[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Hey Ripped, Dont know if you were serious about your list of gear or just being sarcastic but anyway, are you currently running the Primo? If so how do you like it? How long on, etc.,
Thanks in advance bro.
I was being serious
Running 500mg test c
600mg primo e
4 iu gh
About 4 weeks in I like it really smooth for me but I tolerate eo fine.
I will know more about it at 6 weeks definitely looking leaner and vascular feeling really good on it to.
So I'm assuming you ran them all in the same cycle? I never ran Primo, but I'm familiar with the others, if you mind my asking, how are you able to...how you say...realize..? the Primo? Also, how much and how often did you pin?
So I ran it this way. Pinned m w f.

1-20 test e @ 300 a week
1-20 primo @ 750 a week
1-12 Deca @ 300 a week
16-20 ananvar 50mg a day

I pinned test e m/f .5ml with primo e 200 and primo e 150. EO was tough for me so I mixed it with something and it worked great. I pinned Deca Wednesdays only with primo. Hope
This helps a bit.
So I ran it this way. Pinned m w f.

1-20 test e @ 300 a week
1-20 primo @ 750 a week
1-12 Deca @ 300 a week
16-20 ananvar 50mg a day

I pinned test e m/f .5ml with primo e 200 and primo e 150. EO was tough for me so I mixed it with something and it worked great. I pinned Deca Wednesdays only with primo. Hope
This helps a bit.

It’s does. Thank you.
Here's one for the Squatch. I have followed this thread from the start in hopes to find a solid domestic source. Naturally I was drawn to the name of the lab. To my suprise Sas was able to answer all of you meso-bro's questions, jump through some hoops, prove himself solid while remaining cool calm and collective through all the source initiation. I have noticed meso has higher standard then most shit forums. Bullshit bro science gets called out here and I have learned alot just from lurking in the shadows and reading. But anyways I finally decided to order last Saturday after I figured out my coinbase app and litcoin. I ordered small because stock was low and I'm not going to run a cycle until fall when the weather cools off. However they have responded to all emails timely, and answered any questions. He emailed me when pack went out Monday. I had been on the road this week until I came home from work today and found my squatch pack in the mailbox. I ordered some test prop, mast enth and some AIs. I plan on adding the masteron to my test cruise and maybe up the test a bit because I wanna piss my ex off, get stupid ripped and bang her friends. Anyways I just wanted to say the pack came thru in a few days, Squatch rocks and I'm stoked for him to restock. I also wanted to thank all the meso bros for all of the valuable information and keeping it real.
Here's one for the Squatch. I have followed this thread from the start in hopes to find a solid domestic source. Naturally I was drawn to the name of the lab. To my suprise Sas was able to answer all of you meso-bro's questions, jump through some hoops, prove himself solid while remaining cool calm and collective through all the source initiation. I have noticed meso has higher standard then most shit forums. Bullshit bro science gets called out here and I have learned alot just from lurking in the shadows and reading. But anyways I finally decided to order last Saturday after I figured out my coinbase app and litcoin. I ordered small because stock was low and I'm not going to run a cycle until fall when the weather cools off. However they have responded to all emails timely, and answered any questions. He emailed me when pack went out Monday. I had been on the road this week until I came home from work today and found my squatch pack in the mailbox. I ordered some test prop, mast enth and some AIs. I plan on adding the masteron to my test cruise and maybe up the test a bit because I wanna piss my ex off, get stupid ripped and bang her friends. Anyways I just wanted to say the pack came thru in a few days, Squatch rocks and I'm stoked for him to restock. I also wanted to thank all the meso bros for all of the valuable information and keeping it real.
Here’s my tale..it all started with a truck driver @HIGHRISK had a lucrative sideline arm-wrestling career and picked me up off the the road after the my mother falls seriously ill. The trucker is beginning to reach out to me as we start to bang a lot of Sasquatch test, Tren, and lot lizards as we head for Vegas and the arm wrestling world championships, but my wealthy, unfeeling grandfather sends his thugs to put a stop to the bonding and bring me back home. Of course @HIGHRISK wins the shit. Thanks for the good times amigo!
I can’t view price list for whatever reason. I believe it’s an attachment that won’t pop up. How can I go about seeing it? Thanks.
Give this man a fucking Pulitzer prize for that review. In all seriousness tho - SAS has done right by most of us. Hopefully he dosnt get too big/greedy which I dont see happening.
Let us not forget a few months ago they were fucking up left and right. Selling stuff they didnt have and taking money for it. 2 weeks shipping. orders missing stuff. I think they got their shit together now and are at least being honest when they are low on stock items. They have dropped prices on a few items and added stuff to their list. Seems they learned from their mistakes and are turning into a decent source. I think most of us can respect that. All that said there is never an excuse for complacency with UGL's. Had a 3 day TA from email to pack in hand with great communication. Cant complain about that.
You’re welcome. This cycle was the best I did to date. I felt great and had zero sides. If you do it please let me know how it turned out for you. It’s a great lean mass cycle. Good luck!

I get nasty moon face with deca...What do you think if substituted by EQ?
Here’s my tale..it all started with a truck driver @HIGHRISK had a lucrative sideline arm-wrestling career and picked me up off the the road after the my mother falls seriously ill. The trucker is beginning to reach out to me as we start to bang a lot of Sasquatch test, Tren, and lot lizards as we head for Vegas and the arm wrestling world championships, but my wealthy, unfeeling grandfather sends his thugs to put a stop to the bonding and bring me back home. Of course @HIGHRISK wins the shit. Thanks for the good times
I drive trucks, break arms and arm wrestle...
So when you put a order in with these guys after you pay them do they just not respond and then one day the stuff shows up in your mailbox?
Here’s my tale..it all started with a truck driver @HIGHRISK had a lucrative sideline arm-wrestling career and picked me up off the the road after the my mother falls seriously ill. The trucker is beginning to reach out to me as we start to bang a lot of Sasquatch test, Tren, and lot lizards as we head for Vegas and the arm wrestling world championships, but my wealthy, unfeeling grandfather sends his thugs to put a stop to the bonding and bring me back home. Of course @HIGHRISK wins the shit. Thanks for the good times amigo!
Only a few would understand this great tale
You’re welcome. This cycle was the best I did to date. I felt great and had zero sides. If you do it please let me know how it turned out for you. It’s a great lean mass cycle. Good luck!
To bad sas wasn't smart enough to leave the primo price alone I would have alot more.