum was an inside club that only a select few get to participate in and call the shots..
Why don't you goo ahead and post a pic of this 30+ lbs in 5 weeks before and aftsr would be best
Again here we go somehow misinterpreting the shit I lay out in clear fucking English. It has been 8.5 weeks. I already said I would post before and after pics.

I can’t wait for these before and after pictures. It’s gonna be maybe 5 pounds of muscle, 10 pounds of water retention and 15 pounds of gyno.
Well anyone who takes the time to read what I wrote will see how disingenuous, hypocritical and vacuous you guys

Homie, calm down with the thesaurus. You sound like that kid who right clicks every word in a word processor to substitute a more inteligent sounding synonym. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say you don't get invited to a lot of party's do you?

Respect is earned not given. When you come off the rip sounding like a pretentious know it all with super human gains - no we are not going to take that at face value. Definitely when you are giving advice on cycles and whether or not to do a cycle when you are still a rookie.

Next time you venture out of your mother's basement - hit a book store and buy a book called "How To Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. Then on your drive back home shortly after buying the book , find a fucking bridge and jump off of it. Fucking prick.
Homie, calm down with the thesaurus. You sound like that kid who right clicks every word in a word processor to substitute a more inteligent sounding synonym. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say you don't get invited to a lot of party's do you?

Respect is earned not given. When you come off the rip sounding like a pretentious know it all with super human gains - no we are not going to take that at face value. Definitely when you are giving advice on cycles and whether or not to do a cycle when you are still a rookie.

Next time you venture out of your mother's basement - hit a book store and buy a book called "How To Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. Then on your drive back home shortly after buying the book , find a fucking bridge and jump off of it. Fucking prick.

Those words accurately describe you. If you don't know what they mean that is not my fault. Look them up. In real life I'm pretty easy going and get on fine.

I didn't come off the rip sounding like a know it all. I put forward my experience with humility. Then you and some other people wanted to get cunty for some reason. I didn't give any advice on cycling other then that it's a big decision and should be thought over carefully before jumping in. Do you disagree?

Haven't lived at home since 18. I've thought about reading that book but part of me doesn't want to pander to idiots just so they will like me. I get along with most people. Those other people who I don't get along with typically have an unsavory character; so why would I want to get along with them?
Those words accurately describe you. If you don't know what they mean that is not my fault. Look them up. In real life I'm pretty easy going and get on fine.

I didn't come off the rip sounding like a know it all. I put forward my experience with humility. Then you and some other people wanted to get cunty for some reason. I didn't give any advice on cycling other then that it's a big decision and should be thought over carefully before jumping in. Do you disagree?

Haven't lived at home since 18. I've thought about reading that book but part of me doesn't want to pander to idiots just so they will like me. I get along with most people. Those other people who I don't get along with typically have an unsavory character; so why would I want to get along with them?

You're definitely right, the book they handed us at our MBA program graduation is definitely to teach people how to pander to idiots. You must be one of those assburgers arnt you. Even though it is going to drive me insane - i'm not feeding this troll anymore on SAS's thread.
You're definitely right, the book they handed us at our MBA program graduation is definitely to teach people how to pander to idiots. You must be one of those assburgers arnt you. Even though it is going to drive me insane - i'm not feeding this troll anymore on SAS's thread.

Lol, you are the one who needs a book to know how to interact with people.