[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Have a bunch of sas gear
Test c
Test u
Tren ace
Primo E
But I would love some of what your running I'm very interested in your cycle I'm pretty new at this myself maybe I'm doing it all wrong.
Photos are up to you
But I would definitely appreciate your cycle outline and supps.
Hey man. Sorry I haven't checked in on the site recently. Busy with work. It's 430am ran a poker tournament all night (probably not too good for the gains here on sleep deprivation but hey)
Anyways, sorry for punctuation/spelling/format errors. In a rush, but wanted to post. Feel free to PM too I'll get back to you. Give u some of the details now:
Please save the comments and the advice a out how I'm running too much gear. I know I've read all the newbies(which I am) getting bashed for doing this, but I went crazy and threw a bunch of stuff in first go round. Probably not good for me but hey I'm killing it in the gym, feel great, and in great shape. So again, please hold the critique, comments, criticism. Unless it's positive inquiry.

Running Test Sustanon at 600mg weekly.
Deca 300mg weekly.
Tren Ace 350mg weekly.
I started with 20mg oral M1t for 10 days. Back pumps crucial so stopped taking it. It was defenitly adding strength and endurance though. I'm now trying out superdrol 20mg per day.
I take in 4000 calories a day. I use myfitnesspal. My protein/fat/carbs are not the same everyday. I'm making sure I get enough calories to bulk. Not so worried about a little fat gain. I'll cut it up later.

I also take creatine, fish oil, probiotic, multi vitamin, liver pills, "on cycle" supplement, milk thistle.

I try to hit all muscle groups twice a week. One heavier 6-12reps. Then pump days 20+ been kind of instinctively training. No set days. If I feel sore or off I'll do a different muscle group or abs.

I'll get back with those before and after pictures. Might have to hit Facebook for old pic. My phone fried at work other day. Lost my library. Also bloods coming soon.

Oh and I take arimidex every other day. Before I was taking aromasin 12.5 everyday until first package ran out.
I've had little to no bad side effects. Except for slight Deca dick (took prami went away) and tren profusely sweating all the time.
Hey man. Sorry I haven't checked in on the site recently. Busy with work. It's 430am ran a poker tournament all night (probably not too good for the gains here on sleep deprivation but hey)
Anyways, sorry for punctuation/spelling/format errors. In a rush, but wanted to post. Feel free to PM too I'll get back to you. Give u some of the details now:
Please save the comments and the advice a out how I'm running too much gear. I know I've read all the newbies(which I am) getting bashed for doing this, but I went crazy and threw a bunch of stuff in first go round. Probably not good for me but hey I'm killing it in the gym, feel great, and in great shape. So again, please hold the critique, comments, criticism. Unless it's positive inquiry.

Running Test Sustanon at 600mg weekly.
Deca 300mg weekly.
Tren Ace 350mg weekly.
I started with 20mg oral M1t for 10 days. Back pumps crucial so stopped taking it. It was defenitly adding strength and endurance though. I'm now trying out superdrol 20mg per day.
I take in 4000 calories a day. I use myfitnesspal. My protein/fat/carbs are not the same everyday. I'm making sure I get enough calories to bulk. Not so worried about a little fat gain. I'll cut it up later.

I also take creatine, fish oil, probiotic, multi vitamin, liver pills, "on cycle" supplement, milk thistle.

I try to hit all muscle groups twice a week. One heavier 6-12reps. Then pump days 20+ been kind of instinctively training. No set days. If I feel sore or off I'll do a different muscle group or abs.

I'll get back with those before and after pictures. Might have to hit Facebook for old pic. My phone fried at work other day. Lost my library. Also bloods coming soon.

Oh and I take arimidex every other day. Before I was taking aromasin 12.5 everyday until first package ran out.
I've had little to no bad side effects. Except for slight Deca dick (took prami went away) and tren profusely sweating all the time.
Hey man. Sorry I haven't checked in on the site recently. Busy with work. It's 430am ran a poker tournament all night (probably not too good for the gains here on sleep deprivation but hey)
Anyways, sorry for punctuation/spelling/format errors. In a rush, but wanted to post. Feel free to PM too I'll get back to you. Give u some of the details now:
Please save the comments and the advice a out how I'm running too much gear. I know I've read all the newbies(which I am) getting bashed for doing this, but I went crazy and threw a bunch of stuff in first go round. Probably not good for me but hey I'm killing it in the gym, feel great, and in great shape. So again, please hold the critique, comments, criticism. Unless it's positive inquiry.

Running Test Sustanon at 600mg weekly.
Deca 300mg weekly.
Tren Ace 350mg weekly.
I started with 20mg oral M1t for 10 days. Back pumps crucial so stopped taking it. It was defenitly adding strength and endurance though. I'm now trying out superdrol 20mg per day.
I take in 4000 calories a day. I use myfitnesspal. My protein/fat/carbs are not the same everyday. I'm making sure I get enough calories to bulk. Not so worried about a little fat gain. I'll cut it up later.

I also take creatine, fish oil, probiotic, multi vitamin, liver pills, "on cycle" supplement, milk thistle.

I try to hit all muscle groups twice a week. One heavier 6-12reps. Then pump days 20+ been kind of instinctively training. No set days. If I feel sore or off I'll do a different muscle group or abs.

I'll get back with those before and after pictures. Might have to hit Facebook for old pic. My phone fried at work other day. Lost my library. Also bloods coming soon.

Oh and I take arimidex every other day. Before I was taking aromasin 12.5 everyday until first package ran out.
I've had little to no bad side effects. Except for slight Deca dick (took prami went away) and tren profusely sweating all the time.

Sorry I know this is terrible on pictures. All I could do with my phone for now. Hopefully it'll give an idea of what my frame/weight was before to now.
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Ok guys I talked to SAS in brief and I know they pullled the TNE. Please dont use it or do at your own risk. I don't know if it was the contaminated bottle I had or crashing out of depot but I just got out of surgey and have a drain in my leg. Im not pointing fingers but I want all you guys to be safe and not have this experience. I have sense of duty to help keep others safe and the TNE I dont think is safe. I know for fact with my pin site location rotation that this was the TNE.20180709_053856.jpg
Ok guys I talked to SAS in brief and I know they pullled the TNE. Please dont use it or do at your own risk. I don't know if it was the contaminated bottle I had or crashing out of depot but I just got out of surgey and have a drain in my leg. Im not pointing fingers but I want all you guys to be safe and not have this experience. I have sense of duty to help keep others safe and the TNE I dont think is safe. I know for fact with my pin site location rotation that this was the TNE.View attachment 93633
Holy shit bro, you hear that sas? Now we definitely need to see Becca's tits. Its the only thing that will help transfer the swelling in Kendallkmw's gross ass calf to other extremities.

In all seriousness tho I hope you are doing alright homie.
Sorry I know this is terrible on pictures. All I could do with my phone for now. Hopefully it'll give an idea of what my frame/weight was before to now.
Hey bro, really not trying to be a cunt. You should post your own thread. I'm sure a lot of us would love to comment over in a dedicated thread.
Holy shit bro, you hear that sas? Now we definitely need to see Becca's tits. Its the only thing that will help transfer the swelling in Kendallkmw's gross ass calf to other extremities.

In all seriousness tho I hope you are doing alright homie.
I'm a little better today. I've been struggling for a week now. Still was working and working out with crippling pain. That's actually my freshly shaved quad
They drained a quite a bit of fluid and infection out of it. I have a lateral pocket running from my quad to my calf that has fluid that is draining now.20180708_150943.jpg 20180708_192925.jpg 20180709_053850.jpg 20180709_053824.jpg
Holy cow we have a lab giving infections now!

One lab running with money the other lab causing people to spend extra money on surgery!
Ok guys I talked to SAS in brief and I know they pullled the TNE. Please dont use it or do at your own risk. I don't know if it was the contaminated bottle I had or crashing out of depot but I just got out of surgey and have a drain in my leg. Im not pointing fingers but I want all you guys to be safe and not have this experience. I have sense of duty to help keep others safe and the TNE I dont think is safe. I know for fact with my pin site location rotation that this was the TNE.View attachment 93633
damm,hope you heal up quick.i had a red spot on last pin and made the muscle around the area harder than usual. Nothing like that shit. Not saying it was from that for sure but that was where I last pinned tne.Thanks for the heads up.
Was that the TNE that they were basically giving away on sale?
Yes I bought some at full. The batch that wasn't crashing. It crashed anyways after I got Then if you look back in thread I had a contaminated bottle. That was the bottle this injection was from. I can't say whether it was due to contamination or crashing in depot in the muscle. But I know what injection it was.